"What? Didn't receive a

reply?" Liu Jun suddenly felt bad, there would be no accident on the side of Bluestone Castle, right?"

"Yes, we didn't receive a reply from Bluestone Castle, and according to the agreed time, we have missed at least three times. The

sentry replied immediately.

"Okay, I see, send someone to go again, be careful.

Liu Jun nodded, and the sentry should leave after leaving.

"Your Highness, are you going to Huaiyuan Town in the Northern Army or are you going back to Bluestone Fort with us?"

asked Liu Jun as he rode his horse to the princess's side.

"It's getting late today, why don't we all go to Huaiyuan Town first, rest and recuperate, and then go to Qingshi Castle, just to meet the city lord, thank you for this rescue. The

princess thought for a moment, looked at the sky again, and suggested.


Liu Jun was a little embarrassed, and he was a little relieved on the side of Bluestone Castle.

"The general has something to say, but it doesn't hurt to say it. The

princess also saw that Liu Jun wanted to speak again, so she smiled.

"The Bluestone Castle has been cut off from us for a long time, and the last general is worried that something will go wrong.

Liu Jun said bluntly.

"No, there are five hundred defenders in Bluestone Fort, deep ditches and high fortifications, and there will be enough food and ammunition for the soldiers, there will be nothing to do, general, now the brothers have gone through bloody battles and urgently need to rest." "

The guard of the bluestone fort, Zuo Ta, said this, one is to rest assured of his subordinates, and the other is to be familiar with the princess in Her Royal Highness, in case

there is a chance to be promoted? This is understandable, as a middle-level officer with no background, if nothing else, he will be the captain in his life, but he is unwilling, this rescue of the princess, may be a good opportunity to perform.

"That is, this General Zuo is right, General Liu doesn't have to worry. The

princess nodded.


Liu Jun saw that Zuo Ta was so confident, and the princess also agreed, and saw that almost all of the soldiers were injured, and they fought bloodily but did not enter the water, and his face was hungry, and he couldn't bear it, so he also nodded in agreement.

Everyone immediately rushed to Huaiyuan Town, the closest to the Screaming Ice Cave, when it was already 1 o'clock in the afternoon in the real world, and it was dark in the game, so they could only light torches and hurry.

"Take turns to go offline to rest, and rush to Huaiyuan Town after going online. "

I guess the task is almost over, anyway, the princess has been rescued, and the player is also relieved.

In the studio, Tang Dao took off his helmet, went to the living room to drink water and rest, closed his eyes and recuperated, this game consumed a lot of brain power.

"Deputy Alliance Leader, you've been hung up. "

I was squinting my eyes and adjusting my breathing to relax, and the voice of the water moon sounded.

"What do you mean?" Tang

Dao opened his eyes.


Shui Yue showed Tang Dao a post on the forum in his notebook.

Poster:E-sports scumbag

@死神镰刀 You're special.,Newborn!What's wrong with us?Led a group of monsters to bloodbath the players in Sal City?Hurt so many brothers?

1st floor player Strawberry Gummies:That's it.,PK us before I didn't agree with a word.,Why don't you die of this kind of person?!

Players on the 2nd floor love gummies: Brother, this bastard is a newborn Okay, think about it, what kind of good thing can offend Shenghuang?3rd floor

player Xiao Jinzi: I walked well, and I was killed by a group of goblins for some reason, hoping that this kind of garbage would be killed by a car.


There were hundreds of comments in a row, all of which were scolding Tang Dao.

"The attack power of this netizen is not good.

Tang Dao shrugged his shoulders, fortunately, he had already died once, otherwise he would have been so scared.

"What is it?"

Tang Xin saw this, and was about to take the computer and personally check the line.

"Don't, you can't go directly to the line, the general should take the trail and take Yinping directly!" Tang

Dao stopped, then logged in to his account, cut out the video footage in the game, and cut out the question of his own shouting to let them leave, the reaction of those people, and the question of the command, and made a post.

Poster:What is the fact of the Death Scythe

, watch it yourself [Video link]

1st floor player Jiuzhong Heavenly Palace: Brother Dao is really outrageous, why don't you go to the spoon if you can reverse black and white so much?2nd

floor player is not moving: and still have this thing?I support you!3rd floor player

eats melon Xiao Song: I also planned to ask you for a clarification video, but I sent it myself.


The comments below, there are those who support and those who scold the street, but it doesn't matter, anyway, it's still the same sentence, I tried my best.

"You can't attack this way, can you form an Internet troll group? Jinghua

naturally saw this post and almost laughed, now young people's ability to avoid being online is too weak.

"Big brother, people are good steel for the blade, and you spend it on the scabbard.

Tang Dao said helplessly, it is better to recruit a few more masters with this money.

"What are you thinking?"

Seeing Tang Xin holding his face in contemplation, Tang Dao asked with some curiosity.

"I'm wondering, are we too few people, today to see the rest of the guilds fight bosses or something, complete personnel, many professions, like us, just a few people, it may be okay to fight the boss, but if it's really PK, I'm afraid it's not enough to plug the teeth.

Tang Xin said slowly.

"Then this is a bit difficult, Shenghuang, Fengyun Pavilion, and Blood Rose all have a foundation, and the Xuantian Shield also has the Han family as the backing, and you now have a relationship with the boss... Without the support of the group, you won't be able to pay the players' salaries, who will come to generate electricity for love?"

Tang Dao sighed, to be honest, he has been helping Tang Xin build a studio, and he also has his own thoughts.

If I can, I can't wait to recruit 1.8 million people immediately and set foot in Shenghuang.

It's a pity that I didn't dare to do this in my dreams.


Tang Xin also sighed.

After a brief rest for half an hour, everyone simply ate takeout, and then went online again.

In the game, everyone appeared in the snow and rushed towards Huaiyuan Town.

Huaiyuan Town is one of the six towns of Beichuan controlled by the Northern Army, and it is also the westernmost town among the six towns, with a population of hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands of cattle, sheep and livestock, and the scale is directly comparable to a small city.

After the Northern Army took over the Northern Regions, it built six towns, gathered the populations of many villages and tribes in the Northern Regions, gathered them together, and moved into the six towns of Beichuan.

This move would be beneficial to both the Northern Army and the inhabitants of the Northern Regions.

For the Northern Army, they could obtain food, horses, and soldiers from the six towns of Beichuan to supplement their strength.

For the residents of the Northern Regions, everyone huddles together for warmth, which is convenient for trading, and there is no need to worry about barbarian raids.

Therefore, the six towns of Beichuan are extremely important to the Northern Army, and they are also a good place for ordinary people, and there is no safer place in the Northern Regions.

When everyone arrived in Huaiyuan Town, it was the third watch time in the game, but Huaiyuan Town was very lively, and the residents here were holding a bonfire celebration to welcome the arrival of the princess.

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