"Yes, these adventurers need a lot of equipment, the kingdom is not lacking, on the contrary, the kingdom lacks a large number of labor, the people are forced to grow food for survival, naturally it is impossible to collect all the materials to make condensing ointment, but adventurers can." The

princess said with a light hammer of her right hand in the palm of her left hand.

"When this matter is over, I will report to my father, Da Xi Chao, you can rest assured, the formula of the concentrating ointment, the kingdom will not treat your Da Xi family badly. The

princess said happily.

"Okay. Seeing

that the princess agreed, Da Xichao had no way to refuse, after all, this thing was not a strategic material.

"Since there is a mountain of sophisticated equipment in the kingdom's treasury, why don't you just give it to

the Northern Army?" Zhong Lihu was a little puzzled, the equipment of the Northern Army was good, but it was still a lot worse than the real imperial trump card.

"Yes, the forbidden army of the royal capital has almost no war, but it is the most well-equipped army in the entire kingdom, while the northern army that has been fighting all year round is ordinary, this..."

"Okay, just treat this as if you haven't heard it, don't say it again in the future, Zhong Lilong, Zhong Lihu, you come from an ordinary background, and some things will be understood in the future.

Mr. Situ interrupted the Zhongli brothers and motioned for them to stop talking.

The princess opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but when the words came to her lips, she swallowed it back, turned her head to look at the soldiers of the Northern Army who were huddled around the fire and gnawed on jerky, and lowered her head.

In the Linhai Valley, the Xuantian Shield gathered the guild members, and then collectively went offline to rest, agreeing to go online at eight o'clock the next morning.

In the dark world, Tang Dao is frantically hunting the abyssal beasts, grabbing the power of the netherworld, hoping to enhance his strength.


Hunting a giant beast again, Tang Dao breathed a long sigh of relief, unconsciously, his skills seemed to have improved a lot

, not only in reality, but also in the game, and even could faintly touch the threshold of the top master.

As early as the age of eighteen, he was already a first-class master, and if he wasn't too old, he might have gone to play professionally for a living.

But until now, at the age of twenty-three, he is still at the level of a first-class master, and there has been almost no improvement for several years.

But just after he became a judge, both his reflexes and his acumen have improved by more than one notch.

Not to mention anything else, it is the second treatment, in the past, Tang Dao would never have the current success rate, and it was even possible to succeed if it was combined with luck.

And in the recent battle, his second success rate has reached an extremely terrifying data.

"Isn't all this really a dream?" On

the rooftop, Tang Dao looked at the faint blue flames that lingered on the white bones of his hands, and muttered...

At eight o'clock the next morning, after a brief wash,

everyone went up in the lush forest valley, and then through the faint light of the leaves, they could vaguely see the surroundings.

The whistling wind came from the cracks in the leaves, with a biting cold, like a sharp knife scraping into the neck.

"Sure enough, it's a lot of snow. "

Immovable like a mountain wrapped in a cloak, trying to block the cold wind.

"Alliance leader, there is news from Huaiyuan Town, the battle is unfavorable, the defenders of Huaiyuan Town have suffered heavy losses, and due to the impact of wind and snow, the rest of the reinforcements cannot arrive. Shaking

the Sky Wuyue said.

"How do barbarians withstand these wind and snow? such temperatures, attack speed and movement speed will be greatly affected, and even if you stay in it for a long time, you will get frostbite.

Tang Dao frowned.

"It's... According to the news of Huaiyuan Town, these barbarians are also wearing thick wool felt, and because the barbarians are much stronger than the human race, they can barely carry it.

Heaven-shattering Wuyue shook his head.

"Let's level up first, and when the wind and snow stop, we'll go back immediately. "

Tang Dao felt that things were not so simple, this blizzard and the barbarians were like an agreement.

At this time, there are 3,000+ Xuantian Shield players staying in the Linhai Valley, and it is also a lot of force when gathered.

The army passed, almost pushing many monsters, and while marching, everyone also encountered many strange monsters.

The mudstone toad lurking in the waterhole is highly camouflaged, and its skin will secrete highly poisonous, which is not lethal to insects and plants, but if it is a mammal or bird, it will be extinct.

The Ghost Lynx roams the bushes with incredible speed and high critical hits, which can tear apart a leather or cloth armor player in an instant with 35% armor-piercing damage.

Swarms of poisonous hornets cover the sky and the sun, and the toxins attached to them not only make people extremely painful, but also make people look at the blood volume in despair.


Although a lot of players have been lost along the way, everyone has also gained a lot, and there are 3 kinds of sets alone, although the number is not much, but the attributes are quite good.

And Tang Dao also used the collection technique to obtain a lot of materials, all of which were used in alchemy.

Two potions are also activated.

Cold Poison Blood Poison (Primary

) Effect: Inflicts a wound on the target, reducing their movement speed by 10% and attack speed by 10%, while losing 100 (+HP percentage points) health per second for 3 minutes.

Required Materials: Blood Poison Gland ×1, Ice Bead ×1, Glass Bottle ×1

Fire Poison Paralysis Potion (Primary

) Effect: After use, the attack comes with 3% of the lost health (up to 300 points against the boss) True Burn Damage, and the attacked target has a 5% chance of gaining a paralysis effect per second, which is 0.5s of condensation.

Materials Required: Poison Needle ×1, Beeswax ×1, Glass Bottle×1

The materials of these two potions are from the mudstone toad and the fire poison hornet, respectively, but the cold poison and fire poison potions cannot be used at the same time, but they can be combined and used with wolf poison potions, respectively.

Last time he exterminated the wolves in the snowy region, Tang Dao had touched a lot of wolf poison potion materials, and once he returned to Huaiyuan Town, he could buy all the materials and start refining.

I have to say that the alchemy given by Tolan is really useful, almost any potion is available, and there is even a zombie potion, which can resurrect a dead monster for 15 minutes after use, and obey his orders unconditionally.

It's just that the production of zombie potions is too complicated, and it requires master-level alchemy, so Tang Dao can only look at it for the time being.

It wasn't until 11 o'clock in the morning that Tang Dao finally rose to level 28, changed into the Ice Wolf Shin Armor and Ice Bear Leather Boots, and his attributes increased again.

"Blizzard, stopped. Just

when Tang Dao was familiar with the attributes, someone raised his head and looked at the sky, the cold wind that was originally howling had stopped for some time, and wisps of sunlight sprinkled from the gaps in the leaves, bringing a trace of warmth.

"Return to Huaiyuan Town!" "

Immovable Rushan immediately ordered, after all, the event is not over yet, as long as you kill monsters with the Huaiyuan Town army, you can still get points.

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