
a short period of walking through the streets, the group successfully arrived at a luxurious building... Cottage not far away.

"Uh, old lady, are you sure that treasure connoisseur will live here?"

Looking at the dilapidated environment around him, Tang Tian was a little suspicious.

"Of course, you can't judge people by their appearance.

Tang Xin said, but did not knock on the door directly, but went to the nearest market first and bought two jars of wine.

Tuk Tuk~

knocked lightly on the door.

There was some noise in the room, and a somewhat hoarse voice sounded inside: "Who are you?" "

Master, we have something we want you to help you with.

After Tang Xin finished speaking, the door opened a narrow slit.

A thin old man looked at the situation outside through the crack in the door, and was a little surprised to see that it was two necromancers leading the way, but after seeing the identities of the two adventurers, he was immediately relieved, he knew that there were many adventurers in Sal City recently.

"Master, this is a greeting gift.

Tang Xin put two jars of wine on the ground.

"Come in.

Seeing the two jars of wine, the old man bowed slightly, this necromantic adventurer understood the rules and opened the door.

Walking into the hut, the furnishings inside are very simple, dark and purple tables and chairs, a blue and white wine jug, a few small wine glasses, two paintings hanging on the wall, and a faint aroma floating in the air.

"Please sit down and take your things out. The

old man carried two jars of wine, led several people into the house, and then said to everyone.

Tang Xin handed over the golden bead wine cup that he had just taken out of the warehouse.

"What a beautiful wine cup.

At just one glance, the old man was attracted by it, and then looked at it carefully, during which he was even more amazed.

"This thing is a relic of the ancient Gaoshang Empire, it is rumored that the Gaoshang Empire has an extremely large treasure, after its fall, this treasure has also disappeared in the long river of history, and this gold bead wine cup, is the system of the Gaoshang Empire, very exquisite. The

old man returned the golden bead wine cup to Tang Xin, and then said leisurely.

"Gao Shang, Empire?" Several

people were stunned when they heard this, and they looked at each other, they had never heard of it at all.

"It is precisely that before the dozens of kingdoms on the current continent split the power of the human race, the human race was also very prosperous, and there were only two empires on the continent at that time, one of which was the Gaoshang Empire, but later, for some reason, the Gaoshang Empire collapsed.

"Where did you find this thing?"

the old man briefly introduced the Gaoshang Empire, and then asked about the origin of the Golden Bead Wine Cup.

"I got it by accident.

Tang Xin said immediately.

"Alas, if you really get the treasure of the Gaoshang Empire, sell it to me as much as possible, and I will pay the right price. The

old man shook his head.

They said goodbye to the connoisseur and left the hut.

"What kind of treasure connoisseur is this, didn't he say nothing?

"No, he should be a real treasure connoisseur, just now the furniture in the house is made of rosewood, and it is a one-piece carving, which is of great value, and those wine glasses and wine jugs are also quite exquisite, and the painting on the wall, although it looks old, has actually gone through an unknown number of years.

Tang Tian retorted.

"Gaoshang Empire, with this clue, we may be able to find the rest of the treasures, and then gather the key to open the treasure in the valley.

Tang Xin thought further, the last time he helped the immovable mountain to fight the Silver Frost Python, there were several grooves on the stone door at the end of the valley, which were obviously keys.

"Where are you going next?" Tang

Dao asked.

"The Mage's Guild. "

It's not easy to come to Sal City once, of course Tang Xin has to finish things.

"Hello, we're coming to Elder. "

Jinghua is a magician, so naturally she stepped forward and said to the waiter.

"The elder is not here. The

waiter shook his head.

"Huh, where is she now?"

Jinghua was also a little confused.

"I don't know. The

waiter shook his head again.

"Is Lord Barton here?" Tang

Xin asked as he stepped forward and turned to the waiter.

"Lord Barton, he doesn't live here, and he has been living on the street west of the city since he stepped down as president. The

waiter replied.

"Thank you.

Tang Xin led everyone out of the Wizards' Guild, and then rushed towards the streets west of the city.

"Sister, what are we going to do here?" Tang

Tian asked curiously.


Tang Xin took out a cyan stone and threw it.

Wood Hedron

Effect: Unknown

Introduction: Bring it to Barton in the Mage's Guild and he'll tell you.

"This is produced from the rhizomes of those flower demons in the Valley of Hundred Flowers, Barton is the former president of the Wizards' Guild, and the current president Jasmine is his disciple.

Tang Xin briefly introduced.

"I think of what you said, Barton, Jasmine, like... I have a good relationship with Master Tolan, and that big mouse.

Tang Tian also suddenly remembered the previous plot.

Jasmine, Tolan, and Karls are all students of Barton, Tolan was addicted to alchemy and was expelled from the school, Kars deceived Tolan into taking the alchemy book in order to resurrect his younger brother Carol, the big rat in the sewers of Sal City was Barton's pet, and later ate Barton's granddaughter, Tolan has been developing a way to deal with rats, and after solving the rats, Tolan took Erica as an apprentice and went to the town of Anchao Lake.

Barton had considerable prestige in Saarland, so it was easy to find his residence.

Barton was over sixty years old, but he was still in good spirits and received everyone warmly.

"Master, we want you to help you take a look at this thing.

After a brief chat, Tang Xin took out the Wood Crystal and expressed his intention.

"Hmm? This is the second time I've seen it. "

Seeing the wood crystal, Barton also smiled, and several people were nervous when they heard this, is there anyone else?"

"The first time was brought by Jasmine, this thing is called wood crystal, which is condensed by some plant rhizomes to absorb the essence of wood attributes, and the simplest function is to use it to raise flowers, if you use this thing to raise flowers, the flowers will bloom all year round.

"The rest of the uses are much more complicated, after grinding into powder, it can be used as medicine, and making it into a talisman can improve the affinity for the wood attribute, but the conditions for producing this thing are very harsh, and it must be in a place where the wood attribute is extremely strong.

"In other words, if this thing appears, there must be a wood attribute treasure nearby.

Barton didn't hide it either, and said to everyone.

"I see, so what are these treasures in general?"

Tang Xin asked.

"It's hard to say this, such as the fall of a magician who is proficient in wood attributes, such as wood-attribute treasures, such as wood-attribute heavenly and earthly treasures, it is possible.

Barton thought for a moment and then shook his head, although it was difficult to form, it was undoubtedly extremely difficult to deduce the specific treasure from the Wood Crystal Stone.

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