Tang Dao, who was climbing, suddenly heard the sound of breaking wind from above, and suddenly his heart froze, and he pulled out a dagger with his left hand and stabbed it into the rock crevice, and then his body stuck to the cliff wall, while reminding the rest of the people:

"Be careful of the arrows above."

Before the words fell, the mage player with the weakest strength points, Shui Yue, was shot in the shoulder by an arrow, and the pain made her let go of her hand directly.

But now it's on a cliff, and letting go means falling down.

"Be careful!" Fortunately

, Qiu Guan below reacted amazingly quickly, and saw the opportunity to catch Shui Yue, which avoided her falling off the cliff and dying.

Cangshan Xue raised the battle axe with his hand in his hand, using it as a small shield to block Su Su and Jinghua below.

"With such a quick movement, it can be determined that the Song of Ice and Fire is in the Valley of Hundred Flowers.

Tang Xin looked at the mist below.

"Sister, why did we come to the Valley of Hundred Flowers? Although the Wood Crystal is good, after all, this side of the Valley of Hundred Flowers is the leveling point that the Song of Ice and Fire and others have always had.

Tang Tian was very puzzled, just because he went to Barton's side, he ran to someone else's territory, which was somewhat impolite.

"The treasures here, perhaps like the Golden Bead Wine Cup, are the clues of the Gaoshang Empire.

Tang Xin was silent for a moment, and then said.


Tang Dao was also a little curious, there were more treasures in the game, how could he be sure that the treasures here were related to the Gaoshang Empire?

Tang Xin shook his head.

"It's okay, they're all here, let's take a look first, besides, even if it's not related to the Gaoshang Empire, it's a good treasure.

Jinghua said with a smile.

Everyone went down the cliff, and after a long time, they finally stepped on the solid ground again.


There is a thick layer of moss on the ground, coupled with the moist air, it is quite soft to step on.

"Nice view. "

It was only when everyone looked at their surroundings that they realized that the scenery was magnificent.

The sparse sunlight shines through the clouds and mist, and is dispersed into colorful colors by the water vapor in the air, covering the surrounding trees with a layer of colorful light veil, and slowly fluttering with the flow of mist, like a dream.

The big trees that are more than ten meters high are luxuriant, the verdant branches and leaves seem to have morning dew on them, the yellow warbler in the forest cries softly, and there is a roar of yo yo deer not far away, and a vigorous breath comes to the face.

The grass and shrubs in the woods were equally flourishing up to the knees, and the red fruits the size of soybeans hung on the branches, and a few dots were scattered on the ground.

Squeak ~

A squirrel's hand slipped, and the oak fruit that had just arrived fell to the ground, the squirrel hurriedly jumped off the branch, scooped up the fruit, and then a few flew back to the branch, staring vigilantly at Tang Dao and others.

Whew -

the dense forest is extremely quiet, and even the sound of everyone's breathing is very abrupt.

"Be careful, something is approaching.

Tang Dao did not indulge in this charming scenery, but carefully felt the movement around him.

Sure enough, it really made him feel a breath.

"It's not small.

Tang Xin waved his hand and motioned for everyone to hide behind trees and bushes.

However, what is surprising to the game is that the breath has not approached for a long time, but has been wandering around.

"Sister, are you perceiving it wrong?"

Seeing that there was no movement around him for a long time, Tang Tian couldn't help but be a little suspicious.

"Be careful!"

Just as his words fell, Qiu Guan's reminder suddenly sounded, followed by the sound of breaking wind, and the sound of flesh and trees and rocks colliding.

When everyone reacted, they only saw Qiu Guan's back against the broken tree and vomiting blood, and the long sword in his hand was also knocked to the ground, and in front of him was a stone the size of a human head.

Obviously, it was this flying stone that struck, and Qiu Guan raised his long sword to block, but he was directly knocked out and broke the tree.

"Ahem... Over there!" Qiu

Guan's blood volume was already less than 30%, and he was even more seriously injured, and he could barely stand up, coughing up blood while pointing in one direction.

The moment everyone looked over, they could only see a tall figure, but it was far away, and with the barrier of dense forests and fog, it was just a glimpse.

"Storm!" With

a wave of the Mirror Flower Staff, three cyan tornadoes struck, swirling with mist to interfere with the other party's vision.

Shengwei Healing Technique!


Tang Dao raised his hand and struck a healing technique to stabilize the amount of blood first, avoiding Qiu Guan from being mended, and then rushed in the direction of the other party.

Cangshan Xue is to help Qiu Guan to hide in the bushes (non-medical personnel in the real world must not imitate, otherwise it will cause secondary injury).

"Did you see it just now?"

Tang Dao asked Tang Xin.

"He looks like a wild man, about three meters tall, hairy, walks upright, and throws stones.

Tang Xin said quickly.

"Be careful.

After Tang Dao finished speaking, with his agile skills, he turned over the tree, wanting to climb high and look far away and see the surrounding situation clearly.

Woo -

just at the moment when Tang Dao had just stood firm on the branch, another stone came with the sound of breaking wind.

As a last resort, Tang Dao could only choose to jump, otherwise he would be able to beat Qiu Guan into a bloody flying stone, and he would not be able to bear it at all.


Fortunately, he just climbed not high, fell heavily on the ground, and his whole body seemed to fall apart, but this is not the time to cry out in pain.

Bang, click!

The flying stone broke the branch where Tang Dao was standing just now, and then smashed down with a large branch.

Turning over in pain to dodge, Tang Dao limped behind the trees, avoiding the other party's sight.


Another flying rock slammed into the sturdy trunk of the tree, knocking the waist-thick tree and swaying it, and the leaves fell in a slump.


pours a primary red potion, activates the strong concealment, and then leaves behind the trees and rushes towards the other party.

Tang Xin on the other side opened the strong concealment at the first time when Tang Dao was attacked, and at this time, he was already approaching the other party, and even grabbed the attributes.

Savage of the Misty Forest

: Elite Level: 30

Attack: 8000 Defense: 6500 Health: 20000

Skill: Throwing Stone, Brute Fist

Description: The savage spirits living in the secluded land, born mothers, are extremely violent to invaders, often crushing the heads of invaders, but extremely gentle to local creatures, will raise the rest of the living cubs who have lost their parents and domesticate them into their own family, and are favored by the forces of nature, and have more powerful power.

As soon as the 5s time arrived, Tang Xin's figure was revealed, and he was instantly locked by the Fog Forest Savage, and his three-meter-high body shook the ground, and the fist like a real casserole suddenly hammered down, if it was really hammered, I am afraid that it would really be able to hammer Tang Xin's petite body into powder.

Fortunately, Tang Xin was not frightened by the other party's momentum, and dodged the blow with a side flip, and then dodged behind the trees.

Roar -

a blow missed, the Fog Forest Savage raised his fists, hammered his chest, and then grabbed the tree where Tang Xin was hiding, and dragged it hard.

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