"Jiangjiawu, docked for self-protection, and directly dreamed of returning to the two Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties.

Tang Xin looked at Jiangjiawu, which was already similar to a fortress, and smiled.

"What do you mean?"

Kagami wondered.

"During the period of the two Jin and Northern Dynasties, the Hu people in the north went south, and the local government was often unreasonable, and the people not only lived in difficulty, but even often risked their lives, so they formed small groups to protect themselves.

"And the local Haoqiang also took advantage of this opportunity to win over a large number of displaced people, gathered a large force, and annexed the rest of the small groups, and gradually developed, forming the Wubao force. "

Wubao implements the suzerain's supervision and protection system, that is, when many forces are staggered, the strongest leader is elected to take charge of everything, and he is called the suzerain.

"However, some dock forts are proud of their strength, and they have a lot of armed forces, openly oppose the government, do not pay taxes to the government, and are often hated by the government..."

During the time when several people were talking at the door, the guards also passed the news to Jiang Chengji, the leader of Jiangjiawu, and heard that it was two necromantic assassins who took the lead, so Jiang Chengji came out with people.

At this moment, Jiang Chengji was smiling, walking like a dragon, and his bearing was extraordinary, far from being comparable to the depressed centurion at that time.

"Please!" Tang

Dao nodded secretly in his heart, this Jiang Chengji is okay, although the strength in his hands is not weak, but he is still very polite to himself and others.

In the simply furnished room, the waiter poured tea, and Jiang Chengji then waved away the rest of the people.

"Do you know this letter?" Tang

Xin took out the letter and handed it to Jiang Chengji.


After Jiang Chengji took the letter, he was still a little puzzled at first, but when he saw the sealing mud, his expression changed slightly.

Hurriedly opened it and checked, the doubts and incomprehension in Jiang Chengji's eyes turned into shock.

"How come?"

After reading the letter, Jiang Chengji crumpled it into a paper ball and muttered in a low voice.

"Have you been to Huaiyuan Town, have you met Fang Chen, how is he?"

Jiang Chengji took a moment to sort out his thoughts, and then turned his head to ask a few people.

"He was fine when he gave this letter, but the last time the barbarians attacked Huaiyuan Town, the Northern Army killed a lot of soldiers, and we don't know the details.

Tang Xin shook his head.

"Barbarians attacking Huaiyuan Town?" Jiang

Chengji frowned when he heard this, a little incredulous.

"Exactly, there seems to be a princess, followed by Situ Zhou, Zhai Men, Zhongli Brothers, and Da Xichao.

Tang Dao remembered the goal of that mission, to rescue the princess.

"Situ Zhou, Zhai Men, Situ Zhou is the magic teacher of the royal family, Zhai Men is the golden gun teacher of the royal family, if the two of them come together, then the princess is most likely the princess of the royal family. Hearing

these names, Jiang Chengji's eyes also flashed, these two are not ordinary people.

"Princess Mingyue?" Tang

Xin and the others also glanced at each other, obviously this is an element that was not in the internal test, at least during the internal test, there were no other royal members in the royal family except for the king and queen.

"Princess Mingyue is the third child of the king, the youngest, in front of her are the eldest prince and the second prince, so she is the only princess, deeply favored by the king, and because she is a daughter, she does not have the capital to compete for the throne, so she does not have such a strong desire for power, and in the whirlpool of political struggle in the royal family, it also seems a little different. "

Jiang Chengji has an extraordinary background and knows more about the members of the royal family.

"However, how could Princess Mingyue, who has always been pampered, appear in such a bitter cold place

in the Northern Regions?" Immediately, Jiang Chengji frowned, he knew about the cold and desolation of the Northern Regions, and how could members of the royal family appear there?

"Could it be..."

Jiang Chengji looked at the letter in his hand, as if he understood something, and a solemnity flashed in his eyes.

"Several, you can still enter Saarland now, right?"

Jiang Chengji looked at a few people.

"Of course, is there anything going on with General Jiang?"

Tang Dao nodded.

"Help me bring a letter to the Marquis of Thrall.

Jiang Chengji said.


of the Heavenly Army?" Tang Dao and the others were puzzled again, the city lord of Sal City is also the title of duke, where is there any marquis?"

"The Marquis of the Heavenly Army is the old marquis of the kingdom, he has been living in seclusion in Sal City, and there are very few people who really know his identity, and I am one of them.

Jiang Chengji said slowly.

"Well, you can.

Tang Dao nodded.

Jiang Chengji wrote two letters in one breath, one to the Marquis of the Heavenly Army and one to Fang Chen, hoping that a few people could go back to Huaiyuan Town in the Northern Regions again and hand over the letters to Fang Chen.

In return, Jiang Chengji, who is already a level 50 boss, gave a reward of 15% of the experience points of each person's level, which is not much, but it is not too little.

"By the way, does General Jiang know any powerful forgers?"

Tang Dao suddenly remembered something.

"Well, I know some, if you're willing to give money, but don't mention my name, after all, I'm very sensitive now.

Jiang Chengji thought about it and then said.

"This is the reverse scale of the Silver Frost Python, I don't know what treasure it can be forged into?"

Tang Dao took out a piece of silver shiny scales the size of a lychee from his backpack and started Bingqin.

"It's a rare thing, it should be a good necklace, well-there is a master smith in Fengming Town, west of Sal City, who can help you make this thing a good thing.

Jiang Chengji played with the reverse scales, and then gave a suggestion.

"Thank you.

After thanking them, everyone left Jiangjiawu, and now Jiangjiawu is on the right track, as long as the people of Xuantian Shield continue to move around, they will develop better and better.

After returning to Saar, several people followed the address given by Jiang Chengji and found a large but somewhat plain-looking mansion hidden in the city.

Knock knock~

knocked lightly on the door, and a deep voice came from inside the door.


"We are adventurers in Sal City, and we have been ordered to bring a letter to your lordship.

Tang Dao replied.

After a while, the heavy door slowly opened, and a tall and sturdy middle-aged man appeared in front of several people.

This person is wearing a gray martial robe, with a burly figure, bronzed skin flashing with luster, thick eyebrows and big eyes, eyes like eagles, temples slightly bulging, and a calm breath, obviously a martial artist who is not weak.

"What letter?" The

middle-aged man's gaze swept over everyone, and after making sure that there was no threat, he relaxed his vigilance slightly.

"It's... Are you a

Hou Ye?" Tang Dao didn't believe it, this person's temperament didn't look like a Hou Ye.

"Of course not, but I have to see the letter before I can take you to Master Hou. Hearing

the word Hou Ye, the middle-aged man bowed slightly, after all, he knew that the Heavenly Army Marquis lived here, so he basically didn't come to play.

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