"Take it!" The

leading centurion waved his hand, and the surrounding city guards closed the encirclement and blocked the two in the center.

The Spider Empress also brought a group of jungle spiders with her to seal off the retreat.

"City guards, they're just a bunch of lackeys!" The

evil disciples have been here for so long, so they naturally know what kind of urine these city guards are, and they rely on this skin to be powerful and powerful on weekdays.

From the perspective of the town, the city guards did ensure the safety of the towns, but for the people, although they avoided the scourge of killing, they had to endure the oppression of the city guards from time to time, which can only be said to be the lesser of two evils.

"You go first, I'll kill you a bloody way!" The

evil disciple looked around, and felt that it was difficult to get out, and he was locked by the punishment boss, so it was better to help Tang Dao go first.


Tang Dao waved the dagger in his hand and rushed towards the city guards.

One shield after another smashed down, and the sturdy shield wall suddenly formed, and the archers in the rear drew their bows, and the arrows were aimed at the Tang sword.

"It's now!" Aiming

at more than a dozen feather arrows, Tang Dao also felt a chill, but this was not the time to be afraid.

In the dark eyes, the fire of the ghostly soul pulsed, and he looked at the centurion, sparing no effort to capture every trace of the other party's emotional changes.

Sure enough, as the Tang Dao approached more and more, the centurion couldn't hold his breath, and with a wave of his right hand, the arrow rain broke through the air.

Instant Flash + Thunder Flash!

Two consecutive displacements opened up a large distance, and even came directly behind the Spider Empress.

The flying arrows naturally followed, but the arrows did not turn, and pierced into the Spider Queen, splashing a puff of dark green blood, and landed on the surrounding grass, instantly scorched yellow.

"Oops. The

centurion's pupils shrank slightly, he already understood something, but it was too late.

Hiss -

The Spider Empress instantly became furious, roared, and commanded a group of jungle spiders to rush towards her.

"Kill them!"

the centurion pointed at the two Tang Dao, intending to kill the wanted criminals first before complete chaos.

Unfortunately, the Tang Dao was behind the Spider Empress at this moment, so the centurion's order was misunderstood by the Spider Empress as killing herself.


Spider Empress raised her head, her mouthparts opened, and a mouthful of fishy venom spewed out, turning into a poisonous rain that fell.

Sneering -

the soldiers raised their shields one after another to block, and the venom fell on the shield, immediately corroding into holes, which shows how powerful it is.

Just when everyone gathered together to avoid the poisonous rain, the spider queen struck again, opened her mouth and vomited, and a large spider web flew out, covering many soldiers.

The surrounding jungle spiders swarmed up, their powerful mouthparts breaking through the defenses, injecting venom into the soldiers' bodies, and the scene was completely chaotic.

At this moment, the Evil Disciple is fighting with the Punishment Boss, and he has no time to clone.

Tang Dao hid in the bushes at some point, keeping an eye on any changes on the battlefield.

"Don't panic, burn the cobwebs with torches, the wounded retreat, the archers aim at a spider and kill them one by one!"

Soldiers armed with spears stepped forward to force back the jungle spiders, then rescued the trapped soldiers, dragged the wounded to the rear to rest, administer first aid, cut open the wound and release the venom, and then bandaged.

The archers all aimed at a jungle spider, and a dozen feathered arrows flew out, instantly shooting it into a sieve.

The centurion also stepped forward himself, dragging the Spider Empress and preventing it from having a chance to slaughter the soldiers.


The centurion turned his head suddenly, and this time he realized that the necromantic assassin had already circled behind him and the others, and now there were no wounded soldiers, only corpses all over the ground.

Tang Dao pulled the dagger out of one of the soldiers' throats, bringing out a puddle of blood, and then looked at the centurion.

Now, it's the city guard's turn, with the enraged Spider Empress in front and the necromantic assassin in the back.

"You dare!" shouted

the centurion, as if realizing something.

But Tang Dao wouldn't listen to him, and rushed into the group of archers, and after a slash, the archers were suddenly in chaos.

Without the cover of the archers, many soldiers suddenly lost their suppressive power and were unable to quickly kill the Jungle Spider.


the centurion shot the Spider Empress, and was about to turn around and kill Tang Dao, but the sound of the breaking wind behind him made him have to defend.

After killing the archers, Tang Dao did not strike again, and disappeared into the dark jungle, along with the evil disciples and the punishment boss.

Fortunately, the number of the city guards finally prevailed, and although the wounded and archers were removed, they still gradually killed the rest of the jungle spiders and surrounded the Spider Empress.

The centurion's face was extremely ugly, he originally just came to put out the fire and catch the thief who set the fire by the way, but he didn't expect it to be two difficult adventurers, and he also lost so many brothers, so how can he explain to the general when he goes back?

"Hurry up, it will change later!" The

centurion looked around, although there were only about twenty people left, it shouldn't be a problem to surround and kill this spider queen.

Just as many soldiers were fighting against the Spider Empress, behind them, two figures slowly approached.


soldier was repulsed by the Spider Queen, and was about to step forward to fight again, but suddenly heard the sound of breaking wind behind him, and looked back, only to see the sharp edge coming from the sky.


knife slid down and slice open his neck, but it didn't clear the soldier's blood, and the soldier clutched his throat and fell, his vision blurred from the intense pain and blood loss.

The shadow flickered, and there was no life.

It was the Evil Disciple and Tang Dao who struck, and the two solved the punishment boss in the forest and immediately turned back.

"My lord!"

said one of the soldiers, looking at the centurion, hoping that he would have an idea.

"I'll hold this spider in tow, and you guys will kill them both!" the

centurion hesitated, but decided to split up, otherwise he would have to be flanked in front and back.

The soldiers immediately withdrew and turned to Tang Dao and the others.


Seeing the many soldiers with most of the blood, the criminal disciple snorted coldly, and the battle knife in his hand was cold and bright, and the horizontal knife was immediate.

A battle of life and death began, and the evil disciples rushed into the crowd, slashing left and right, constantly parrying attacks from all sides, and the blood line was constantly suppressed.

In the current situation, someone has to make sacrifices, otherwise it is impossible to stop these soldiers.

The soldier who had been wounded by the Disciples of Sin withdrew from the battle circle, and as soon as he stood firm, he felt a chill in his neck, and then lost consciousness.

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