
the thick fog, on the empty and corrupt wilderness, two figures slowly moved forward, and the sound of a heartbeat sounded in their ears like a hammer at all times.

"Wouldn't it?"

Tang Dao raised his head and glanced at the sky, still blocked by the fog, and could only vaguely perceive through the intensity of the light that it was daytime now.

Fortunately, what he was worried about did not appear, and there were no huge monsters rushing out of the fog.

It's no wonder that Thrall City is helpless against the witches hiding in the Dragon's Tooth Swamp, even if the player enters it, it will be difficult to get out of it without the map system, not to mention the NPC army without the map system, once they rashly enter the Dragon's Tooth Swamp, I am afraid that the whole army will be wiped out.

After sharing the position with Tang Xin, Tang Dao pulled the evil disciples into the team.

"Who is this?"

Tang Xin was a little puzzled.

"The newly recruited masters, the Evil Disciples, the Berserkers, are very strong. Tang

Dao gave a brief introduction.

"Well, you should be able to see where we are on the map, but it's not safe right now, there are a lot of wandering witches around, and the creatures in the Dragon's Tooth Swamp will almost always help them find us.

Tang Xin explained the situation.

"When we meet, we will be fine, two warriors plus our two assassins, the output and the wounds will be enough.

Tang Dao comforted, obviously he didn't realize the seriousness of the problem yet.

"No, I don't know what's going on, the witches here seem to be wanted by us, as long as they appear in the field of vision, even if they don't enter the hatred distance, they will pull the hatred and invite a crazy hunt.

Tang Xin said helplessly.


Tang Dao's CPU exploded, could it be that the witches of the Dragon's Tooth Swamp and the city guards of Thrall City share a wanted system? But aren't the witches also wanted by Thrall City?"

Tang Dao was puzzled, but he still pressed the uneasiness in his heart and planned to converge first.

When passing by a puddle, there was a frog's cry, Tang Dao subconsciously looked at the puddle, some blackened puddles floated in a thick layer of duckweed, some weeds grew around indiscriminately, but it did look like a frog's habitat.

But the moment he turned around, there was a faint sound of water behind him, and something floated out of the puddle.

On tiptoe, the figure jumped forward, and the moment he stabilized his figure, he turned to look at the puddle, only to see a pink tongue coming at him.

raised his hand and waved the knife to get away, but unexpectedly, the tongue suddenly changed, wrapped around the arm, and dragged the Tang knife towards the puddle.

Tang Dao's right hand desperately pulled back to straighten his tongue, and his left hand waved the dagger with the intention of cutting it off, but there was too much mucus on it, and the sharp blade had no power to cut off.

Seeing that he was about to be dragged into a puddle, the blade flashed, and the sound of flesh and blood tearing sounded, followed by a mournful roar, Tang Dao only felt that the tongue wrapped around his arm suddenly lost its strength, but it was still twitching.

"Let's go!"

Of course, it was the evil disciple who struck, the dagger was small and could not be strengthened, but the war knife in his hand was much better, after cutting off the tongue, he dragged the Tang knife away from the puddle.

During this period, Tang Dao turned around and saw only a huge figure slowly sinking into the water, with a thick and broad back like a big stone, covered with moss.


as the figure sank underwater, a frog croaked from the puddle.

"Watch out for the ground!" As

soon as he reached out to remove the tongue wrapped around his arm, Tang Dao felt the ground squirm.

The originally sticky ground broke, and a tentacle two or three meters long and the thickness of a bucket poured out and slapped towards the two.

With the sound of breaking wind, Tang Dao could clearly see the dense barbs on the tentacles, and once he was hooked, he was afraid that it would be difficult to get out.

The Evil Disciple was angry, and after turning over to dodge, he picked up his sword and slashed at the dagger.

I have to say that against this kind of thing, the strength blessing of a warrior is indeed much more useful than that of an assassin.

The blade directly severed a tentacle, dark green blood gushed out, and the tissue at the wound did not look like an animal, but more like a plant fiber.

The severed tentacles still have residual consciousness, constantly fluttering and squirming, making people go crazy.

After swinging the knife to cut off the tentacles, it was even more impossible for the evil disciples to let go, and they suddenly raised their war knives with both hands, stabbed them fiercely, and stuck the tentacles on the ground.

Tang Dao took this opportunity to step forward and wave the dagger output.

-4532, -4532

Swamp Tentacle

Level: 30 Attack: 7500

Defense: 7000 Health: 30000

Skill: Corrosion



Born in the Land of the Corruption, it is difficult to describe.

Fortunately, the blood volume of this tentacle is not thick, and under the output of the Tang knife, the blood line is quickly suppressed.

With the last blow of the blade, the blood was emptied, and the tentacles suddenly weakened, falling to the ground and convulsing continuously.

Gathering Technique!

Corroded Blood ×1After

picking up the silver coin, Tang Dao looked at the puddle again, where a huge frog-like creature was hidden, the monster that had just stuck out its tongue to kill him.

Quack -

just as Tang Dao hesitated, the frog monster in the puddle chirped again, as if calling for something.


, quack—with this sound, such a cry sounded in all the large and small puddles in the distance.

The sound of the frog, which was originally quite beautiful, has now become a life-urging magic sound, and it is full of this sound in all directions, which makes people's scalps tingle.

"Let's go!" Tang

Dao was worried in his heart, and he didn't dare to stay here longer, so he hurriedly left with the evil disciples.

Unfortunately, it was too late, the ground kept squirming along the way, and tentacles of all sizes broke through the constraints of the ground, intending to grab the two.

With his high agility, Tang Dao dodged and moved, narrowly dodging attacks again and again.

The Disciples of Sin wielded their swords to block or cut off their tentacles.

As the two struggled forward, the ground in front of them shook suddenly, like an earth dragon turning over, and a huge object poured out of the soft earth.

It was a giant beast with a body length of seven or eight meters, covered with black scales, strong limbs, and a thick tail dragging behind it, clearly a reptile, but with compound eyes that only insects have, and countless small eyes locked on Tang Dao and the two.

Swamp Lizard (E)

Level: 35Attack

: 9500Defense

: 10000Health: 250000Skill

: Tyrannical Claw, Severed Limb Rebirth, Corrupt Power

Introduction: A savage beast living in the Corruption, it has evolved by constantly devouring the rest of the living beings, and it is no longer possible to measure this monster by secular standards.

"Ah this..."

Tang Dao looked at this guy's attributes, the corners of his mouth twitched, to be honest, under this kind of terrain, it was difficult to beat this guy.

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