Dragon Shadow Elixir (Primary)

Effect: Gain an additional 5% of Strength for 3 minutes after use, and have a cooldown of 10 minutes.

Materials: Dragon Shadow Pollen × 1, Snake Blood × 1, Sun Grass × 1, Glass Bottle × 1

Sure enough, there is a corresponding Dan prescription in the alchemy prescription, where is this alchemy, it is simply an encyclopedia of alchemy.

It wasn't until eight o'clock in the evening that the sky darkened again, and the night in the game had fallen.

"Eat offline, go online at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, brush off this map. After

thinking about it, Tang Xin made a decision.

In the real world, Tang Dao came to the window and looked at the dim night in the sky, a little distracted.

Tuk Tuk~

A knock on the door sounded, waking up Tang Dao.


"I'm going to have a supper."

Tang Xin's crisp voice sounded outside the door.


Tang Dao cleaned up briefly and opened the door.

In the living room, the rest of the people were already sitting on the sofa, waiting to go out.

I have to say that among this group of people, except for Tang Dao, the rest of the people are still very good-looking, even if they are a little feminine Su Su, at least the skin is very good, and the skin is good enough to make many girls envious, and I don't know how this guy takes care of it.

"What to eat?" Tang

Dao looked around, there were seven people in the studio now, and what to eat for supper was really a problem.

"Who will give the money?" Tang

Xin's eyes narrowed, and he looked at Tang Dao with some vigilance, after all, he would have to pay his salary in a few days (6k each of Jinghua, Shuiyue, Cangshan, Xue, Susu, and 7k, Qiuguan, a total of 3w+), and there is not much money in the card at present.

"You're the boss, of course you. Of

course Tang Dao doesn't want to suffer, just kidding, Tang Yunshan's family has a big business, and his daughter still has this amount of money?"

"Okay, then let's eat barbecue..."

Tang Xin glanced around miserably, and finally locked on a roadside stall that didn't look too expensive.

Half an hour later, at the barbecue stand, Tang Dao was eating happily, and there were a bunch of skewers on the table.

"Boss, 30 more skewers of mutton, 20 skewers of beef, and 5 roasted eggplants, thank you!" Tang

Dao shouted to the boss who was busy in front of the fire.


A somewhat delicate fist smashed on the table, and then Tang Dao felt a chilling murderous aura.

"Little brother, we don't have any food here, do you want to go to another house to eat?"

Fortunately, the boss solved the siege in time, but there was indeed no food on the shelf, after all, it was not only this table of business, but also the rest of the business to greet, and even the vegetarian dishes were emptied.

"Well, the boss checks out, and she gives the money. "

Tang Dao is quite regretful, I just appetized, you have no food?

"Miss, a total of 2,147 yuan, erase a zero, 2,000 yuan. The

boss rushed over with a thick stack of lists.

"Okay, thank you.

Tang Xin kept smiling, but the temperature around him seemed to have dropped a lot, making Tang Dao shiver.

But just as a few people got up and were about to leave, several figures surrounded them, and they were a few gangsters who were in a hurry, and their bodies were quite muscular, and the unbuttoned buttons revealed the tattoos on their chests.

In fact, Tang Dao had noticed these people early on, at least as a bodyguard, what he needed to do was to be vigilant against all targets that would cause harm to Tang Xin, even if it was only possible.

Originally, these people were just here to drink and eat skewers, but when their eyes swept over Tang Xin and the other women, they suddenly lit up, after all, such beauties are rare.

"Beauty, are you interested in having a drink

?" A thug walked over with a cigarette in his mouth, glanced at Tang Dao beside Tang Xin, and a touch of disdain flashed in his eyes, what grade, dare to stand next to such a beauty?"

Tang Xin was expressionless and glanced at Tang Dao.


The gangster wanted to start directly, but was pinched by Tang Dao's wrist.

The gangsters struggled a few times, but did not break free, and suddenly there was some surprise, this seemingly ordinary guy still had some strength.

Seeing this, the rest of the accomplices immediately stepped forward to cheer.

Tang Dao twisted and pushed his right hand, and the gangster was immediately pushed backwards and withdrew, hitting the people behind him all the way.

"You guys can get out. For

such a person, Tang Dao doesn't have a good feeling.

"The one who stepped on the horse, and put it up, right?"

After being scolded, several thugs suddenly became furious, grabbed the stool on the side and rushed over.

Qiu Guan stepped forward and pulled Tang Xin to the back to protect him, leaving Tang Dao alone to face these gangsters.


Reaching out and grabbing the corner of the smashed stool, he pulled it down to the left, and the stool suddenly got out of his hand, then turned his hand and swept upward, knocked back one person, sideways to avoid the person on the other side, and then kicked him in the waist, kicking it upside down and flying out...

Three times five divided by two, directly put down a few people, and Tang Dao's aura was not in the slightest disorder.

After breaking through the fifth level, the human body and the dark world body merged into one, and it was already out of the realm that normal people could understand, not to mention that it was still night, and with the blessing of the moonlight, the judge's power was stronger.

Dealing with a few gangsters is nothing more than a gesture.

"Boy, you're kind! don't go!" the

lead thug lay on the ground moaning and shouting, pulling out his phone, as if intending to call someone.

Tang Dao stepped forward with a flying kick and directly kicked his mobile phone to pieces, and the rest of the people immediately shut up when they saw this.


Tang Dao threw down a sentence, and then left with everyone.

In a car parked in the corner, someone slammed the steering wheel in hatred.

"Young master, don't worry, this person is just a reckless man with some brute strength, he just saw his move, and there is no order, obviously he is not a practitioner. An

old man sitting in the passenger seat said slowly.

"Oh, what do you mean?"

the young man raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and quickly turned to look at the old man.

"It's very simple, I just have someone I want to recommend to the young master. The

old man smiled mysteriously, clapped his hands, and slowly sat up in the originally empty back seat, and in the dim light, the red eyes were particularly eye-catching...

In the living room, several people were chatting.

"Brother Dao, Brother Dao, you are just so handsome, why are you so powerful?"

asked Shui Yue curiously.

"It's just luck.

Tang Dao smiled, in fact, he was also a weak chicken in the past, and he was often bullied by the gangsters in the school when he was in school, so now in the face of this kind of goods, aggression has an extra bonus.

"Stupid! If he wasn't good, how could the boss choose to let him be a bodyguard

?" Jinghua rubbed her stupid sister's head, do you still need to think about this kind of thing?"

Shui Yue muttered and nodded.

"Okay, let's go rest, I've been playing high-intensity games lately, and I was going to relax, but I encountered such an unfortunate thing when I went out, so forget it.

Tang Xin sighed.

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