"King Deer, you have no way to escape, just tie your hands and capture it!" Wang

Kai saw that the reinforcements had arrived, and he was immediately much more angry.

Its voice echoed through the valley, and the deer king naturally heard it.

"King Deer, let's fight to the death to protect you and rush out!" suggested the

white-haired Australopithecus.

"Hmm!" the

Misty Forest Savage and the Sleeping Dryad also nodded, neither of them could speak, but their intelligence was not low.

"I've ordered my people to see a way, King Deer, let's go!" said

the Swift Eagle as he landed on the shoulders of the Sleeping Dryad.

"No, they're coming for me, and I can't leave. The

Immortal Deer King shook his head slowly, his expression a little sad.

"There's no time, King Deer, you deliberately attracted the attention of Thrall City in order to cover our race juniors, and you stayed here and refused to leave, now that the race bloodline has continued, it's time for us to repay you!"

"Uh-huh!" the

other three bosses also nodded.

"No, I've made up my mind, White Ape, Swift Eagle, Fog Forest, the three of you can leave from the back cliff, go now, I will drag the people of Thrall City, as for the tree spirit, it's a pity.

Looking at the thousands of soldiers outside the valley, a flash of determination flashed in the eyes of the deer king, and he said to the three bosses.

The white-haired apes and the savages of the Misty Forest are good at climbing, and the Swift Eagle can fly, and it is true that they can leave from the cliff behind the Valley of Hundred Flowers, but the Sleeping Tree Spirits cannot, their speed is too slow to leave.

The Sleeping Dryad shook his head, signaling that he was not afraid of death, but instead looked at the Misty Forest Wildlings, meaning to let them go.

"No, King Deer, you are our king, with you, everywhere is the Valley

of Hundred Flowers!" The white-haired ape was the first to object, tears broke down, the entire Valley of Hundred Flowers was prosperous because of the immortal Deer King, and these leaders of their races all grew up under the protection of the King of Deer.

"I'm tired, since the start of the war, the creatures of the Valley of Hundred Flowers have lost an unknown amount, those old friends, there are only the five of you left, and now the Tiger King is gone, I don't die, Sal City will not give up. The

Immortal Deer King sighed, he had already seen Thrall's determination.

"What's your name?" the

Deer King turned his head to look at Tang Dao.

"Tang Dao.

Tang Dao hesitated, but still said his real name.

"Okay, Tang Dao, now I entrust the White Ape, the Fog Forest, and the Swift Eagle Clan to you, you have to take them to find a suitable place to live, and in return, I will give you my life's work. The

Immortal Deer King said slowly.

"Deer King!" The

white-haired ancient ape knew that the immortal deer king had a will to die, and he couldn't help but cry.

"Let's go, it's too late if you don't go. The

Immortal Deer King smiled bitterly.

The Sleeping Tree Spirit stretched out his right hand, holding a seed emitting green light in his palm, and handed it to Tang Dao.

Seed of Sleep (E)

Effect: A seed that contains vitality, planted to represent hope.

"I almost forgot about your talent, well, now I can go on the road with peace of mind. The

deer king smiled, slowly lowered his head, and the green light surged between the huge horns, and then a strong vitality emerged, and a palm-sized figure slowly emerged from the green light, resembling a flame.

Wood Spirit (D)

Effect: The essence of the wood element, it is extremely powerful.

"Let's go. After

sending the essence of the wood to Tang Dao, the deer king seemed to be many years old, and even his voice was hoarse, like a wind candle in his last years.


Taniguchi's army had already rushed in, and Tang Dao didn't have time to say anything, so after nodding heavily, he left with the three major groups.

The soldiers at the mouth of the valley of the Hundred Flowers Valley did not understand what was happening, and only saw the light in the valley just now, plus the treasure promised by Wang Kai before the war, they only thought that there was a treasure born in this valley, and immediately rushed excitedly.

"The breath of the wood spirit, follow me!"

Jasmine, who was hidden among the players, was somewhat familiar with the green light that had just appeared, and suddenly thought of something, and rushed towards the back of the valley with the Song of Ice and Fire and the others.

The Sleeping Treants who stayed in the valley fought fiercely with the guards of Thrall City and the players, and both sides suffered heavy casualties, but in the end, the Sleeping Treants fell to the upper hand and were surrounded by the group.

Also surrounded by the immortal deer king who did not make a move in the whole process, due to the news sent back by Ansai before, Wang Kai did not dare to go too far forward, only dared to shout through the shield array.

"King Deer, it's time for you to tie your hands and take it. Seeing

that the Immortal Deer King was about to fall into the middle of the battle, Wang Kai couldn't help but be overjoyed, after this battle, he was bound to be promoted to captain.

"Do you know what the ultimate meaning of life is?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter anymore, after all, you can bring this question to the city lord.

Wang Kai laughed, waved his right hand, and motioned to many soldiers holding iron chains to step forward, intending to capture the deer king alive and present it to the city lord.

"The ultimate meaning of life is eternity. The

deer king sighed slightly, and then raised his noble head once and for the last time.

Above the huge double horns, the power of the rolling wood elemental was surging, like a stormy wave, sweeping by.

"Not good!"

Wang Kai was not stupid, and immediately rode away, but unfortunately the speed was still a little slower, and it was covered by the dazzling green light.

Seen from above, the entire valley was covered with this burst of green light, like a piece of magnificent jade.

Tang Dao, who was climbing the cliff, glanced back, and then continued to climb in silence.

But the sky is not beautiful, and just as everyone was about to climb up, there was movement at the top of the cliff.

One by one, figures appeared on the edge of the cliff, looking down on everyone condescendingly, and the leader was a beautiful female player in a robe.

A Song of Ice and Fire LV30 Light Mage

"We meet again, Death Scythe. "

The Song of Ice and Fire is standing next to a group of masters, Snow Mountain Yaochi, Xiaoxiao Duyu, Jingxian and others, so she is very confident.

"What about Swift Eagle?" The

white-haired ancient ape's words made Tang Dao suddenly startled, yes, what about the Swift Wind Swift Eagle who can fly and go to investigate the situation? Why didn't he come back?


28 level archer Gu Yinglian threw down a bloodstained head, it was the Swift Eagle, who was still talking to them not long ago, and now, he was dead, and even one eye was blinded, it was obviously Gu Yinglian's masterpiece, this archer had extraordinary strength.

The atmosphere froze to the freezing point for a while, and Tang Dao and the others were blocked on the cliff by the Song of Ice and Fire with people, unable to advance or retreat.

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