In the world, favorability is a hidden attribute, NPCs with high favorability are more likely to trigger quests, for example, assuming you are very rich and rich, you can buy a lot of treasures to give to the city lord (provided you can meet him), and you can even directly buy a village as a guild station to build.

Of course, the cost of this will be astronomical, and ordinary people must not be able to afford it, and those who have the strength to play will also have the strength to play a guild station, which is free of charge.

"Let's go, you might see some rats and centipedes in a while, you don't need to fight, you just need to treat me.

Tang Dao admonished.

"Good!" Erica

nodded obediently.

Coming to the mouth of the sewer again, Tang Dao took the lead with a torch, and Erica followed closely.

Xi Xi Suosuo~

Sure enough, Tang Dao entered again, and after a chaotic sound, the surroundings became extremely silent.

"Be careful, listen to what is going on around you.

Tang Dao turned around and reminded that he had only seen mutant rats and mutant centipedes so far, and he didn't know if there were any other monsters.


Erica ruffled the hair around her ear.

With the help of the light of the torch, Tang Dao keenly noticed Erica's pointed ears, which were characteristic of elves, but Erica herself was not an elf.

The elves in the world have a symbol of the elven clan on their foreheads, which cannot be removed, so they can recognize the difference between humans and elves at a glance, and most of the elves are handsome men and beautiful women, although Erica has a good appearance, but it is not at the level of elves.

"My mother was an elf and my father was a Terran.

Erica seemed to notice Tang Dao's gaze and explained to herself.

"Well, no wonder you're so pretty, watch your surroundings.

Tang Dao nodded, humans and elves generally do not intermarry, otherwise it is a union of interests between big families, and Erica is obviously not a child of a big family, which proves that her life experience is probably a little unsatisfactory.


Erica also held her staff tightly and looked around cautiously.

Finally, half an hour forward, a mutant rat couldn't help but rush over.


, +7

Tang Dao was quick to move, and fought against the mouse, parrying some of the damage, and at the same time stabbing the mouse in the abdomen with a backhand.

The trigger condition for blocking is that the power points are comparable, Tang Dao 169 power points, mutant mouse level 8, ordinary monster, standard 162 power points, as long as the skill is right, it is enough to block.


Swing the knife again, trigger a critical hit, kill directly, and gain 0.01% experience points, 3 copper coins, and 1 Rat Ray crystal nucleus.

"Be careful, it's coming.

Tang Dao had already heard the movement around him, his eyes swept away, and he landed at the entrance of another sewer on the side, pulling Erica to hide in and protect her behind him.

"What skills do you know now?, will you recover?" asked

Tang Daotou without looking back.


Erica replied immediately.

"Okay, when I call for treatment in a while, you can resuscitate me. "


As the two spoke, a dense crowd of mutant rats and mutant centipedes rushed over.

As soon as he killed 4 heads, Tang Dao couldn't support it, and shouted:


+300 "Ah?"

Tang Dao was a little surprised, isn't Erica level 10? How can there be a healing effect of 300 points, 50% more than the base, does she have any good equipment?


didn't have time to think, Tang Dao continued to kill monsters.

With Erica's assistance, Tang Dao is almost like a fish in water, relying on his own critical hits and lifesucking, as well as blocking from time to time, defeating a large number of monsters, and the copper coins fall to the ground in a hurry, and they don't have time to pick them up.

Fortunately, Erica's IQ is high enough, and she has time to pick it up.

"I'm running out of mana. It

wasn't until Erica shouted that Tang Dao retreated and took Erica out of the sewers.

At the mouth of the sewer, the mutant rats seemed to be a little afraid of the sun, and they didn't dare to rush up, so they had to squeak at the Tang Dao and the others.

"Your money.

Erica handed over a purse.

A full 12 silver and 47 bronze, a glance at the experience value, 4.36%, killed 400+ mutant mice, and the rat shrew crystal nucleus in the package also has 400+, you can go to Tolan to submit it 4 times.

"Here, it's yours.

Tang Dao took out 6 silver coins and handed them to Erica, if it weren't for this girl's help, he wouldn't have been able to make the money at all.

"I... I can't ask for it!"

Erica quickly shook her head.

"Take it, you deserve it.

Tang Dao shoved 6 silver coins into Erica's hand.

"See you tomorrow, and remember to wait for me at the door of the Priests' Guild when the time comes. "

The time in the game is already afternoon, and it's almost evening, and the NPC wants to rest, so the player naturally doesn't need to.


Erica was a little at a loss with 6 silver coins.

"Okay, isn't it fair to be half a person?

Tang Dao said helplessly, and then waved his hand and left.

After sending Erica away, Tang Dao went to Tolan's house and handed over 400 Mouse Crystal Nuclei.

Ding, congratulations on handing in 400 Rat Ray Crystal Nuclei to obtain the primary blue potion - Refining × 1, the primary gold potion - refining × 1, the primary berserk potion - refining ×1, and the primary red potion - refining × 1

Except for the red potion, the rest are fresh.

Elementary-level Blue Potion:

Restores 200 mana, and if the mana is below 80% at the time of use, gain an additional 10% mana.

Cooldown: 10s

Primary Gold Potion: Refining

Effect: Within 5 minutes of use, the income of gold/silver/copper coins is doubled.


: 10 minutes Initial Rage Potion

: Refine Effect: Gain 30% additional attack speed (limited by class) and 10% physical lifesteal after use, if the HP is less than 30% when used, 50% of the next critical damage will be converted into a shield, and the effect lasts for 10s.

Cooldown time: 2 minutes

"Alchemy ghost talent, this Tolan!" Tang

Dao couldn't help but marvel in his heart after reading the effect of this potion, this kind of talent Magicians Guild was actually willing to expel him?

When he came to the tailor shop, he always forgot that he could exchange Brother Ji's tail feathers for a cloak.

Fire Feather Cloak 0/1, do you choose to

redeem it?It seems that each person can only redeem it once, but it's not bad, after all, the cloak is difficult to come out.

Fire Feather Cloak (Green)

Level Requirements: 10


+ 5 Defense + 5 Stamina + 5

Effect: None

" is a very ordinary piece of equipment, but it should be a reward for beginners, after all, each person can only redeem it once. Tang

Dao replaced it, and his attributes increased slightly.

Ding~ Death's

Heart: Does PK come?

A message suddenly flashed out of the friend's message.

"Come on!" playing

a game without PK is like living not for Mai Sakurajima, not for the whole fries.

The Heart of Death happily opened a location for Tang Dao, and the Maple Heights were on the northeast side of the Boar Forest.

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