With the Xuantian Shield moving around the Tiantong Mountain Range, the five tribes that were cleared out were all wolf tribes and half-orc tribes.

Although these are some marginal tribes whose blood is not pure, after all, they are also part of the wolf clan and half-orcs, and they are still needed as cannon fodder when the war comes.

Therefore, the leader of the wolf half-orcs is unwilling to sit idly by and watch his cannon fodder being slaughtered.

"Then what do you want to do?"

the sheep half-orc old man looked at the wolf half-orc leader.

"Hmph, it's very simple, just let me take people to slaughter them! Tiantong Mountain Range is our territory, why do we allow these humans to spread wild here? Don't worry, I'll only slaughter that Wutong Town, and I won't move the rest, okay?"

the wolf orc patted his chest and promised.

"No, the slaughter of the town is not a trivial matter, once we make too much movement here, it will attract the attention of Sal City, and in the end, the matter will only get bigger and bigger, and it will be difficult to end. The

leader of the sheep orcs shook his head.

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work, but you say, what's the solution? I can't watch my people being slaughtered. The

wolf orc leader whispered.

"Do you really want revenge?" the

Sheep Orc leader's eyes narrowed slightly.


the wolf orc leader immediately retorted.

"Alright then, I'll allow you to send troops to attack the town of Anchaohu on a certain day. The

leader of the sheep orcs twisted his beard and said, a flash of summary flashed in his eyes.

"It's Anchaohu Town again, last time I asked people to fight, but the whole army was wiped out, and now it's coming again, old goat, you don't think I'm stupid, do you?"

"Then stay in peace, just die a little cannon fodder, today I put my words here, as long as they don't really threaten us, no one is allowed to make a move, let alone your wolf clan, the rest of the tiger clan, the cow clan, the bear clan, and the eagle clan are all the same, and my sheep clan is no exception. The

leader of the sheep half-orcs paused heavily on the crutches in his hand, and there was a red glow brewing in his eyes, and an invisible coercion was released, which made the rest of the leaders startled.

"Hmph, okay, then Anchaohu Town!" Under

duress, the leader of the wolf clan and the half-orcs could only agree.


Tang Dao and the others, who were on the periphery of the Tiantong Mountain Range, naturally did not know, and at this moment, he was quietly surrounding a tiger half-orc tribe with the people who did not move like a mountain.

The difference between half-orcs and humans is that although they take on the form of Homo erectus as a whole, their bodies will retain some of the characteristics of the orcs, and at the same time, they can activate the orc bloodline in their bodies during the battle, so that the orc bloodline will dominate and obtain more primitive and powerful power in a short time.

For example, the tiger half-orcs who appeared in the field of vision at this moment are almost all 1.8 meters tall, with naked upper bodies, tiger paws on their feet, a layer of tiger striped fluff on their arms, sharp nails, and pupils like felines, which can be adjusted according to the dimness of the light.

Tiger Half-Orc Level: 30

Attack: 7000 Defense: 7000

Life: 5w

Skill: Beast, Tiger Roar


The Tiger Half-Orc

who lives in the Tiantong Mountains has the power from the Tiger Clan flowing in their blood.

"The attributes are okay, generally the beast of a non-boss-level half-orc will increase the basic attribute by 15%, that is, 8000+ attack and defense, and it can also be played. "

I've been dealing with orcs for so long, but I know a lot of information.

"Alliance leader, after the reconnaissance, there are scattered half-orcs around, most of them should still be in the tribe. Shaking

the Sky Wuyue said.

"Well, that's still the old way, each team is divided, surrounded and flanked, I will lead people to storm from the main gate and kill all the orcs!"

"Good. "

Shaking the Sky Wuyue immediately went to arrange.

After a while, the sound of fighting was heard from the other three directions, and the entire orc tribe seemed to be activated, and a steady stream of orc soldiers poured out of the camp, including some soldiers in armor.

"What's going on?" asked

the tribal leader Terrence, who was resting, and when he heard the sound of fighting, he also rushed out with a large knife and grabbed a soldier.

"Chief, there is an attack on our tribe. The

soldier replied hurriedly.

"What, don't panic, follow me!"

the leader let go of his soldiers, beckoned to his own soldiers, the armor-clad ones, and headed for the gate.


At the main gate, the order was given by the immovable mountain, and the archers fired a volley, directly killing the half-orc soldiers on duty at the gate in seconds.

"Follow me!" Immediately

, he personally carried the shield and rushed to the front line, the most important thing in the shield of Xuantian is the knight, even if it is charged, with a knight with rough skin and thick flesh to take the lead, there is no need to worry about being killed in a round.

Tang Dao and several people also mixed into the team, and Qiu Guan and the criminal disciples, as heavy armor, also followed the knight players to charge, after all, once the front clashed, swordsmen and berserkers were needed to come out to make up for the output.

"It's a human adventurer, looking for death!"

Terrence saw the many figures charging towards him, a flash of disdain flashed in his eyes, and with a wave of the big knife in his hand, he also rushed out with a group of soldiers, choosing to fight head-on.


?" Seeing that the boss rushed out directly, he immediately cut down a few knights, and the rest of the players were also a little surprised, don't talk about martial arts, right?"

"I'll meet you!" At

this moment, a figure rushed out of the team, wearing chain armor and holding a gold-backed sword, it was Jiang Chengji.

As a level 40 boss at this time, Jiang Chengji naturally would not be afraid of a level 35 boss, and collided several times in a row to gain the upper hand.

"Ah, the gold-backed knife, is it Jacksy's weapon, and he was killed by you?"

Terrence took two steps back to unload his strength, only to be surprised to find that the weapon in Jiang Chengji's hand was actually the weapon of Jacksy, the leader of the wolf clan and the half-orc tribe who was closest to him.

"So what? Die!" Jiang

Chengji snorted, the more he fought, the more courageous he became, and he struck a few more swords, but he still had the upper hand, and Terrence was defeated and retreated.

"Damn, how could this be?"

Terrence struggled.

And at this moment, the entire tribe has been surrounded, and the number of Xuantian Shield has grown to 2500+, which is enough to complete this siege.

Motionless as a mountain carrying a shield, like an iron wall across the front, behind it is Baiyun Gorge, Red Sleeves and other outputs, and on the side is the Tang knife shaped like a ghost, shuttling between various enemies, constantly harvesting life.

Once you are in poor condition or threatened, you can retreat behind the immovable mountain at any time, and continue to shoot after the adjustment is completed.

Even, Red Sleeves and Baiyunxia don't need to deliberately mend the knife, because once the opponent is disabled, the blade of the Tang Dao may come faster.

There was no doubt that the hundred-man regiment led by Fudo Rushan was the most elite on the entire battlefield, savagely and violently tearing apart the defensive line of the orcs.

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