"Kill, rush out!"

Dorrell shouted, and rode forward, taking the lead in the enemy's formation, and the five hundred soldiers behind him were also determined to die, and fought hard to kill the enemy.

Dorrell took the lead, and the cavalry spear in his hand suddenly swung out, smashing into Temple, who raised his sword to block, and the two weapons collided with a crisp sound.

"What a great man! Come again!" Temple

, surprised by Dorel's power, rushed again with his sword in his whim.

However, Dorrell did not fight with him, and after a few rounds of fighting, he led people to rush out of a bloody road and head towards the town of Anchao Lake.

"Do you want to go, follow me!" Temple

chased after him with more than a thousand soldiers.

"Don't take the enemy lightly!" the

lieutenant admonished quickly.

"Huh, you're teaching me how to do things?" Temple's

eyes froze, and the lieutenant suddenly took two steps back.

"General, before leaving, the great leader explained that most of the human beings are extremely cunning, so be careful. "

The lieutenant argues that he was arranged by the Grand Leader to balance Temple.

"Oh, I know my uncle is very good, but you saw them attacking the enemy camp at night just now, and you saw that they were defeated and I was defeated, so shouldn't we pursue them now?


the lieutenant sighed, and ordered a thousand men to follow Temple at a distance, for fear that something might happen to the nephew of the great chief.


Dorel led the men and galloped into the woods.

"Haha, they've slowed down, brothers, follow me!Killed humans can enjoy themselves alone!"

Temple shouted, the wolf orcs were fast, combining wolf outbursts with human stamina.

Seeing that he was about to catch up, countless torches suddenly lit up in the woods on both sides.

"It's not good! It's a plan, retreat quickly!" Although

Temple has never led his troops out alone on weekdays, he is a junior of the big leader, and he has learned a lot under the influence of his ears and eyes, and after knowing the plan, he immediately ordered a retreat.

"Fire oil, let go!" Qu

Xingjian gave an order, and hundreds of oil clay pots were thrown out, and the road was suddenly covered with a layer of slippery and greasy fire oil, which made most of the orcs a little annoyed, and it was difficult to use full speed.

"Let's go!" Qu

Xingjian ordered again, and the rocket was ready.


In the whole forest, a raging fire suddenly ignited, and the half-orc soldiers whose fur was contaminated with fire oil suddenly turned into fire people, and subconsciously became beasts under the pain, resulting in more fur and burned more fiercely.

"Oh no, go to the rescue!" The

lieutenant general felt bad when he saw the fire in front of him, and just prayed that something would happen to Temple, otherwise he would definitely be flayed alive by the big leader.


However, to the reassurance of the lieutenant, Temple rushed out, although a little embarrassed, but fortunately, there was no big problem.

As soon as the people gained a firm foothold, they heard the sound of horses' hooves, and cavalry flanked them, and the first general, armed with a great sword, rode his horse.

"The general is leaving, the last general is broken!" the

deputy general immediately led people to meet him.

The person who came was Qu Xingjian, and now he has made a lot of progress, and he will not fall behind in the fight with this half-orc lieutenant.

"General, let's go!"

Temple wanted to step forward, but was dragged by several of the adjutant general's personal soldiers and hurried in the direction of the main camp.

"Good opportunity!" Tang

Dao and the others, who had eaten melons all the way, suddenly lit up their eyes, now there are only dozens of soldiers around that Temple, if there is a military horse that intercepts and kills them halfway, wouldn't they be buried here?"

"Where will the thieves go!"

Halfway through, a military horse rushed in front of him, led by a big man with a spear, quite imposing, who else but Dorel?


Temple, who was extremely aggrieved, couldn't hold back any longer, shook off a few of his own personal soldiers, grabbed his own war knife and rushed forward.


weapons clashed again, only this time, Temple fell to the disadvantage, and was beaten back by Dorrell three or four steps back before he could hold on, his arms shaking like chaff.

"How could it be? No way!" The

half-orcs, who were proud of their strength, lost to a human in their struggle, and Temple couldn't accept it.

"There are many impossible things, tonight is the moonlit night, when you die!"

Dorrell didn't expect that there would be such an unexpected gain today, this master general is really incompetent.


Temple roared, and immediately turned on the beast.

"General, let's go!"

the soldiers had already seen that something was wrong, and immediately turned on the beast transformation, and then shouted at Temple.

"No need, let's stay together!" A

voice sounded again not far away, it was Tang Dao and the others.

"You're just in time, help me hold these beasts, this guy will be handed over to me!"

Dorrell saw a flash of surprise in his eyes when he saw everyone, and after finishing speaking, he rushed towards Temple.

"Don't worry, sir!" Tang

Dao showed the dagger in his hand and spotted the nearest orc.

Wolf Half-Orc

: Elite Level: 33Attack

: 9000Defense: 9000Health: 60000Skill

: Beast, Roar, Earth-Splitting Claw

Introduction: The elite of the wolf half-orcs, with more powerful bloodline attributes than ordinary soldiers.

The half-orcs who have been beasts have reached two meters in height, covered with a layer of blue-gray short hair, their hands have turned into sharp claws, their snouts are prominent, their canine teeth are thin, and their eyes are green.

"Nice attributes, unfortunately that's all. The

Evil Disciple swung his sword and slashed at the orc's raised arm, and then immediately retreated to avoid the opponent's attack.

Blade Kill + Immobilization Spell + Cut

- 3377, -3377, -3116, -3116, -300...

The outbreak of the Tang Dao has reached an extremely terrifying point, and a set of combos has instantly knocked out an elite half-orc's 1w+ HP.

However, the Assassin's weakness was also revealed, and he immediately withdrew after the fight, moving to avoid the Orc's lock-on attack during the 3s hatred time.

Due to the lack of Tang Xin's output machine, everyone could only fight 2 half-orcs at the same time, and the rest had to be dragged by the soldiers brought by Dorel.

But these soldiers are not as strong as Dorel or Qu Xingjian, and in the face of elite-level half-orcs, they often fall into disadvantage, or even be directly torn apart.

"General, let's go!"

After a while, the adjutant general came with his men and saw Temple being dragged down, and then rejoined the battle with Dorel.

"Want to go?"

Qu Xingjian also rode his horse to arrive, wanting to fight with the deputy general.

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