"To kill the ghost wood elf, you need to use a sharp blade to directly cut off its limbs and torso, as for those beetles, you need to burn it with flames, because the ghost wood elf is half plant and half animal, so directly piercing the heart will not have obvious effect.

"That fifth-level abyssal beast is called Shadow Leopard, it is fast and powerful, and its weakness is its legs, once its legs are broken, it can be easily killed. "

The flower of the other side said the weaknesses of the two abyssal beasts and how to kill them.

"That's a good point, but do you have any medicine? I can't even stand up right now.

Tang Dao said helplessly.

"As a judge, you should have the ability to heal yourself.

The other side of the flower shook her head and threw Tang Dao a piece of jade slip.

"Okay. Tang

Dao took it and took a look, it was a way to repair the body with the power of the netherworld, in short, it was to repair where it was injured, it was simple and rude, the same as patching.

"Ahem, I don't seem to have that much netherworld power. "

It's embarrassing that Tang Dao's energy is not enough.

"Then be careful next time, the power of the judge comes from the underworld, and these dark crystals are also one of the sources of power, in addition, when the fifteenth moon is full every month, you can also absorb the most power from heaven and earth, so you must grasp it well. With

a wave of her right hand, the seventh-level Immortal Crystal flew in front of Tang Dao.


Tang Dao took the Dark Crystal, absorbed the power from it and injected it into his body, constantly repairing the injuries on his body.

After a simple treatment, Tang Dao slowly stood up.

"Let's go, there are still many abyssal beasts in this city. The

other side left without looking back.

Until four o'clock in the morning, they still couldn't completely wipe out the abyss beasts in the jurisdiction of the two people, mainly with the Tang Dao, a drag oil bottle, and the other side flower couldn't use it with all its might.

On the roof of the Tianhai Mansion, Tang Dao solved a fifth-level abyssal beast rift bat, and after taking out the Stygian Crystal, he sat on the ground to rest, and the long-term and high-intensity battle made him a little unable to parry, and the chest that had been injured by the ghost wood elf before was faintly painful, and the newly cut wounds on his body were still dripping blood.

"What's the matter? can't support it?" As

a ninth-level powerhouse, the other side flower can naturally bear it, but Tang Dao, a newly promoted fifth-level rookie, is a bit of a run out of oil at the moment.

"Sort of.

Tang Dao grabbed the railing and stood up, then looked to the brightly lit east.

At some point, there seemed to be some kind of big work going on there, and by the light, he saw large machinery such as tower cranes, as well as some unnamed machines, and the occasional helicopter.

The base of a huge building has begun to take shape, but I don't know exactly what it does.

"That's the military's territory.

Following Tang Dao's gaze, the other side flower explained.

"The military, the convoy that passed through the jurisdiction last time was sent over there, right?"

Tang Dao suddenly remembered the mysterious convoy before.


The flower on the other side bowed slightly, and looked at the sky not far away.

"Let's get here today, get a good rest when you go back, and continue tomorrow night. With that

, the other side walked towards the stairs, and in a few seconds, it disappeared from view.

Shaking his head, Tang Dao didn't know what to say, returned to the apartment room, and walked into the world of light.

The clothes on his body were in tatters, apparently he could no longer wear them, and after changing a set of clothes, he packed up the old clothes and threw them in the trash.

In addition to the combat methods, there are also cultivation techniques in the spirit mantra, and Tang Dao, like cultivators, can also perceive the existence of Qi, and can absorb and refine it for its own use.

Until eight o'clock in the morning, the sky was already bright, and the last trace of purple qi was also hidden by the clouds, Tang Dao ended his cultivation and injected the only remaining bit of strength into the wound, hoping to speed up the recovery from the injury.

"The strength is still too weak.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Tang Dao opened the door, it was time to find something to eat.

After eating and drinking, I finally felt a sense of fullness, and by the way, I packed breakfast and went back.

At half past eight, it was officially launched.

At this time, it was already daylight in the game, and when everyone arrived at Anchao Lake Town, they happened to encounter an orc attack.

Since Anchaohu Town did not have too strong defensive facilities, the two sides could only set up a position outside the town to tear apart.

I have to say that as a half-orc, he does control a more powerful physical power than humans.

Temple led a group of more than 1,000 elite orcs to personally rush to the front line, constantly slashing and killing the town's soldiers, these elite orcs were all wearing armor and holding swords, and they were extremely brave.

The military strength of Anchao Lake Town is 1,000 light infantry plus 2,000 militiamen, and it can barely resist by relying on defensive facilities such as antlers, arrow towers, and wooden walls.

However, there are many players who have also come to help, but they are not so passive.

Looking at the fine armor on these orcs, Dorell's face sank like water, and it was obvious that he had already seen who the armor came from.

"My lord, aren't we going to make a move?" Qu

Xingjian was wearing armor, and he was already a little unable to hold back, and the three thousand people in the town had lost nearly a thousand.

"Wait. "

Dorrell wanted to take this opportunity to train his troops, so he deliberately stayed still, after all, he had not experienced the baptism of blood and fire, and it was difficult for the army's combat effectiveness to really improve.

Although this method is cruel, it is also helpless.

"Are we going to make a move?" On

the hillside, the rest of the people looked at Tang Dao.

"No, if you make a move now, you'll only be slaughtered by those players as bounty targets.

Tang Dao also shook his head, his heart full of doubts.

The group of players who appeared in Anchao Lake Town at this moment, he had no impression.

The leader is a middle-aged swordsman whose ID is called Stygian Wind, and the entire team has about 700 people, and his combat power is also quite good.

However, what really attracted Tang Dao's attention was a young cold swordsman, whose ID was nine shades, and the race he chose was humans, so he could directly see his age, about sixteen or seventeen years old.

Although he is young, his strength is quite strong, he has reached the quasi-first-class level, and even has almost reached the level of a first-class master.

"This guild..."

Tang Dao naturally saw that this was a guild person, but this kind of strength was not weak, and there was such a good player as the Nine Shadows, how could he be nameless?

After watching the battle again for a while, the army of orcs had been pressed on all fronts, and the pressure faced by Anchaohu Town had doubled, and Dorrell and Qu Xingjian also took the men and horses to the front line to fight in person.

"Hmph, it's a group of simple-minded guys, come with me.

Tang Dao saw the emptiness of the half-orc camp on the hillside, and immediately sneered in his heart, and led the group straight to the half-orc camp.

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