"I'll see who dares to move!"

shouted as if he didn't move, and suddenly shocked the 30 captains of the hundred-man team, and these 30 people were not standing there, nor were they coming.

"Brother Tian, I can tell you very clearly, first, the Death Scythe is my best friend and brother, and his business is my business, and I am in charge of this matter.

"Second, the alliance leader of the Xuantian Shield is me, then I should have the power to mobilize everything, as the deputy alliance leader, you can raise questions, but you can't give orders directly past me.

"Third, what kind of bullshit is Shenghuang? Why should I be afraid? You are afraid of Shenghuang, I am not afraid, isn't it just a downgrade?

Immovable Rushan stretched out three fingers, not afraid of the extremely oppressive eyes of the Heaven-Shaking Wuyue, and said loudly, he did not hide his voice in the slightest, so everyone heard it.

Tang Dao stood in place and bowed his head silently.

"Han Shan!" Wan

Gu Hengtian hurriedly walked over and shouted in a low voice, signaling them not to make too much trouble, lest people's hearts would deviate.

"Hmph, there's nothing to say, I can say it now, tonight, the reason why I let you go online is very simple, block Shenghuang's 2.5w people, I know it's difficult, everyone may drop the level, drop the equipment, if you're afraid, you can leave now." Immovable

as a mountain shook off the hand of the eternal heavens, and then said to the 3,000 people of the Xuantian Shield.

Seeing that the heaven-shaking Wuyue was about to speak again, Shanhe Wanli stepped forward first, raised his arms and shouted:

"Brothers, what are we playing games for? entertainment? or to make money? No! Not at all! What is the highest configuration of the game? It is a brother and a friend!" "

The friendship between the alliance leader and the death sickle is obvious to all, and today is to fight for the brothers, is the alliance leader wrong? No!".

"Besides, we are all ordinary people and workers, and we have to bow our heads in life on weekdays, but this is a game! We should not bring in the same set in life! Within the legal principle, we can do whatever we want! What is wrong with arguing with our brothers?"

"The alliance leader has always been righteous, you touch your conscience and say, has the alliance leader ever treated you badly? Today he can give the Death Scythe out of the head, and tomorrow he can give you and me the head!" "

Shenghuang is strong, but so what? It's great to die and drop one level, even if Lao Tzu is unlucky, the equipment is all blown up, there are so many brothers here, I'm still worried that I won't be able to come back from leveling?"

"I promise that as long as the alliance leader does not order a retreat, I dare to resurrect all the time, even if it falls back to level zero!"

"Don't worry, in today's battle, anyone who has lost his level and equipment can report it truthfully, and I will reimburse everyone! Don't be afraid that I have no money, some of you know me, Lao Tzu still has a car, it's amazing, that Ferra is sold, and it will definitely not let any of the brothers be wronged!"

In this way, the 3,000 people of the Xuantian Shield suddenly returned to their hearts, and none of them left.

Shaking Heaven Wuyue's lips twitched, and he wanted to use many of his core members to be members of the Han Group to pressure them to retreat, but he was stopped by Eternal Hengtian shaking his head.

"Brother Tian, I know that you are thinking about it at the guild level, I don't blame you, you can report tonight's matter truthfully, as for how to deal with the rest of the matter, it is not something that should be considered now. Immovable

as a mountain looked at the five mountains that shook the sky, and spoke indifferently.

"Let's straighten out the formation first and prepare to defend against the enemy.

Shaking the Sky Wuyue sighed and diverted the topic.

Just two minutes later, the news reached Shenghuang's side, and at this time they were only ten minutes away from Jiangjiawu.

"Qingge, the 3,000 people of the Xuantian Shield have been assembled in Jiangjiawu. Darkest

Starfire came to Feng Qingge's side and said.

"Hmph! It's a good time, send an order to Gu Kongyu, let him take the lead with the overlord bone, the more ruthless the better!" Feng

Qingge had already prepared, she was afraid that the people from the Xuantian Shield would not come.

"Brothers, follow me! step on Jiangjiawu!" After

receiving the order, Gu Kongyu, who had been holding back his anger for a long time, drew his sword at his waist and rushed out with the army.

This distance was almost in the blink of an eye, and what appeared in front of the Shenghuang player was the shield array of the Xuantian Shield.

"Immovable as a mountain, there is a way in heaven for you not to go, and there is no door for hell for you to break in!"

Kill!" Gu Kongyu saw the immovable Rushan who was on the front line from afar, and couldn't help but sneer, now there are two top masters behind him to press the formation, afraid of a fart!"Kill!" Immovable Rushan

ignored him, and replied to Shenghuang with his spear.

The fronts of the two sides collided together, and Shenghuang's 1W army was like a locust crossing the border, fiercely pressing on the defensive front of the Xuantian Shield.

Lonely Sky Feather, Overlord Bone, No. 9 Gray and others fought hard, constantly tearing at the shield array, and soon tore a gap in the shield array.

"Follow me!" Lone

Sky Feather took the lead, rushing into the shield array with an elite force, and constantly expanding the gap, wanting to completely destroy the shield array of the Xuantian Shield.

After slashing another player, Lone Sky Feather was knocked away by a shield, revealing him with a mountain and river that had arrived thousands of miles.


the slightest hesitation, Gu Kongyu grabbed the heavy sword with both hands and slammed it on the shield of mountains and rivers.


the sword turned and blocked a shot from Shanhe Wanli, Lone Sky Feather slammed sideways into the shield, knocking Shanhe Wanli back.

"Thrust! Hurry!" Taking

advantage of the gap between the mountains and rivers and the retreat of the shield for thousands of miles, Lone Sky Feather shouted to the side.

Several successive thrust skill flashes, and the mountains and rivers let go of their shields and fall to the ground, their health bars empty, and their boots burst out.

Gu Kongyu didn't even look at it, and continued to charge with people, tearing the shield array.

Fudo Rushan and the others were surrounded by a group of elites, although they killed a lot, but the number of people on the opposite side was too much, so there was no way to go to the rescue, and they could only watch the shield array being defeated.

In the chaos of the army, the two assassins Tang Dao and Tang Xin did not have much use, so they could only keep wandering, looking for lone players to kill.

However, it was the heavy armor trio of Qiu Guan, Cangshan Xue, and the Evil Disciple, who attacked left and right, killing and wounding many people.

Under Shenghuang's fierce attack, the shield array of the Xuantian Shield only lasted less than five minutes before being crushed, and the entire line collapsed.

Just when the people were struggling to hold their positions, the team of mages led by Feng Qingge arrived.

"Stormy Storm!" Feng

Qingge walked to the front line under the protection of the knight and raised his staff.

"Oh no!"

Hearing Feng Qingge's voice, Tang Dao felt bad in his heart and hurriedly retreated.

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