The cool night breeze blew, accompanied by the wolf howls that sounded from time to time in the distance, adding a touch of desolation to the already desolate Ishikawa Gorge.

On the boulder, Tang Dao and the others are constantly adjusting their state, whether the cold-blooded rose comes or not, they have to fight hard.

Just as Darkest Starfire was sending 200 Assassins out of the hillside on either side to get information, there was movement on the hillside.

Torches lit up one by one, spreading all over the mountains, like fireflies in summer.

"Oh no, there are ambush soldiers!" Darkest

Starfire's heart jumped suddenly, and the secret path was sure enough, fortunately, he didn't lead people to break in rashly, and the Death Scythe and the others really had a back hand!

"Boss, what do you say?"

asked the forward spy.

"Grope for the past, be careful. "

Darkest Starfire retreated some distance with his people, sending people to urge the army in the rear, and on the other hand, he kept estimating the number of ambushes on the hillside, if they rushed down, whether they could stop it.

"Speed up!" The

two of them, Gu Kongyu and Shui Yuexing, who were closely following behind, led more than 10,000 elites to speed up the pursuit again.

Soon, news came from the Assassins on the hillside.

"Boss, there's no one on the hillside, only torches.

"Only torches?"

Darkest Starfire was a little puzzled, then this is the plan of the suspicious soldiers, but now there are less than a hundred people left in the Xuantian Shield, even if the tactics of the suspicious soldiers are used, what is the use?

Looking back, the Shenghuang army that could barely see the appearance on the horizon was able to see clearly, and after a brief hesitation of two seconds, the Darkest Starfire rushed into the Ishikawa Gorge with people.

As they approached the position of the boulder, many of the Assassins opened the strong concealment in unison, and hundreds of figures disappeared almost simultaneously, leaving only the faint sound of footsteps and clothes rubbing against the air against the silence of the surrounding environment.

Tang Dao and the others, who were on top of the boulder, took out the wine jar and threw it on the ground, and then set it on fire, blocking the only way.

As soon as the time of Qiang Yin passed, beyond the sea of fire, a large figure appeared, threw out the red potion, smashed a way, and rushed up.

"Shield Array!" "

Motionless Rushan took the remaining dozen knights carrying shields to form the final shield array.

The vast majority of those who come out of Shenghuang's encirclement are heavily armored players, as only they have a chance to take a lot of damage and break through.

Among the remaining dozens of people, there were only two leather armors, Tang Dao and Tang Xin, and the rest were all swordsmen and warriors.

The knights who formed the shield opened their towers one after another, forming a wall that isolated many of the Assassins from the shield array.

The players behind them fought their way to slash and slash the assassins who rushed towards the shield.

These assassins were well-trained and fearless, and even if their profession was suppressed, they still attacked the shield array, and under the furious output, they quickly beat the knights in the front row to the ground.

Almost at the moment when the first knight was beaten to blood, before he had time to drink the blood vial, the darkest spark that had been hiding in the crowd moved.

Phantom flash + mad blade kill!

His figure appeared behind the remnant knight like a ghost, the double dagger stabbed out like a life-seeking viper, and with a flash of white light, the remnant knight fell to the ground instantly, and a gap appeared in the shield array.

The rest of the Assassins rushed into the void, pinning down players from behind and on the flanks who wanted to fill the gap, and the shield was broken.

Without the hindrance of the shield array, the assassin group at this moment is like a swarm of poisonous bees that cannot be restrained, penetrating everywhere and taking them by surprise.

Although Tang Dao and Tang Xin were also extremely violent, slashing dozens of people one after another, coupled with the support of high resistance that was as immobile as a mountain, under the absolute difference in numbers, everyone could not counteract at all.

The few dozen remaining people were quickly emptied, and the three Tang Dao were surrounded by groups, all their skills were CD, and there was no way out.

"Hmph, the Grim Reaper's scythe, immobile as a mountain, you shouldn't be against Shenghuang, pay attention in the next life. Darkest

Starfire naturally wouldn't play any heads-up tricks, and with a wave of his hand, he motioned for the rest of the people to come forward and deal with the three of them.

Suddenly, there was a sharp sound of breaking wind, and Darkstar reacted the fastest, and his body shook and hid in the crowd before he opened his mouth to warn.

"Watch out for the rain

of arrows!" Before it was too late, a large rain of arrows came like flying locusts, enveloping the entire boulder, and nearly half of the Assassins fell under the rain of arrows.

Turning back suddenly, it was only then that Dark Starfire realized that many archers had approached from the slopes on both sides of the hill at some point, but unfortunately, these people were not Shenghuang's players, and the bright red rose mark on his left shoulder was so dazzling.

The leading few people are all beautiful women, and their IDs are quite famous, and any one of them is a well-known figure in Sal City.

Willow February LV30 Archer, Peach Blossom March LV29 Priest, Flowing Fire July LV30 Light Magician, Starry April LV28 Crusader, Golden Autumn September LV30 Confrontation

"Blood Rose!" Darkest

Starfire secretly said in his heart, looking at at at least 3,000 archers on both sides and magicians and other long-range departments who kept rushing over, his heart almost sank to the bottom.

"Invited by the Death Scythe, I came to hunt!" said

Jin Qiujiu with a smile on his face.

Outside the Ishikawa Gorge, the reinforcements of Lone Sky Feather and Water Moon Star had just arrived, and seeing that a big battle was about to start in the valley, the two who knew that the Assassin Regiment of the Darkest Starfire was not the opponent of the Blood Rose people also hurriedly commanded the army to cover the past.

"Follow me!" Fanxing

April waved the big sword in his hand and rushed out with a heavy armor system of about 1,000 people, and crossed in front of the army of Lone Sky Feather.

Although more than a thousand people would definitely not be able to stop it, the time that could be delayed was enough

! Illumination!

A large group of priests used illumination to illuminate all the assassins who were hiding in the shadows.

"Kill!" Jin

Qiujiu snorted coldly, and then led the people to charge forward.

"Break through! Hurry!" "

Darkest Starfire is not stupid, his own assassin is not enough for the other party to stuff his teeth, so he naturally has to go first.

At this time, many assassins had already removed the boulder where Tang Dao and the others were, and it seemed that there were only more than a thousand people led by the stars in front of them.

"Arrow!" "Willow

February" Fuliu February was unceremoniously, and aimed his bow and arrow at the back of the heart of the Dark Starfire, but he dodged it.

But in the face of the rain of arrows, how many players like Darkest Starfire were there?

But before the people who had just gathered the Shenghuang army could take a breath, they heard the sound of fighting behind them.

"Boss, the cold-blooded rose led people straight into the back row of us, and the brothers in charge of defense were already overwhelmed!" a

bloodied player stumbled over, covered in blood.

Gu Kongyu looked back, and through the faint moonlight, he saw the blood-colored rose badge on the shoulders of the group of people, almost boundless, and his heart was a little flustered.

"Retreat into the valley and hold on!" Seeing

that the attack of the cold-blooded rose became more and more ferocious, Lone Sky Feather was worried that forcing the battle would cause heavy losses to his rear ranks, so he could only order to enter the Ishikawa Gorge.

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