After dinner, they went back to their respective homes, because Tang Dao was drinking, so Tang Xin could only drive, this aunt and grandmother drove up, and Tang Dao sitting in the back seat felt that he was about to be shaken.

"You and Han Shan have known each other for a long time?"

On the way, Tang Xin asked with some curiosity.

"Well, I've known each other in college for a few years.

Tang Dao burped.

"What do you think of others?" asked

Tang Xincha.


Tang Dao was puzzled, not quite understanding what she meant.

"I mean, do you think he's going to hurt you?" Tang

Xin stepped on the accelerator again, and the speed was already close to 130.

"Of course not. "

Tang Dao must believe in Han Shan.

"That's good, I'll slow down after a high-speed turn in a while, you can deal with the people behind you, remember to leave a living.

Tang Xin nodded and glanced in the rearview mirror.

"Huh?" Tang

Dao suddenly realized that the business car behind him had been following closely, and it was about to get off the Ring Expressway, it shouldn't be.

Wait, do you need to get on the Ring Expressway

?" "Don't panic, I deliberately ran to the suburbs, should I let these people follow us to our apartment?"

Tang Xin said calmly while driving, after all, I have seen it twice, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Well, be careful yourself for a moment.

Tang Dao took out the judge's pen from his cuff, which was actually summoned, just to cover it up.

Descend the ring road, turn into the suburbs, and finally slow down and stop at the edge of a wasteland.

The black van behind it also stopped, and five or six men in black trench coats walked down, carrying steel pipes in their hands.

"Who are you?"

Tang Dao got out of the car and confronted a few people.

"Up!" no

one answered, and several people rushed over with a wave of steel pipes, and their skills were agile, and it was obvious that they had some foundation on their bodies.

Facing the swinging stick, Tang Dao raised his outstretched right hand to meet it, and the steel pipe and the judge's pen in the palm of his hand collided together, and the steel pipe was immediately deformed, and the huge anti-shock force also made the opponent's arm tremble, and he retreated to open the distance.


his left hand, he grabbed a steel pipe that swung from the side, dodged the attack from the other side again, and when he turned around, the judge's pen in his hand was mercilessly pulled down and hit the man's neck, instantly falling to the ground.

At the same time, he pulled the steel pipe with his left hand, pushed his knee up, and slammed it into the chest, knocking it to the ground.

Tear off the steel pipe and throw it at the first guy who was knocked back and rushed up, and with his right hand parryed the attack from behind, turned around and punched him in the heart, knocking it back and kicking it away.

The last man dodged sideways, then rushed up again and was kicked away.


sound of the car window shattering sounded, and Tang Dao turned around suddenly, only to see a man in black who had broken the glass with one palm and was grabbing Tang Xin through the window.

Running, borrowing strength, stepping on the hood and jumping up suddenly, and then the right elbow aimed at its heavenly spirit cover and fell, if it is implemented, even if it can't break the heavenly spirit cover, the cervical vertebrae will be broken.

But to Tang Dao's surprise, this man in black was obviously not on the same level as the previous people, and reacted extremely quickly, pushed up with both hands, and withdrew with his strength, and actually parried the blow.


But it wasn't easy either, and although he was able to dissolve most of the power with the help of skill, the remaining strength still made his hands ache faintly.

You must know that he has practiced iron sand palms since he was a child, and now his hands are calloused, as if he is wearing a thick layer of gloves, and it is difficult for ordinary people's strength to threaten him.

However, the top priority is to complete the task first, and the man in black didn't think much about it, his hands turned into palms, and he opened his formation, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and he firmly locked on the Tang Dao.

Tang Dao didn't bother to ask, the judge in his hand stabbed straight away, poking straight at the door, in this case, naturally he would not say anything about the mercy of his subordinates.

The man in black dodged sideways, his right hand was full of strength, and he aimed at Tang Dao's chest with a palm.


Dao stretched out his left hand to block, and the two palms collided in the air, and the huge force made both of them take a few steps back.

Feeling the pain coming from his left hand, the man in black's eyes were full of surprise, he could see that the person in front of him was not a person who had practiced martial arts since childhood, but how could he have such strength? Is he born with divine power?

After two consecutive setbacks, the man in black did not dare to hide any more, and while taking two steps back, he reached out and wiped the inside of the windbreaker, and a pair of special metal gloves appeared on his hand.

These gloves are peculiar, in appearance, the silver-white scales are spliced together one by one, and the fingertips are made into sharp nails, which look like the claws of some kind of animal.

With the gloves in hand, the man in black also gained a little confidence, and his figure rushed towards him like a cheetah, and his claws were even more wrapped in the momentum of wind and thunder, and there was even a sound of breaking the air.

The right hand grabbed forward from the side, was dodged and swept away, the left hand poked out from the bottom up, grabbed the throat, was held by the Tang Dao backhand wrist, the right judge stabbed the pen, raised his arm to block, stepped forward to pin the heel of the Tang Dao, and pushed hard like a bird of prey to withdraw the Tang Dao.

While he staggered, his claws were full of strength, his body flew over, and more than a dozen claws were swung down fiercely in a row.

Ding, ding, ding...

Tang Dao raised the judge's pen to defend, but he only carried it a few times, and the judge's pen was hooked and torn off by him, and all that was left was the flesh.


claws slashed across the back of his hand, bringing out several deep wounds, almost to the bone.

The severe pain hit, and the left hand could barely lift its strength, and Tang Dao could only retreat again.


Seeing that the opponent had been injured, the man in black couldn't help but snort coldly, and was about to shoot again.

With a little force on his toes, his body jumped up, and the whole person turned into claws with his hands like a goshawk, aiming at Tang Dao's head and neck.

In desperation, Tang Dao used the power of the judge, covered his hands with a layer of faint blue flames, and pinched the wrist of the man in black.


and then, in his horrified gaze, the flames in his hands burned his wrists, and with a click, two metal palms fell to the ground, including the fleshy palms of the man in black, who threw his two charred arms and retreated, wailing and terrified.

"Tell me, who sent you?" Tang

Dao put away the flames, immediately stepped forward to grab it, and questioned sharply.

"It's h..."


man in black was about to reply, a gunshot broke the silence, and along with it, the head of the man in black changed, almost half of it was lifted off, and the red and white things splashed Tang Dao's body, Tang Dao was slightly distracted, who was the man in black about just now?

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

In the midst of this lightning and fire, five shots were fired in succession, and the five people on the ground were killed in turn, making sure that they were dead and could no longer speak.

However, the murderer seemed to be a little unwilling, and shot at the ground in front of Tang Dao like a demonstration, and the dirt splashed and hit Tang Dao in the face, which also made him sober up and quickly hid behind the car.

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