"Dad, I'm back!" Childe

sat down in the hall, picked up his teacup, and shouted to the study.

"Less yelling!"

the study responded, and then opened the door and walked out.

The first person was naturally a wealthy merchant himself, with a big belly, luxuriously dressed, and a flattering smile on his fat face.

"General, please!" The

rich businessman invited out was naturally Ansai, at this time he was already a level 45 E-level BOSS, and his momentum was also very powerful, although he was not wearing armor, but a military robe, but it also highlighted his strong figure.

"Well, that's the noble son, right?"

Compared with the flattery of the rich merchant, Ansai's expression was a little more arrogant.

"Yes, this is a dog, bastard, and I can't come to salute General Ansai!" the

rich merchant nodded hurriedly, and then waved at Childe and scolded.

"General Ansay. Although

he is powerful in this Xinshi Town on weekdays, this son also understands that the size of his family is not worth mentioning in front of the Rossetti family, so he is also respectful to Ansai.

"Well, that's good. "

Why can't Ansai see that this is a wine bag and rice bag?" out of politeness or politeness, he nodded slightly.

"Eh, if Boss Lin doesn't agree with our previous proposal, I have a better suggestion.

Ansai raised his leg to leave, and then a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and his eyes turned to the gentleman, and said thoughtfully.


The rich merchant was a little puzzled, the previous proposal was really a little inappropriate, and he tried every means to excuse himself to let Ansai give up, but I don't know what this Ansai general is going to do?"

"Boy, do you want to make a contribution? The eldest husband should ride a fierce horse, hold a blade, and serve the country loyally!"

Ansai walked in front of the gentleman, smiled slightly, and said something arrogant, but the sound outside the strings made people feel uneasy.

"Of course I do, General Ansai, you may not know, my favorite thing is hunting! Horse archery, I'm very proficient, anyway, shooting pheasants and hares is archery, and shooting people is also archery!"

"Okay, you have ambition! Boy, you have a very good appetite for me, you might as well tell you that Wang Yuanxiu, the town general of Xinshi Town, is about to leave his post, and the position of town general will be vacant at that time.

"Although he is only a thousand-commander, he is also an official, as long as he makes meritorious service, he can be promoted to Sal City in the future, I think you also know that my uncle is the cavalry general of Sal City, and you will be promoted a little at that time, and the future is immeasurable."

Ansai said with a smile on his face.

"If you can do this, I am grateful!" The

gentleman was moved, and hurriedly thanked him, as if he had seen his bright future in the future.

"Okay, Boss Lin, can we talk about our business again?"

Ansai nodded with satisfaction, and then glanced at the rich merchant again.

"It's... If you can guarantee that Wang Yuanxiu really steps down, it is not impossible, and the general also knows that Wang Yuanxiu is a dead brain, if I really make any moths, he will definitely not let me go. The

rich businessman was also moved at this time, what he was afraid of was not to do the thing itself, but to do it after doing it, from Wang Yuanxiu's accountability.

"Don't worry, he, Wang Yuanxiu, is a small Xinshi town general, but he is just a thousand-commander, and even I, the cavalry captain, can handle him.

Ansai laughed when he heard this, patting his chest and reassuring.

"Okay, please go back to the study. The

rich businessman also gritted his teeth and decided to agree, as long as he succeeded, he would be able to establish a relationship with the Rossetti family, and the opportunity should not be missed.


Ansai slowly walked into the study.

Seeing the two enter the study, some boring gentlemen also left with a few slaves.

"A few of you, go and ask me if there are any good-looking girls in the town! Young master, I'm about to soar, and I can't miss three wives and four concubines! Tell those chicks that as long as I follow the young master, I will eat and drink spicy food in the future, and I will enjoy endless blessings. In

the middle of the hall, the gentleman commanded a few of the slaves, and then fell into a beautiful fantasy again.

The crowd resigned and retreated.

Tang Dao seized the opportunity and drew a general topographical map around the mansion, as long as the army entered the town, he must first copy the house, take the rich merchant, and ask them what kind of transaction they made.

Tang Xin, on the other side, also drew several key points of the town on the map, of course, there is nothing to draw, mainly the location of the granary, armory, barracks, and vault.

Fifteen minutes of camouflage skills were almost over, Tang Dao took the lead in leaving the town, and after joining Tang Xin, he combined a map and sent it to Qiu Guan, who then forwarded it to Jiang Chengji.

In the barracks, Wang Yuanxiu sat on a chair, looking at the empty banquet in front of him, a little dazed.

Since the last time the half-orcs suffered heavy losses, Thrall City did not send people to replenish it, and deducted military salaries, the brothers who died in the battle could not get pensions, the brothers who were alive could not get salaries, not to mention the newly recruited soldiers, they had no money, what kind of training could they take?

Now these 800 soldiers in Xinshi Town are still put together by themselves, if they hadn't served as town generals for many years, they would still have some prestige, and the people are also afraid that the half-orcs will come to loot again, otherwise no one will come here to be soldiers at all.

I heard that General Ansai was coming early this morning, I thought I was going to come to the barracks to comfort the soldiers, but I didn't want to go directly to the Lin family's mansion, the black-hearted businessman surnamed Lin, relying on a bit of a relationship, reselling wartime materials, oppressing the people in the township, and scraping the people's fat and ointment, he had long wanted to kill him.

As a result, the general of Saar, although he was only a cavalry captain, still took the initiative to go, what does this mean? It represents the collusion between the military and merchants in Saar, and the life of the people is bitter.

"Alas~, straight as a string, on the edge of the dead road, curved like a hook, anti-feudal marquis. After

being silent for a long time, Wang Yuanxiu sighed.

"General, general, no, no!"

At that moment, a soldier hurried in.

"What's going on? Don't panic, speak slowly.

Wang Yuanxiu frowned, hugged the soldier, and asked.

"The town, outside, there is a large army pressing the border!" The

soldier ran out of breath, and spit out a few words intermittently, but it exploded in Wang Yuanxiu's ears like a thunderclap.

"Gather all the horses immediately and go to battle with me!" Wang

Yuanxiu immediately made a decision, rushed to the weapon rack, changed into armor, put on a spear, turned over his horse, and went straight to the school field.

Outside Xinshi Town, Jiang Chengji's 1,200 people were already arrayed, and 400 people were in a phalanx, with guns like reeds and military formations.

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