"I, Ansai, as the captain of Saar City, announce the dismissal of Wang Yuanxiu from the post of general of Xinshi Town, and Lin Gongzi will take over the position! The rest of the people will not be investigated, and Wang Yuanxiu is the only one who is the first evil!" Ansai

said loudly while standing on the city wall, and then couldn't help but sneer.

As long as the sins of these big-headed soldiers are forgiven

, and then a little benefit is given, it is not a fart to sell his life? As for Wang Yuanxiu, a small town general, what kind of storm can he set off? Just replace him, support this little waste of the Lin family on the line, and wait until the matter is over, and then push him out as a scapegoat, and lead someone to kill him, and maybe he can also record a military exploit, which is perfect.

Unfortunately, things didn't seem to go in the direction he had hoped, and none of the townspeople and soldiers present spoke, let alone moved.

"What are you doing?" Ansai

snapped as if he had anticipated something was wrong.

Maybe in another case, this plan is perfect, but unfortunately not now.

Who is the biggest landlord in Xinshi Town?

Who is the most concerned about the people in Xinshi Town? Wang Yuanxiu.

Now Ansai wants to abolish Wang Yuanxiu and replace him with someone from the Lin family, which makes the already oppressed people completely ignite the anger in their hearts.

"Brothers, are you willing to believe me?" Wang

Yuanxiu also recovered from his grief, clenched the spear in his hand, and asked the soldiers.

"Yes!" shouted

in unison.


Wang Yuanxiu nodded, then turned to the direction of Jiang Chengji and knelt down.

"The last general, Wang Yuanxiu, is willing to swear to follow the general! There is no way to crusade, and there is no regret in nine deaths!" Wang Yuanxiu

lowered his head.

Jiang Chengji's eyes narrowed slightly, and he took his bow and arrow, aiming at Wang Yuanxiu, and everyone was shocked, but the arrow had already flown out.

The arrow flew past Wang Yuanxiu's helmet, and then collided with Ansai's arrow on the city wall, shooting it down.


An Sai on the city wall was also shocked, what kind of joke, there are still such characters among the rebels?

"The army followed me into the town, and those who dared to burn, kill, plunder or invade the people, beheaded!" Jiang

Chengji shouted to more than a thousand people behind him, and then raised the gold-backed knife in his hand and rushed towards Xinshi Town first.

"The army dispersed, follow the general

into the town!" Wang Yuanxiu also turned on his horse, and with the 800 soldiers who defected, he also rushed into Xinshi Town, and the soldiers guarding the gate struggled to open the city gate to welcome the army into the town.

An army of 2,000 people, not a single one obeyed Ansai's orders, and Ansai was not stupid, although he was brave, but it was impossible to kill 2,000 people, so he immediately galloped down the city wall and rode away.

"General Ansai!" The

abandoned son of the Lin family suddenly felt the boundless anger of the townspeople, and hurriedly fled home with a few slaves.

"Sir, this way!" Tang

Dao incarnated as a leading party, and directly surrounded the Lin family's mansion with Jiang Chengji and others.

In the face of many stubborn soldiers, even the servants of the Lin family, who were accustomed to being vicious on weekdays, were a little frightened, cowering, and did not dare to step forward.

"Open the door!"

Jiang Chengji and Wang Yuanxiu both came, and Jiang Chengji said to a soldier.

"Yes!" the

soldier did not hesitate, and stepped forward to push the door open, but no one dared to stop him.

"Search for me and arrest the Lin family father and son.

Jiang Chengji waved his hand, and the soldiers rushed in, especially the soldiers from Xinshi Town, who rushed to the front line.

Sure enough, soon, the father and son were both caught and thrown on the ground.

"General Wang, see what you do with them.

Jiang Chengji pointed to the two and said to Wang Yuanxiu.

"Dog thief, but I won't kill you, ask the people of Xinshi Town what to do with you!" Wang

Yuanxiu stepped forward angrily and stepped on the two of them and said.

"Wait!" Tang

Dao hurriedly stopped, and then walked over.

"Hmm? I haven't asked what this brother's name is.

When Wang Yuanxiu saw Tang Dao, he recalled the behavior of this person throwing coins in front of the two armies, and he was also quite impressed, and hugged his fists.

"General Wang doesn't have to be polite, just call me the Death Scythe.

Tang Dao smiled, and then walked in front of the Lin family's father and son, showing a bright dagger.

Turning his head to look at Jiang Chengji, Jiang Chengji understood, waved his hand, and motioned for everyone to retreat.

"Tell me, what is your deal with Ansai?" Tang

Dao lightly pressed the dagger to the rich merchant's finger.

"What are you talking about... Ah!"

the rich merchant was about to quibble, when his finger was cut off, and the pain was so severe that he wailed.

"Tell me.

Tang Dao advanced the dagger again and attached it to the second section of his index finger.

"I don't know... Ahh

"I said, I said!" the

rich merchant could no longer hold on, and hurriedly begged for mercy.

"General Wang may know that we have a little friendship with the Rossetti family, but not much, so when General Ansai came to the Lin family this morning, I was very happy, thinking that the opportunity had come. "

The wealthy businessman was afraid of Tang Dao's methods, and decided to give it up.

"Bullshit general! Ansai dog thief!" Wang

Yuanxiu scolded angrily.

"Yes, yes, Ansai dog thief.

The rich merchant nodded yes, and then continued

, "The Ansai dog thief has come to my house, hoping that I can help plan a riot. "

Mix a special potion into the diet of the quarry miners, and then he will find a way to take them to the north to the town of Anchao Lake, and if he can succeed, he will say a few words for us in front of General Anker." The

rich merchant said with a wince, looking at the few people with some horror.


Wang Yuanxiu and Jiang Chengji glanced at each other and sensed that something was wrong.

"Anchaohu Town? Nonsense! Anchaohu Town has a lot of troops, how many people can you have in a quarry? How can you threaten Anchaohu Town?" Tang

Dao is even more keen, if he wants to take Anchaohu Town, there are definitely not enough miners in a quarry.

"Really, I... Ahh

"I said, I said, not only the quarry, but also asked that as much medicine be put into the water source of the townspeople, as much as possible, the better, saying that as long as we can take the town of Anchao Lake, let us move to Saar, otherwise, we will kill all my family, and I am also forced to

do it!" The rich merchant was so painful that he could only endure his words.

"Dog! The life of your Lin family is life, but the life of the quarry miner is not life? The life of the 9,000 townspeople of Xinshi Town is not life? Lao Tzu slaughtered you!" Wang

Yuanxiu was already angry when he heard this, and he was about to chop this rich businessman if he grabbed Jiang Chengji's gold-backed knife.

"Calm down!" Jiang

Chengji hurriedly stopped, and at the same time persuaded him, it's not too late to kill after asking, he can't run anyway.

"Tell me, where is the potion? Don't worry, as long as you are willing to make peace, I promise they will not kill you.

Tang Dao asked, crouching down as he pressed the dagger to his finger again.

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