"Eh, Brother Changkong, you can't say that, when have I ever made a small move?"

Xie Wushuang smiled slightly, and said fearlessly.

"Hmph, isn't it? What do you mean by this document you gave me? Tell me, how much do you want?"

Xie Changkong sat back in his chair and regained his lightness.

"This number.

Xie Wushuang stretched out two fingers and said with a smile.

"Two million?"

Xie Changkong breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, okay.

"No, it's twenty million.

Xie Wushuang shook his head, and then spoke seriously.

"Are you kidding

?" "Like?"

"Twenty million can't be."

"Then there's nothing to say, you don't have to pretend anything, you must have 20 million." "

Negotiations were at an impasse for a while.

"Okay, it's twenty million, but I want the rest of the people to know about it.

After being silent for a while, Xie Changkong still compromised.

"Deal. Xie

Wushuang is overjoyed, with 20 million, his business can be revitalized again.


Xie Changkong wrote a check and handed it over, even with his financial resources, 20 million is definitely not a small amount.

After sending Xie Wushuang away, Xie Changkong opened the folder again, which contained information about Han Shan, which specifically mentioned that he had a good friend named Tang Dao, and in the game, Immovable Rushan and Death Scythe were like brothers.

"Tang Dao, are you really not dead?"

Slowly closing the folder, a solemnity flashed in Xie Changkong's heart.

At the beginning of the world closed beta, the information and number of players participating were confidential, and the version tested by each person was different, and it was an independent closed beta, which is equivalent to everyone having an independent server.

And those internal test data, theoretically, there are only three copies, one in the hands of the official in the world, one in the world server, and one in the hands of the beta players themselves.

The reason why Xie Changkong was eyeing Tang Dao was precisely because of his humble background, Xie Changkong spent a lot of money to get part of the list of this internal test from an insider, and after careful thinking, he decided to attack Tang Dao.

sent someone to buy Yi Ya's best friend, first verbally hinted at Yi Ya's poverty of Tang Dao, it was a pity to follow him on Yi Ya's terms, and then let his best friend take Yi Ya to a luxurious banquet, after seeing the life of a rich man, he let his best friend continue to use words to arouse Yi Ya's yearning for a rich life, and gradually crush Yi Ya's values.

Subsequently, Xie Changkong "encountered" Yi Ya again, taking advantage of Tang Dao's busy life and having no time to take care of Yi Ya's feelings, he took it down, and after confirming that he had returned to his heart, he played the last card.


Yi Ya to ask Tang Dao out, and die in a car accident on the way, Yi Ya took the opportunity to take away the internal test data, everything is very reasonable.

Now, Yi Ya's best friend has "gone abroad", and the driver also died because of drunk driving, and few people know about it.

Now the document that Xie Wushuang took over was nothing more than a warning to Xie Changkong, he already knew some inside information, so he used this to blackmail Xie Changkong and took away Xie Changkong's 20 million.

"Let Yi Ya come here.

Xie Changkong sorted out his thoughts and shouted at the door.


In the apartment, Tang Dao and the others were busy with lunch, and it was rare to relax, so they naturally wanted to enjoy it.

Qiu Guan's craftsmanship naturally has nothing to say, a table full of dishes, boiled fish, fried crispy pork, green bamboo shoots and meat slices, pig's trotters stewed kelp, saliva chicken, rotten meat cowpeas, cold salad shredded radish, black bean sauce and wheat vegetables, and a large pot of sour plum soup made by himself, which has been frozen.

"Open the meal, open the meal!" Shui

Yue walked out with a large stack of bowls, although she couldn't cook, she could help with the cooking.

"How do you eat it?" Cangshan

Xue looked at Tang Dao, wrapping gauze in both hands.

"Use a spoon and eat it. Tang

Dao made a gesture, it should be the only way.

"Am I coming back at the right time?" It's so fragrant, let's start eating!" The

door opened, Tang Tian's voice sounded, and after the exam was over, he was resurrected with full blood.

"Finished the exam?"

Tang Xin took the meal and stared at Tang Tian.

"Of course, your brother and I, but I'm a little genius, just one day of preparation.

Tang Tian patted his chest, hurriedly took the chopsticks handed over by Shui Yue, and sat down beside Tang Dao unceremoniously.

"Hehe, I'll buy you a little genius phone watch tomorrow.

Tang Xin said angrily.

"Oh, it's just two subjects, no problem, eh, what's wrong with your hands, Brother Dao?"

Tang Tian was also very confident, this was not long after the semester began, how difficult it could be to take the exam, but soon his eyes fell on someone who had a very strange appearance.

"I went out for a barbecue last night and pressed the charcoal fire. Tang

Dao is still the same rhetoric.

"Oh, barbecue, and who ate it?" Tang

Tian was a little curious.

"Your sister.

"No wonder, you must have been attracted by my old sister's beauty, so you accidentally pressed on the charcoal fire, right?

"Yes, you guessed it right. "

Tang Dao is no longer able to complain.

"If you don't want to die, shut up.

Tang Xin's face was murderous, and the two hurriedly lowered their heads to cook.

"What are you going to do in the afternoon? I heard that the system has been updated. In

the end, Tang Tian still didn't shut up.

"Make a money-making plan, and now the studio is still in a negative profit-making state.

Speaking of this, Tang Xin suddenly felt a little helpless, holding chopsticks and poking the rice in the bowl.

"Oh, is there any way to get money quickly

?" Tang Dao also raised his head, it's good to make money, how to recruit people without money, how to set up a guild, how to work with Shenghuang?"

Tang Xin looked at Tang Dao and smiled slightly.

Although the smile was beautiful, Tang Dao felt a little wrong.

"The way to make money lies with you!" Tang

Xin said with a smile.

"It's me, what are you kidding?" Tang

Dao was a little unconvinced.

"You have the recipe for refining the potion, as long as there are materials, it is enough to refine a large number of potions, and now the price of the primary red potion has increased to 1 silver coin each, and your refining one is more than enough to sell for 5 silver coins." "

A bottle sells for 5 silver coins, 20 bottles are 1 gold coin, as long as the materials are enough, refining him for a few thousand bottles, won't the money come? "

Tang Xin, as an internal beta player, although he is not mainly engaged in the production system, he still knows the basic knowledge of alchemy, and there is no CD for primary potion refining.

"That's not as good as refining blue potions, at this stage, it is outrageous for mages to consume blue, a blue potion is 2 silver coins, how can the primary refining blue potion be sold for 10 silver coins, 10 bottles are 1 gold coin, it is more cost-effective."

Tang Dao thought for a while, the materials of the red and blue potions are not rare, and the alchemy has not yet been popularized at this stage, so he can indeed eat a wave of dividends.

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