The four of them teamed up and directly brushed to the area where the wolf king was located, during which they played a wild wolf suit again, and were bought by the goodbye white tiger for 30 gold coins, that is, 2w7.

After deducting the 5% handling fee, each person received 6,500 yuan, and the excess was made up by Goodbye Baihu himself, and he didn't seem to be short of money.

Tang Dao: It seems that I am the only poor man in a team?

Barren Wolf King (E)

Level: 20Attack

: 650 Defense: 600

Health: 5000

Skill; Culling and Roaring

Introduction: The wolf king of the Barren Ridge wolf pack, extremely powerful, driven by a mysterious force, has a manic personality, and is careful to be torn to pieces by it.

"600+ offense and defense are enough to make any swordsman or warrior at this stage cry."

Goodbye White Tiger was also stunned for a moment after getting the attributes, his own attack and defense are in his early 400s, that is, 200 blood when he takes a beat, and the blood volume of 800+ is at most 4 knives, not counting skills.

"But this is an E-level boss, once it is defeated, you can produce a blue outfit or three green outfits, and the rewards are quite generous."

Xuan Zhiling looked at this illustrated book, Dai frowned slightly, the healing amount of Aoki Butterfly can't keep up with this output.

"If I do a critical hit, it's 526 damage, and theoretically I can kill it with at least 10 slashes."

Tang Dao took a look at his attributes.

"No, the crit rate is about 50%, almost 20 knives, even if you and I shoot together, it will take at least 6s hours, and how can it be a knife crit? And hatred will be pulled over. The

heart of death shook his head, although the assassin's critical hit is powerful, it is impossible to hit it with a knife, and the better boss will have a critical hit to avoid injury, not as brittle as it seems.

"Why don't you try this?"

Tang Dao took out a bottle of refining primary red potion from his backpack and handed it to Goodbye White Tiger.

"Huh? This potion... Where did you get that?

After seeing Goodbye White Tiger, his eyes suddenly glowed.

"I only have 2 bottles in my hand, and she should have 1 bottle in her hand."

Tang Dao didn't answer, but looked at the heart of death.

"Well, if you have 3 bottles, you should be able to play a dozen, right?"

The Heart of Death also gave its own bottle to Goodbye White Tiger.

"You also have this berserk potion, just in case."

Tang Dao took out 2 bottles of potion and handed them to Goodbye White Tiger.

"I can fight!"

4 bottles of potions in hand, goodbye White Tiger also has confidence, Xuan Zhiling has another return in his hand, and the pile is also piled up to kill this wolf king.

"Let's get started."

Gen Zhi Ling commanded the Aoki butterfly to fly to the top of the Goodbye White Tiger's head, just stuck in the distance, and could heal the three of them.

Attack, morale!

Goodbye White Tiger waved the shield in his hand and smashed it towards the Wolf King.


A touching number floated up, and several people were stunned, forcing the injury.


Tang Dao did not hesitate, and swung the dagger in his hand.

At the same time, the dagger of the heart of death was swung.


, -50-430, -50

four damage fly out, even if it is a critical hit, it only hits 420 damage on the boss, so it can be concluded that the boss's critical damage immunity is 20%, and only takes 80% of the critical damage.

But in this way, the hatred was instantly drawn to the side of the heart of death, and the wolf king pounced on her.


Goodbye White Tiger held his shield to block it, and was slapped off with a claw that nearly a quarter of his HP was lost.


Tang Dao didn't say a word, it was a knife to follow, but he pulled the hatred to his side.


Since the two assassins were standing separately, after Goodbye White Tiger went to help the Heart of Death block it, they were some distance away from Tang Dao, and Tang Dao could only use an instant flash to get behind Goodbye White Tiger.


is another claw, and the blood volume of the goodbye white tiger has dropped by nearly half.

+24, +24, +24

three numbers in a row floated, goodbye white tiger returned a little blood, it was the Aoki butterfly on the top of the head, continuous healing, 3% of the maximum health each time, for 3 times.


Reaper's Heart is a critical hit, which not only pulls away hatred, but also makes the boss's blood line close to 70%.


A flash of white light appeared on the claws of the wolf king, culling!

Swish! Swish!

It turned out to be a displacement skill, directly past the goodbye white tiger, pounced on the heart of death, and swung out with both claws, bringing out two damages.

-620 and -130

Reaper's Heart operated well, dodging most of the damage of the second claw in an instant, but the blood line had bottomed out, and it almost dropped level.


Tang Dao unleashed a critical blow, pulling the hatred back to himself.


The wolf king raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, and 4 elite wolves poured around him, surrounding everyone.

"Kill the elite wolf first, I can stop it here!"

As soon as the White Tiger's words fell, the wolf king made another kill, and this time he helped block it.

-212, -212+

24, +24, +24

two consecutive damage bursts, during which Aoki Butterfly healed, so goodbye White Tiger's blood volume is still a hint of red.


Tang Dao swung a dagger and landed on the head of an elite wolf, almost hitting him in the eye.

-280 and -280

, the two closest elite wolves, came directly and instantly knocked out more than half of Tang Dao's HP.

-776, +100

This time out of the critical hit, and sucked back a little blood, Tang Dao used the attack backswing to try to dodge some of the damage.

-234, -280-24

, +24, and +24

were considered successful, and the wolf claw brought out two injuries on Tang Dao's body, but fortunately, Xuan Zhiling took a limited shot to treat it, and Tang Dao survived with 30 points of blood.

Swallowing a refined berserk potion, Tang Dao's attack speed instantly reached 200%, which is 2 knives in 1 second, and there is an additional 10% additional lifesteal, and 50% of the next critical hit is converted into a shield.

-776, +

178-776, +178

opened the bow with both left and right hands at the same time, directly taking away a remnant blood wolf, and at the same time sucking back 356 points of blood, and 288 shields, the health bar was almost instantly full.


moved again to dodge some of the damage, and Tang Dao flipped his hand and swung it out with two knives.


, +17-776, and +178

flew up with two consecutive damages, killing two elite wolves in seconds, and there were still 7s left in the berserk state at this time.

On the other side, the heart of death dragged one head, the spirit of Xuan urged his deer to block one, and the goodbye white tiger used a primary blood vial to resist.

Rushed to the side of the Xuan Spirit, swung out 2 knives in a row, and killed the elite wolf with a critical hit, leaving a duration of 5s.

After helping the heart of death finish solving the elite wolf, there are still 2s of time left.

-420 and -50

Tang Dao's last two knives in the last 1s all hit the wolf king, pressing the wolf king's blood line to 60%, and he also returned to a full state with the help of blood sucking.

The wolf king was instantly pulled away from the hatred, and after locking the Tang knife, he swung his claw with a claw, but fortunately, the goodbye white tiger helped block it.


damage flies off the shield.


-420 and -50

bosses' HP is once again depressed, and the culling reappears.

-416 and -416

Tang Dao used an instant dodge to dodge two damages, dragging the residual blood and retreating.


-430, -50

Reaper's Heart strikes, pulling away hatred.


With a wave of his claws, the Heart of Death was also broken, but fortunately, the White Tiger had already returned to its full state and followed in front of the Heart of Death.

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