
A large green healing number floated on the Goodbye White Tiger, instantly recovering its HP.

"Brother White Tiger, you hold Carol, Fern and I can kill you!"

This healing was naturally the Shengwei healing technique given by Tang Dao, and after finishing speaking, Fern's axe fell with a strong wind.


Tang Dao was crippled in an instant.


A Song of Ice and Fire raised his hand and gave the boss an ice pick, reducing movement speed by 25%.

-60 and -50

Night Wind Mingyue also waved his staff and gave a fireball spell, but the attack power was not enough, only a little higher than the burn damage.

"Little Bear!"

The Spirit of the Mystery also urged the Frost Giant Bear to step forward to help carry the injury, but Carol's attack power was too high, and the Frost Giant Bear was cut in half with a single sword, and the slime summoned by the Bamboo Shadow Moon Mark was also hacked to death with a single knife.

-300, -50

A Song of Ice and Fire's fireball spell is complete, and a fireball smashes into Fern's body, once again lowering the blood line, but also pulling hatred.

The hatred mechanism in the world is that the enemy unit that has done the most damage in the last 3 seconds gains aggro, and the attacked person will transfer the aggro after completing this attack.


Fern raised the giant axe in his hand and slashed down towards the Song of Ice and Fire, a large critical damage flew up, the Song of Ice and Fire was not dead, the robe gave a shield, and only a little blood skin left.

-268, -268, and -50

hit two critical hits in a row, and the shocking cut pressed the boss's blood line to about 20%.


Frightened is killed, and Fern loses his hatred target and continues to lock onto A Song of Ice and Fire.

-516, -516, and -50

Death's Heart shot, cutting and bringing out two critical hits, but it didn't kill the boss, and he still had a little blood left.

-482, -1

Just as Fern raised the giant axe in his hand again, Tang Dao's attack fell, and the cut only hit a critical hit, but still killed Fern.


Burst a bunch of silver coins and a tomahawk, a pair of boots, a necklace, and a scroll!


The heart of death wanted to pick it up, but was forced back by the fireball technique of the evening wind and bright moon.

"What do you mean?"

Tang Dao clenched the dagger and directly locked the song of ice and fire, the flash was already good, as long as the situation was not right, kill her immediately, without her output, presumably these people would not be able to make waves.


The Song of Ice and Fire didn't expect the evening breeze and bright moon to make a move, and hurriedly pulled the two sides.

"The enemy is current, kill the boss first!"

Bamboo Shadow Moon Scar also came out to play a round game, the three assassins on the other side (Nine Heavenly Palace: Actually, you don't need to count mine), most of the mages on their side, once a conflict breaks out, I'm afraid it's not so easy to calculate.

"Bingge, that scroll!"

Evening Wind Mingyue said in a deep voice, the reason why they came here was because Snow Mountain Yaochi received a task to release a job transfer scroll for hidden professions.

To put it bluntly, they came here just to make that scroll for the Snow Mountain Yaochi.

"Hide the career scroll, no one doesn't want it, but it has to be timed."

Although the Song of Ice and Fire is amazing, it is not a vase, and it is still very calm.

"Equip you, we want the scroll!"

The Song of Ice and Fire said to Tang Dao.

"Three pieces of green equipment for a hidden class scroll, President Bing Ge can't help but think too well, right?"

The heart of the god of death was almost killed by the fireball technique of the evening wind and bright moon just now, and at this time, it was also on fire in his heart, and the wolf king blade in his hand emitted a cold light.

"Plus that boss, it's all for you, we just need this scroll!"

The Song of Ice and Fire made an immediate decision, the strength of the two sides is actually about the same, especially these two Death Assassins, once they make a move, the outcome is unknown.

"Deal! But the final blow of the boss we want! Tang

Dao and the Heart of Death were still hesitating, but Xuan Zhiling agreed, there was no way, goodbye White Tiger and Snow Mountain Yaochi couldn't bear it.

"That's good!"

Tang Dao and Jing Xian rushed towards the pile of things at the same time, each taking what they needed, during which both sides held daggers tightly, and immediately shot at the slightest change.

"Help them finish that Carol."

A Song of Ice and Fire put the scroll away and nodded to the rest.

The two level 20 E-level bosses seem to have similar attributes, but they actually have their own characteristics.

Fern, as a barbarian berserker, obviously has a much higher critical strike rate, and Carol, as a human swordsman, has a much higher block rate.


Tang Dao's critical hit can only deal 362 damage on Carol's body, and its critical damage avoidance reaches a terrifying 30%, which is stronger than that of Fern, and perhaps only the amount of blood is lower.


A Song of Ice and Fire didn't spare any more, showing the formidable skills of a level 20 one-turn light mage.

Storm (Level 1): After chanting for 1s, summon 3 storms to sweep through the target area of 3×3 yards from three directions, each dealing 200% spell damage, with a 5% chance to imprison the opponent for 1s, consume 200 mana, and have a cooldown of 10s.

-216, -216, and -216

three cyan tornadoes struck Carol, each bringing out 200+ damage, instantly depressing the boss's HP.

"30% magic immunity!"

A Song of Ice and Fire has as many as 500 magic points, and 200% is 1000+, but it only deals 200+ damage, so it's obviously partially immune.

"Damn, I just remembered that you have changed jobs, why didn't you use it earlier?"

Only then did Tang Dao remember that Song of Ice and Fire had long been a level 20 light mage, and he should have learned the two skills of Storm and Thunder Sword.

"Did I say I forgot your faith?"

A Song of Ice and Fire said helplessly.

"Don't believe it!"

Tang Dao naturally didn't believe it, but at this time, the hatred of the boss was still on the song of ice and fire, and he had to find a way to pull it off.


Snow Mountain Yaochi, who had already fallen to level 16, resolutely stood in front of the Song of Ice and Fire with his shield and dragging the remnants of blood.


Of course, Carol would not admire her, and the blade in her hand fell without hesitation, and a green light and a white light fell on the snow mountain Yaochi.

+463, +113

is the revival of the Bamboo Shadow Moon Scar and the return of the Xuan Spirit, which pulls the blood volume of the Snow Mountain Yaochi, she has already dropped 2 levels, and the loss is too great if she fights again.

"To heal the White Tiger, I use the Thunder Sword!"

The Song of Ice and Fire said to Baihua Ling, who wanted to heal the Snow Mountain Yao Chi.

The +432

Hundred Flowers Order was immediately revived to Goodbye White Tiger, which already had 70% HP.


The sky was covered with dark clouds, and in the flash of thunder and lightning, a sword blade forged by thunder fell from the sky and smashed Carol's head.


large purple damage flies up, pressing the boss's HP to 60%.


Carol waved her sword and directly inflicted a damage on the Song of Ice and Fire.


The Spirit of the Mystery gave a blow of revival that saved the life of a song of ice and fire.


Reaper's Heart hits a critical hit, but it doesn't pull the hatred, and the boss is still firmly locked on to A Song of Ice and Fire.

The revival of the Bamboo Shadow Moon Scar, the Hundred Flowers Order, and the Xuan Spirit is all cooling, and the Tang Dao's Holy Guard healing technique is also cooling.

"I'm coming!"

The thriller slammed a song of ice and fire and took the knife in her place.


Shockstring is killed again.

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