"You take it, it's just right to use after you get promoted and transferred."

Although I don't understand why the heart of death wants to help him block that knife, but this favor must be returned, Tang Dao easily threw the skin to the heart of death.



The Reaper's Heart shook its head and flicked a number directly.


"It's... Well, the 1w block turns you.

Tang Dao was a little speechless, it was a little higher, but he didn't give gold coins, but gave 10,000 yuan according to the market price, after all, gold coins are a thing, one price a day, and the depreciation is too fast.


Death's Heart nodded.

"What's next for the two of you?"

Immovable Rushan walked over, looked at Tang Dao and asked.

"Turn positive first, don't talk, I won't add your guild."

Tang Dao shrugged his shoulders, a friend for many years, of course he knew what this guy was thinking.

"Cut! Yes! Let's go! "

Immovable Rushan touched his nose, duck, you should wait for me to say it before refusing, and then leave with someone.

"Go back to Sal City first to brush off the sin value, then go to Tolan to ask about the potion, and then go to Beihe Bay to do the task, how about returning to the city and changing jobs?"

Tang Dao suggested that the heart of the god of death had dropped this level, and the time to turn positive would be extended.


The heart of death nodded, although the mutant rat in the sewer only has 0.01 experience points, but 100 can brush off 1 point of guilt value, so of course it is the best choice for brushing crime points.

The two of them walked in the direction of Sal City, but when they approached Sal City, the Heart of Death suddenly stopped, and even stopped with Tang Dao.

"Someone is waiting for us."

Death's Heart said, looking at the bushes in front of him.


Tang Dao was a little puzzled, fake, can you still hear the sound of heartbeat or breathing so far away?

"The branches of the shrubs have been broken a lot, the fractures are still very fresh, the fallen leaves on the ground have been stepped into the ground, the footprints are not deep, it should be a leather armor profession such as a ranger or an assassin, and the cloth armor profession generally does not squat on the grass."

The Heart of Death whispered, his hand already quietly touching the dagger at his waist.

"Shhh Yes, the thickness of the fallen leaves here is also wrong, too thick, but the top layer is clearly showing signs of decay, and there are obviously traps hidden underneath.

Tang Dao looked at it carefully and was also shocked, if he walked up directly and stepped on the trap, his vision would be exposed, and in the time of 3s, he would be shot into a hedgehog in an instant.

"Let's go!"

The two of them immediately made a decision and ran directly behind them.

In the bushes, everyone who was waiting for the two to enter the ambush circle was stunned, how did they find out?

"Boss, do you want to chase or not?"

An Assassin looked at a level 20 crusader, ID Water Moon Star.

"Chase! The Grim Reaper's Scythe is red, killing him can make him drop several levels!

Shui Yuexing frowned, and immediately nodded.


Everyone immediately rushed out of the bushes, and the ranger even started hunting, staring at Tang Dao and the others.

"They're them again?"

Tang Dao was a little surprised, who is this Shui Yuexing? Do you have a grudge against him? No, I don't.

"Maybe it's a knife to kill someone, but it's not necessarily."

The heart of death is also very puzzled, even if there was a conflict between the two sides in the previous battle in the eastern suburbs, there is no need to come here to wait for the two of them, right?

"You should come with me!"

Tang Dao thought about it carefully, he should have been targeted when he went out of the city, but because Han Shan and the others were there before, they didn't dare to make a move, and now they dare to separate.

"This doesn't matter anymore, the plan now is to get rid of them first."

The heart of death nodded, but fortunately, the two of them found out early, relying on the assassin's high movement speed to open the distance.


After chasing for a while, as the distance was constantly widened, Shui Yuexing's face changed, and he raised his hand to stop everyone's actions.

"This operation failed, go back to leveling up and turning positive first! Arrange for people to guard the city gate, and once found, kill them directly! Don't care about the guards of Sal City, if you are caught, you will be locked up for a day, and the loss guild will give it.

Shui Yuexing looked at the backs of the two and said coldly.

"Yes! Boss, may I ask, why are we chasing the two of them?

A soldier on the side asked, puzzled.

"These two people, kill 1,000 yuan at a time, do you want to do it?"

Shui Yuexing glanced at the swordsman and offered extremely generous conditions.

"! Of course I do! Hearing

this price, not only the swordsman, but the rest of the people also had their eyes lit up, the 1,000 yuan was inevitably a little easier, right?

This is not killing people in the real world, just killing people in the game, 1000 yuan, which is comparable to a week's salary.

"Let's arrange it."

Shui Yuexing sneered, waved his hand, and left with the person.

After opening the map, they decided to go down to the northeast from the Xishan Jungle, enter the bridge jungle, and go down the river of the bridge jungle to Beihe Bay.

Duqiao Jungle, LV18~40.

After killing a few green-armored mantis in the dense forest of the West Mountain and sucking up the blood, the two of them walked along the outer area through the dense forest and went straight to the jungle across the river.

System Tip: Be careful, you have entered the treacherous map - Bridge Crossing Jungle, which is full of dangers, so be careful!


As soon as he stepped into the area of the jungle crossing the river, a sound of breaking wind sounded, and a black shadow rushed in.

Jungle Wolf Elite

Level: 18

Attack: 450 Defense: 450 Health: 1500

Skill: Tear

Introduction: A lone wolf in the jungle with great speed and extraordinary strength.

"This attribute, the difference between it and that catfish king is the amount of blood, and even multiple skills!"

After Tang Dao dodged and dodged a blow, he was a little surprised after grabbing the monster attribute.

The dagger in the hand of the heart of death slashed across the waist of the jungle wolf, and the copper-headed iron-boned tofu waist was known to all.

-948 and -948

are directly killed with two critical hits, bursting out 5 copper coins.

The two of them stepped into the jungle, and the sounds of birds and insects around them disappeared almost instantly, and it was a little frighteningly quiet for a while.

"It's a little weird."

Tang Dao took out the dagger and cautiously guarded the surroundings, but he couldn't see any problems.


Tang Dao stepped on a dead branch with one foot, and the subtle sound covered up some movements.

"That's not right! Watch the top of your head! The

heart of death exclaimed in surprise and left in an instant.


A vine suddenly hung down, and then wrapped Tang Dao's arm, pulling it up in an instant, and the whole person was suspended in the air.

Fortunately, Tang Dao's reaction was not slow, he held the vine, cut it with a knife, turned over and rolled to the ground, but as soon as he stabilized, he saw a behemoth slowly appear on the opposite side.

Black Vine Treant

: Elite Level: 25Attack

: 1000Defense: 1000Health: 3500Skill

: Entanglement, Toxin

Introduction: The Dryant that gave birth to Wisdom has evolved a tentacle-like vine that not only draws nutrients from the ground, but also kills prey to digest.

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