Koster led the three of them upstairs, and Anne in the hall sneered and strode out of the priests' guild.

"Lord Bishop, I..."

Erica was very aggrieved, obviously she had done nothing wrong, why should she be scolded? To be blamed? She has always regarded Koster as her teacher, if it weren't for Koster, she wouldn't have become a glorious priest, but now her teacher also blames herself indiscriminately.

"Good boy, I know that you have been wronged, I know the matter very well, but the teacher can't help it, Anne's father is the general of the left battalion of the city guard, and the priests' guild cannot conflict with the city guard at the moment.

Coster looked at the kind girl lovingly, and said very apologetically and helplessly.

"Hmph, that's your incompetence!, the daughter of a general of the Left Battalion, who is also worthy of being wild in my priest's guild?"

As he spoke, Dorel pushed open the door and walked in.

"You can talk coolly, there are more than 20,000 people in the left camp, and there are no more than 100 priests and guards, how can they be countered by us?"

said Koster angrily.

"Hmph! If I were the president, the Sal City branch would now have at least five thousand holy guards, all of whom are brave and good at fighting.

Dorrell said, finding a place to sit.

"Good boy, today's incident is that the teacher handled it wrong, and the teacher apologizes to you.

Coster said, standing up and bowing to Erica.

"No, I don't resent the teacher.

Erica hurriedly held on.

"Go ahead and get busy, I've got something to talk to this old fellow.

Dorrell said to the three of them, and then stopped them again, and handed Erica a key:

"Wait, I have a small house on the next street, but I don't live in it, Erica, you can go and live there, you can reduce the chance of meeting Anne, and you don't have to be angry with her." "

I can't ask for... It's too precious, and they'll gossip.

Erica quickly shook her head and refused.

"What's this, you're the apprentice of this old thing, that's also my apprentice, take it! No one knows that this house is mine, even if you live there, the priests' guild comes to study as usual every day.

Dorrell waved his hand nonchalantly, as a combatant with healing abilities, he certainly wouldn't be short of money.

"Take it, the teacher doesn't have much money, but this guy has money.

Koster also advised.

"Alright then, thank you, Lord Dorell, thank you, Teacher!" Erica

nodded and took the key.

The three of them walked out of the priest's guild and went to Dorel's house first, it was really not big, but it was enough to live alone, Tang Dao spent some money to help Erica buy some daily necessities, and wanted to say goodbye, but Erica said that she would follow the two of them around.

When he came to Tolan's door again, he found that Jasmine, the current president of the Wizards' Guild, was also here, but it seemed that he had eaten the closed door.

"Is that you?"

Jasmine was also a little surprised when she saw Tang Dao and the others.

"Lord Jasmine is coming to Master Tolan?" Tang

Dao asked.

"Well, you know Tolan, can you help me open the door? I have something very important to tell him.

Jasmine knew that Tang Dao and Tolan had a connection, so she hurriedly said.

"I'll try. Master Tolan, it's me.

Tang Dao nodded, and then knocked on the door.

"Well, why are you here? Come in.

Tolan opened a crack in the door and saw Tang Dao, and naturally saw Jasmine.

"Stop! Respected Elder of the Wizards' Guild, I am afraid that I will stain your noble robes. But

when Jasmine tried to come in, she was stopped by Tolan.

"Senior brother, the Wizards' Guild really needs you, once that incident leaks out, Master's reputation will be ruined, and the Magicians' Guild will be finished!" Jasmine's

tone was almost pleading.

"Hmph, didn't that stubborn old fellow not admit his mistake? now that I think about it, it's too late!" said

Tolan, slamming the door shut.

In the small courtyard, there are still medicine bottles all over the ground.

"Are you Master Tolan?, the famous alchemist and potions master?"

asked Erica curiously.

"Well, it used to be famous, but now it's removed from the Wizards' Guild.

Tolan still wore a dirty robe, a messy hairstyle, and waved his hand indifferently.

"Master, we will soon have to deal with a big guy in the water, there may be a water battle, but our water nature is not good, I want to ask you if there is a suitable potion here?"

Tang Dao explained his intention.

"Big guy in the water? I have a recipe, but I need mudskippers as a medicine. Mudskippers live on the mudflats and are very small, so if you can get me 100 mudskippers, I can give you a gills potion.

Tolan listened as he tinkered with his own things.

"Mudskipper, good!" Tang

Dao and Death's Heart glanced at each other, and then took the task.

"Master Tolan, I wonder if I can learn how to make potions with you?" Erica

said hesitantly.

"Forget it, delicate priest, making potions is hard work, and often dirty, as I do.

Tolan glanced at Erica's priest's robes and shook his head.

"I'm not afraid of getting dirty, and I'm not afraid of hard work.

Erica said quickly.

"Hmph, yes, there's a fire over there, boil this slowly. I know you're a disciple of that old fellow in Coster, but you don't have to expect mercy from me.

Tolan unceremoniously handed Erica a large pot of foul-smelling green liquid.


Erica nodded, went over to the stove, and skillfully lit the fire and boiled the medicine.

Tang Dao and the others said goodbye to Tolan, and if they wanted to find mud fish, they could only go to the small fishing village to ask, and by the way, let the heart of death level up in the map over there, wait for the time to refresh, and then complete the task.

"Sister, where is Erica? Didn't you say Erica was there?"

The Nine Heavenly Palaces didn't know when it was launched, and they were waiting outside the door.

"Well, she's not available right now, so you can level up with us. "

The heart of death is a little speechless, I already knew that I wouldn't say it.

"Ahh The

Nine Heavenly Palaces suddenly looked like a deflated ball.

The three of them came to the small fishing village, it was only ten o'clock in the morning, it was still daytime, so they could only go to the mud puddle to kill the mud frogs in the swamp first, and explore the nearby map by the way.

The Reaper's Heart is level 19, the Swamp Mud Frog is level 16, a difference of 3 levels, and 0.3% of the experience value of this level is obtained, and due to the party mechanism, the Reaper's Heart can only gain a maximum of 30% experience, which is 0.1% for 1.

But fortunately, the attributes of the two are not low, killing a swamp mud frog is just easy, and during this period, the heart of death also gave the bracer that burst out in the ninth month of the golden autumn to the Nine Heavenly Palace, and she herself is a wild wolf, so she will not change it for the time being.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, the heart of the god of death was once again upgraded to level 20 and they could no longer gain experience, and the Nine Heavenly Palace had also reached level 19, and the three of them decided to take a look at the nearby map.

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