The three of them were halfway through, and there were a few swordsmen sitting on the side of the path in front of them, and a few warriors appeared behind them, the bushes on both sides rustled, and the birds and insects around them all disappeared.

"It's them again.

Tang Dao said in a low voice.

"Hmph, someone sent equipment, it's good to come!" Death's

Heart quietly rested his right hand on the dagger at his waist.

"Sister, this, isn't this right?" The

Nine Heavenly Palaces all saw the problem, and this scene was quite like Feiyunpu in the Water Margin.

"Get ready for PK, these people are not good at stubble.

Death's Heart whispered.

The three of them walked slowly, and none of the people around them immediately moved, as if they were waiting for something.



Tang Dao stepped on a trap, losing 3% of his health, as well as the vision of the 3S Clock.

"Do it!" a

swordsman snorted, waving his long sword to kill, and several swordsmen around him also shot in unison, and the warriors behind also changed their spears or axes and rushed to kill.

Boom -

among the bushes, feathered arrows flew out, and several figures also rushed out.

Tang Dao saw the bushes, his feet moved, his body slightly sideways, dodged the feather arrow, and the dagger in his hand passed through the throat of the assassin who was also flashing.

-1125, +31

crit flew out, directly killed in seconds, and at the same time, Tang Dao's figure also reached the bushes, where there were two rangers squatting.


-1130 and -1128

daggers flicked, and two critical hits flew up, killing the two rangers in seconds, and even bursting the longbow in their hands.

But this is not the time to be greedy for money, after killing 3 people, the name has turned red, and if you are killed, you have to drop level 3, a longbow and level 3, and the Tang knife can still be carried clearly.

On the other side, the Heart of Death also killed the rest of the rangers, but it was the Nine Heavenly Palace, which fell after killing 2 assassins, dropped 2 levels, and exploded the dagger.

"Withdraw first! Wait for the CD! Don't resurrect yet.

The Reaper's Heart shouted in the party channel, and ran towards the woods, the home of the Assassins.

Tang Dao ran away almost at the same time, and the two were in opposite directions.

"The soldiers are divided into two ways, chase!" There are

still 4 swordsmen, 3 warriors, and 3 assassins left in the field, 1 swordsman, 2 warriors, and 2 assassins to chase the heart of death, and the rest to chase Tang Dao.

Tang Dao's movement speed at this time is as high as 176%, and the attack speed has directly reached 200%, which is not worthy of any assassin of the same level (Dark Starfire/Fengyun Divine Thorn: ?), but he has not changed classes, and his skills are too few.

"He's running so fast!"

the other assassin frowned, this speed may not be able to catch up, and glanced at the warriors and swordsmen who were being pulled away.

Stabbing -

Tang Dao's figure suddenly stopped, kicked the tree, and reflexively charged towards the assassin.

"Oh no!" The

assassin was startled, and subconsciously used the flash to distance himself.

The two sides were almost 3 yards apart, but Tang Dao moved faster, chased the assassin back, and quickly closed the distance.


Looking at Tang Dao and his teammates who were getting closer and closer, the assassin was ruthless, and the dagger in his hand flicked towards Tang Dao.

-488 and -169

have a critical hit and a normal damage, but they are blocked by 30%, and even so, Tang Dao's health bar still drops by more than half.

"Ah, 1000+ HP, is this an assassin?"

-1416, +297

Tang Dao didn't even use cutting, he killed this person directly with a critical hit, burst out his boots, and at the same time as he picked it up, a swordsman arrived, and the long sword swung over.

Heavy Slash!


The damage value flew up, and Tang Dao's blood volume was only 108 points, and the other party's face was happy, but he saw Tang Dao's blade attacking.


, +213-1015, +213

2 knives in 1 second, directly seconds, what is there to say

?Bang Bang Bang ~

The 2 swordsmen and 1 warrior who came over were stunned for a moment, will this damage be too exaggerated? Level 20 full strength plus a little swordsman! The defense is 500+, seconds?

"The killer is always killed, you want to kill me, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The moment Tang Dao's words fell, the dagger in his hand was also swung out.


-1020, +214-1020, and +214

killed one swordsman with two critical hits, and the remaining two also swung their weapons and smashed them on Tang Dao's body.

-607, -352


two damage flew out, almost emptying Tang Dao's health bar, only 3 points left, just when the two of them were snickering, Tang Dao used the Holy Guard Healing Technique, pulling the blood back to a healthy state.

-1005 and -1005

killed the swordsman twice in a row, and only this warrior remained.

"No, I, you..." The

warrior was almost stupid, the assassin killed the swordsman in seconds is the same as killing a chicken, and the 1,000 yuan is too difficult to earn, right

?" "Tell me, who sent you?"

Tang Dao slowly approached with a dagger, the warrior did not slash hard, it was impossible to kill himself anyway.

"No, I..." The

warrior retreated again and again, but where is the speed of the warrior as fast as the assassin?"

"To answer my question, I can not kill you, you are now level 20, and you have 1 point of guilt value for attacking me, and if you die, you will fall back to level 18, it is difficult to level up."

Tang Dao said slowly.

"Really, you really don't want to kill me?"

the soldier's face was happy, if he couldn't get the money, forget it, if he fell off the rank, he would lose his wife and lose his soldiers.

"Of course.

Tang Dao nodded, and the dagger rested on the warrior's neck.

"I said, I said, our boss is Shui Yuexing, he gathered us a few days ago, saying that he was going to hunt down you and the heart of death, I don't know the specific reason, but yesterday he offered 1,000 yuan to kill you, and we are short of money so we came to hunt you down. Feeling

the cold front on his neck, the warrior hurriedly said with a bitter face.

"Shui Yuexing, heh!" Tang

Dao smiled, slashing the dagger in his hand.

-1012 and -1012

have two critical hits in a row, emptying the warrior's health bar.

"You... Don't be trustworthy..."

The warrior clutched his throat and fell, his eyes full of anger.

"Fairness and credibility are based on a reciprocal relationship, why should you be equal to me?"

Tang Daotou finished without looking back, flashing in an instant!

As soon as the assassin stood up, the dagger slashed through his throat again, and this time the breastplate burst out.

Picking up the equipment in a hurry, Tang Dao looked at several corpses on the ground, and several of them chose to go back to the city to resurrect with interest.


Tang Dao put away his cuirass and hurried in the direction of his teammates.

When he arrived, the Nine Heavenly Palaces had been resurrected, and the Heart of Death had also rushed back, of course, in a red state.

"Take it, barely cover the loss. Tang

Dao handed the cuirass to the Nine Heavenly Palace.

"Thank you. "

The mood of the Nine Heavenly Palace is obviously not high, although it can still complete the task of transferring jobs, but no matter what, it is said that it is not in a good mood if it drops level 2.

"It's okay, just practice your skills and then come back. The

Heart of Death patted the Nine Heavenly Palace's shoulders and comforted.

"It's the Water Moon Star.

Tang Dao said.

"Guessed, let's go first, I guess someone will be coming soon.

Death's Heart nodded, and the three of them left.

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