"In other words, to kill this boss, as much as possible with

zero mistakes!" Looking at the giant thing that came over, Tang Dao touched the sword spine of the dagger, and a fighting spirit suddenly rose in his heart, challenging a tough opponent, which is an honor for a person who loves games!

"Yes, zero mistakes!" The

heart of death also shook the dagger, and there was a touch of heat in his voice.

"I'll block the knife and drop the level in a while, I've already turned around, and it doesn't matter if the level is dropped. The

Nine Heavenly Palace also took a deep breath, this behemoth was indeed very oppressive.

"It's coming!" Li

San and Zhang Laosi both looked at this big guy closely.

First waded through the fire oil all over the ground, and then smelled the smell of blood on the raw flesh at the entrance of the cave, regardless of the knife array, stepping on many blades, even with the lubricating protection of slime, but still scratched scars.

The monster bit off the raw meat hanging at the mouth of the cave, chewed it and swallowed it with its head up, looking at Li San and Zhang Laosi fiercely.


monster let out a low roar and pounced on the two of them, the poison attacking, and jumping out with one damage after another.


flint in Zhang Laosi's left hand ignited the fire thunder steel fork in his right hand, and then threw it violently and inserted it into the monster's mouth.


a loud bang, the boss's health bar went down by a full 5%, and the fire oil was ignited, bringing out a large amount of damage again, and the health bar continued to decrease, and at the same time, it completely angered it, and pounced like crazy.


the five of them jumped into the river, which was a river, but a big bend, where the water converged, forming a huge whirlpool, rolling up sand, grass and rocks, and the visibility was extremely poor.


monster also jumped into the water, the flames on its body were extinguished by the water, and its blood volume was only 70%, but the poison was still there, and its blood volume continued to decline.

The monster opened its bloody mouth and was the first to aim at Zhang Laosi, who threw a steel fork, full of sharp teeth.


-100 and -100

Tang Dao swung the dagger, and two damages burst out, and sure enough, there was only the most basic damage of 1% of the maximum health.


Zhang Laosi spotted the monster's upper jaw, stabbed out the steel fork, and took advantage of the situation to retreat.

The monster couldn't strike a blow, and the hatred fell on Tang Dao, and its tail swung violently, slapping towards Tang Dao.

Tang Dao sensed it clearly, and a behemoth swept over, with the help of a faint line of sight, saw the opportunity, stepped on the tail, and dodged the blow.

-100 and -100

Reaper's Heart took advantage of the situation to stab the boss twice in a row, but the hatred was still locked on Tang Dao's body.

The boss turned around and bit towards the Tang knife.

-100 and -100

Nine Heavenly Palaces also made two slashes, taking the opportunity to brush out some damage.

According to the game setting, when the player and NPC are in the same camp, if they want to burst the equipment, they must deal 30% damage.

Otherwise, I spent a lot of money to buy a few powerful mercenary NPCs and take me to fight monsters every day, so I can't take off?


Li San's sharp knife also pierced the boss's eye, the boss was in pain, and with a reflexive bite, Li San let go of the sharp knife and swam away.


Zhang Laosi also swung a steel fork and stabbed the boss's other eye, and now the boss has become blind, but as a fish, it also has a lateral line that can sense the changes in the water flow around it, so it is not really a headless fly.


The claws of the BOSS fell on Zhang Laosi, and slapped it directly on the cliff, but fortunately, Zhang Laosi reacted quickly, and the side of his head dodged the nails, otherwise he would have died.

-100 and -100

Tang Dao swam under the boss, spotted the wound, and expanded the wound with two consecutive knives.

The boss was in pain and wanted to throw away the Tang knife with his claws, but the claws couldn't reach it, so he suddenly let go of Zhang Laosi, took the Tang knife, and hit his abdomen towards the cliff, wanting to rub it down.

-100, -100-218

Death's Heart and the Nine Heavenly Palaces each swung their knives at the boss, among which the Nine Heavenly Palaces used a heavy blow to pull the hatred, and Tang Dao swam out of the boss's side and dodged this blow.

The boss sensed that Tang Dao was leaving, but his huge body was extremely flexible, and with a flick of his tail, he swung towards Tang Dao, but his bloody mouth went towards the Nine Heavenly Palace.


Nine Heavenly Palaces subconsciously turned on the stealth and dodged the bite in an instant, but they didn't notice the claws that followed.

"Stupid, in the water, Qiang Yin, useless!" Seeing

that the Nine Heavenly Palace had opened, Qiang Yin thought it was safe, and hurriedly typed in the team channel.


Between the lightning and the fire, the BOSS has already held down the Nine Heavenly Palace, and slapped it on the cliff wall, killing it in seconds.

-100 and -100

Tang Dao swam over and hit the boss directly at the wound twice, although the damage caused by the natural bleeding effect is minimal, but it is better than nothing.

-1%, -1%

Li San and Zhang Laosi also shot again.

The effect of the poison is very strong, and the BOSS's blood volume is only 30%, but the toxicity has also dissipated, and he turned around and grabbed Zhang Laosi suddenly, and bit down without hesitation.



Zhang Laosi was bitten in two in an instant, and the corpse floated.


Li San's eyes were red, and he waved a sharp knife to cut through the scars on the boss's abdomen, directly disemboweling the boss, and the internal organs were faintly visible.


The boss twitched painfully, his tail twitched on Li San's body, turned around and bitten, brute force!

-100, -100

Tang Dao and the Heart of Death waved the dagger in the back, but unfortunately he couldn't pull back the hatred, and could only watch Li San being hit by the tail... No, Li San dodged this blow, but he was still rubbed, leaving only 10% of the residual blood, and had to withdraw from the battle circle.

Tang Dao swam to the boss's abdomen, and with a dagger, he cut through the membrane that wrapped his internal organs and drilled into the gap.


However, the blood of the boss seems to be poisonous, and the blood is deducted at 100 points of damage per second, and in a maximum of 11 seconds, Tang Dao will die.


Tang Dao poured a refining blood vial, and the dagger didn't care what he wanted, and he waved it casually, like cutting through thorns, crawling towards the position of the heart.

The boss panicked, the claws were not so long!

In a hurry, the boss swam towards the deep water with the Tang Knife, trying to use the water pressure to kill the Tang Knife.

-100 and -100

were all around with damage, and Tang Dao couldn't tell whether it was his own or the boss's, but he felt that it was getting harder and harder to breathe, but the dagger in his hand was still waving.

Roar -

The last bit of the boss's health bar is emptied, and he roars unwillingly, and his body goes soft.

Tang Dao's side was full of slippery internal organs, and he reached out and stirred, and touched a piece of equipment and a book!

Suddenly, a hand reached in, grabbed Tang

Dao's waist, and pulled it out, it was the Heart of Death!+300

At the same time, a blood vial was stuffed into his mouth, and the Heart of Death was on his knees, smashing into Tang Dao's jaw, biting through the blood vial.

The Heart of Death swam to the normal waters with the bloody Tang Dao, and the Tang Dao was able to take a big breath.

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