"It looks like we're in a hurry, and there's no other clue around, so we should be here a little early." The

three of them searched around again, but saw no other clues, and the heart of death shook his head slightly.

"Well, let's get out of here first, and then we'll talk about changing jobs when we go back to the city. Mark it on the map, but there are clues later, and it's not too late to come back.

Tang Dao nodded, pulled out the map, and marked it.

The three of them left the cave and hurried towards the city of Sal.

At this time, Sal City is full of joy, because this offline meeting will be broadcast live in the city, in which not only game masters will come to the scene, but also the official personnel of the world will also come to make some introductions on the specific development direction of the world in the future.

Of course, NPCs can't see this live.

The three of them came to the Assassins' Guild, and Sharp was already almost good, and he was very polite to see Tang Dao and the two of them come to change jobs.

Blade Kill (Level 1): Swing the dual daggers to deal 130% physical damage (can be critical) and 3% of the maximum health of the target (up to 300 points of true damage against the boss), when the HP of the non-boss unit is less than 30%, there is a 1% chance of instant kill, consuming 200 mana points, and a cooldown of 10s.

After the official turn, with its own 4 skills, plus the Holy Guard Healing Technique and Brute Force Strike, there are 6 skills, and Tang Dao's current attributes are not luxurious.

"I'm going to the Forest of Fire. Leaving

the Assassins' Guild, Tang Dao looked at the Heart of Death.

"I'm going to Snow Peak City, and I have a friend over there who wants me to help, so don't leave it at that. With

that, the heart of death turned to leave.

"Uh, old lady, what about me?"

the Nine Heavenly Palace hurriedly chased after him.

"Let's go buy an exoneration scroll first. "

Tang Dao came to the Priest's Guild to find Dorel, and spent 100 gold to buy a scroll of exoneration, and now the exchange rate between gold and real currency has reached 1:1, according to the official statement of the world, it seems that this ratio will be maintained for a long time.

The Forest of Fire is located south of Thrall City, passing through two medium-sized maps, the Phantom Jungle and the Copperstone Canyon, which are technically close to the southern orc race.

The Phantom Jungle is a vast area full of thorns and tough monsters, but the good thing is that Thrall has opened a road for motorcades and pedestrians.

Copper Stone Canyon produces a strategic material copper mine, which is stationed with troops, and there are several small towns nearby, which are quite prosperous, but they are also strict people who check the past, responsible for transporting supplies for the army, and for the miners to rest.

"Hmph, do you dare to follow?"

Tang Dao glanced at the time, it was already close to 12 noon, and it was about to get dark in the game, and the tail behind him was still persevering.

"If you want to play, then try!" Tang

Dao quickened his pace and decided to have a small fight with these people in the Phantom Jungle.

"Keep up!" Several

people behind him saw Tang Dao speed up, and immediately accelerated to follow, but the speed was not so fast, and they followed from a distance.

System Prompt: Ding, you have entered the sinister map-Phantom Jungle, please be careful!

"Hmm?The Phantom Jungle has also become

a sinister map?" Tang Dao was a little surprised, this is not far from Thrall City, how could it become a sinister map?

"Interesting, it looks like the game's storyline has also made some changes?" Tang

Dao thoughtfully, the monsters on the sinister map are generally much stronger than outside, and the refresh probability and frequency of the boss are also higher, but considering the strength of most players, the sinister map generally does not appear near the city.

If it does appear, it proves that the game's storyline has changed, and the Phantom Jungle is a must-pass for ore carts in Copperstone Canyon, and if it becomes a sinister map, it proves that the situation on the other side of Copperstone Canyon is probably not so optimistic.

During this period, Tang Dao also saw a few people behind him, 2 swordsmen, 2 warriors, 2 summoners, 2 rangers, 2 magicians, a classic group of 10 people, and only 1 magician was really transferred.

Either they are overconfident, or they still have reinforcements, so how many people are there in the Phantom Jungle?


the magicians hesitated, they knew the strength of the Death Scythe, especially in the jungle of the Assassin's home turf.

"Chase! The boss has already come with someone!"

the warrior nodded, and rushed into the jungle with his sword.

The jungle was eerily quiet at night, and the faint moonlight hit the ground through the dense canopy, and the shadows of the trees were ghostly.

"Light the torches and keep the mages and rangers in the center. The

leading swordsman said, and several people immediately went to their backpacks to turn over the torches.

-1344 and -1298

Two blood-red injuries flew out of the necks of the two mages, and the two fell straight down.

-1284 and -1246

were about to fight back, but they found that their health bars were also emptied, and the figure of Tang Dao disappeared into the darkness.

In 2s, 4 people died, and there were only 6 people left in the 10-person group, including 2 of the weakest summoners at this stage.

Baa ~

A summoner immediately launched a summoner, 2s later, a sheep cry made the faces of the other five people green, big brother, it's time for you to summon a little sheep out, isn't that looking for death?

"Death Scythe, come out if you have the ability, don't hide it like a girl..."


-912 and -872

flew up, the swordsman fell to the ground, the long sword in his hand exploded, and Tang Dao reached out and scooped it up and put it into his backpack.

Dodge the attacks of the two warriors, flash!

-1320 and -1284

daggers slashed, the two summoners fell to the ground, and the slimes went back before they could play their role.

-362, -368

, +1491, -598 The remaining two warriors and a swordsman moved together, Tang Dao raised his hand and struck the Holy Guardian Healing Technique to pull back the amount of blood, and then the two daggers slashed through the throat of the swordsman, slashing and killing!-

1438, +301

The swordsman fell to the ground with a muffled snort, and there were only two warriors left, and the long sword fell on Tang Dao's body.


, -368

Tang Dao swallowed the medicine bottle, which was able to keep his blood, and the dagger in his hand swung again.


, +182-833, +174

Despite the morale bonus, a warrior was killed, and Tang Dao's current stat is a full 200% attack speed, and 1s2 knives are no problem.


Warrior's long sword fell on Tang Dao's body, and he did not succeed in emptying Tang Dao's health bar.

With a wave of the dagger, the warrior was killed, Tang Dao took away the equipment and potions on the ground, and the figure disappeared into the jungle.

"What about people, didn't I say don't force you to do anything with him?"

When Shui Yuexing arrived, he only saw 10 level 19 players, and his face was extremely gloomy.

"Kill us, run away,"

the leading swordsman said, bowing his head.

"It's not far away, gather people, surround this area!" Shui

Yuexing waved his long sword and led people in the direction of Tang Dao.

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