"If the beauties of Bingge are responsible for the appearance of the mage group, then the next one to appear is the appearance of the warrior group."

Xiao Song smiled mysteriously, and then several figures walked slowly.

There were six people in total, led by a black women's suit, a white shirt, a neat high ponytail, and an indifferent face, like an arrogant snow lotus.

The one on the left wears an ice blue dress and long skirt, the one on the right wears a fiery red dress and a long skirt, and the three people in the back are wearing pale pink hanfu, light cyan hanfu and pale gold hanfu respectively.

What is striking is that the appearance of the five people is surprisingly high, and any one of them is a first-class beauty, and it is the one who leads it, so she painted a light makeup, almost a death shape, and you can see that the appearance is comparable to the song of ice and fire just now.

The cheers in the arena almost lifted the roof of the venue.

"This is a cold-blooded rose, a level 22 knight, is it as good as her name? In reality, it seems that she is also an iceberg beauty, and she has added her friends, and she has not given it for hundreds of years.

Xiao Song introduced miserably.

"Icy January, Level 21 Crusader, Flowing Fire July, Level 21 Light Mage, Peach Blossom March, Level 21 Priest, Willow February, Level 21 Archer, Golden Autumn September, Level 21 Cold Knifeman. The five of them are all the right-hand men of the cold-blooded rose, and they are all first-class masters. "

Xiao Song's introduction is undoubtedly a Mount Tai in the hearts of the audience, a whole six first-class masters, all big beauties, this is the legendary can obviously rely on appearance, but rely on strength to eat?

The microphone was handed to the cold-blooded rose, but the cold-blooded rose was handed to the golden autumn September.

"I would like to say that, unfortunately, as far as I know, two of Thrall's master assassins did not come, namely the Twin Reaper Assassins, the Reaper's Heart and the Reaper's Scythe.

After Jin Qiujiu finished speaking, the microphone was handed to the cold-blooded rose.

"Since it's an offline meeting tonight, there shouldn't be anything that can't be said, right?"

The cold-blooded rose did not go straight to the topic, but looked at Xiao Song, and as soon as these words came out, it seemed that the air became solemn.

"Of course, as long as it is in accordance with the criminal law, it can be said.

Xiao Song smiled, dispelling the originally serious atmosphere a lot.

"Okay, what I want to say is, Fengyun Divine Sword, you are old, this era does not belong to you, it should belong to the stronger. The

cold-blooded rose's voice fell, and the entire venue was suddenly silent, and the needles could be heard.

Countless pairs of eyes were staring at the cold-blooded rose, as if to say, beauty, do you know what you're talking about?


On the side of the Fengyun Pavilion under the stage, everyone's faces changed, and the Fengyun Sword Immortal was about to get up immediately, but was held down by the Fengyun Divine Sword.

"You're right, I'm really old, my strength is not as good as before, don't doubt that my words are polite, I know best how my situation is, I'm forty-seven years old this year, and my ability to operate is not as good as before.

"The reason why Fengyun Pavilion is still there is because this is my hard work, I can't watch it be destroyed, I admit that there is indeed some green and yellow in Fengyun Pavilion, Fengyun Divine Law, Fengyun Divine Thorn, Fengyun Divine Arrow and others are not young, and it won't be long before they will fall off the altar, and even disappear from everyone."

Fengyun Divine Sword stood up, his expression was indifferent, and he spoke slowly, without anger or sadness, as if he was just saying a very ordinary thing.

But this ordinary tone, the words spoken, made people feel a trace of sadness, the Fengyun Pavilion that was once born out of thin air and overwhelmed the crowd, is it really going to fall

? In the past ten or even twenty years, how many people's youth and dreams

have been in Fengyun Pavilion? "Uncle..."

Fengyun Sword Immortal's nose was sour, since ancient times, heroes have been twilight, and beauties have white heads, and they are the most difficult to bear in the world.

"But I'm very lucky, I have a good nephew, Fengyun Sword Immortal, he is very young, and he is also very good, much stronger than me at the beginning, maybe there are many difficulties, but I believe that under his leadership, Fengyun Pavilion will usher in new heights. Fengyun

Divine Sword pulled up the red-eyed Fengyun Sword Immortal and smiled indifferently.

"I will, I will.

Fengyun Sword Immortal nodded vigorously.

"I'm sorry. The

cold-blooded rose on the stage was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect it to develop like this, the purpose of her words was just not to be scolded as a vase, just to build momentum.

She took over the guild from her cousin Purple Rose, and didn't want this legendary guild to fall, so she personally selected and recruited a large number of masters, and she was also crazy about leveling and practicing operations, just to block the mouth of Youyou and let the legend continue again.

"Don't be sorry, time is merciless, everyone will grow old one day, it's nothing, I went to Purple Rose's wedding last month, and during the toast, she told me that she felt more relaxed than ever, and I think I will be relaxed soon. "

You're right, I'm old, no one is eighteen years old forever, but there will always be eighteen years old, whether it's past honors or infamy, they will all dissipate with the passage of time and turn into a few strokes in the history books.

"The burden of the world after that will fall on you, and the world is ours and yours.

Fengyun Divine Sword said with a smile, looking at the Fengyun Sword Immortal with a temperament like a sharp sword around him, full of pride.

Bang Bang -

I don't know who took the lead, the applause in the venue sounded sparsely, and finally turned into thunder, and almost everyone felt ashamed of the pattern and openness of the Fengyun Divine Sword.

"Thank you. The

cold-blooded rose nodded and led the person down.

"Tonight, the former legendary king, the first swordsman, Fengyun Divine Sword has brought us an extraordinary lesson, Shaohua is gone, the spring is coming to an end, the river breeze blows the old and young man, no one can be strong all the time, but there is always someone who can write a legend.

Xiao Song said and motioned for the Fengyun Divine Sword to come to power.

"Jian'er, go ahead. The

Fengyun Divine Sword did not move, but looked at the Fengyun Sword Immortal beside him.


Fengyun Sword Immortal nodded, and walked up with only two people.

Not only did the Fengyun Divine Sword not move, but the Fengyun Divine Law, the Fengyun Divine Thorn, the Fengyun Divine Arrow, and the Fengyun Divine War did not move.

"This is the famous Fengyun Sword Immortal in Sal City, these two are Breaking the Void and Riding the Wind and Clothed Ink Ke.

Xiao Song briefly introduced the three of them.

"Hello everyone, I am Fengyun Sword Immortal, as a newcomer, I am very happy to be here, you are either seniors, or peers, south and north, all over the world, the only thing in common is that we will write the legend of the world together. Fengyun

Sword Immortal did not fight back against the words of the cold-blooded rose, but just said from the overall situation.

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