On the 008

plain, as the Tang Dao continued to go deeper, the surrounding fog seemed to become thicker, blocking the line of sight and making it impossible to see the distance.

Roar -

in the mist, a figure suddenly burst out, aiming at Tang Dao is claw, and the

damage splashed.


Carrion Level: 4Attack

: 70Defense: 80Health: 200Skill:


- Due to its terrifying appearance, enemies of the Headless Carrion


be terrified, and enemies within 10 yards of the surrounding area will have their attack damage reduced by 10%.

The eyes of the Tang knife who grabbed the monster attribute lit up, this attribute is similar to that of a snapping turtle, and he can get 0.2% experience points by playing level 4 at level 7, but it's okay.

The dagger in his hand swung out and stabbed at the heart of the headless carrion, this monster has no head, then the heart should be a weak point.

In the world,Attack weakness is a 25% damage bonus.,For example, humanoid monsters.,It's generally eyes.、Neck and heart.,If it's the rest of the monsters, you have to figure it out on your own.。

In the past, water snakes and the like didn't fight seven inches because their size was too small, and the attributes of the Tang knife were not enough, so it was difficult to catch, and forcibly hitting them would only be counterproductive.


It's just that after Tang Dao slashed it, he found that the monster was still stunned in place, and without saying a word, he made up for it again, and the monster counterattacked, and it seemed that its attack speed was only 0.5.

The big number of -240

floated up, and the critical hit was directly killed, and a copper coin was exploded.

This is where the Rogue is strong, the Mercenary's critical hit is calculated by multiplying the Strength Points by two, but the Assassin's Critical Hit is the agility points multiplied by 1.3 plus double the Strength Points.

In the early stage, the thief can't play without equipment, but if it is equipped, once it hits a critical hit, it will be fatal damage.

Unaffected by skills, mercenaries have a maximum critical strike chance of 40%, a maximum critical damage of 200%, and a maximum attack speed of 150%.

The Rogue has a maximum critical strike chance of 100%, a maximum of 400% critical damage, and a maximum attack speed of 200%.

In other words, as long as you have the money and the equipment is good enough, the damage of the assassins will be very terrifying.

For example, in the case of the same level 7 naked, the general barbarian mercenary strength talent is 11, and in the case of full strength, the attack and defense are both 147, and a knife can cut the necromantic thief of the same level of agility talent 11★★ full sensitivity plus points for 77 blood, while the thief can only deal 7 damage on the mercenary.

But after having equipment, once you hit a critical hit, it will be 191 points of damage, and you can directly kill a mercenary with 170 points of blood in seconds, and the gap between them can be said to be very different.

But with only the 5% crit talent that the thief comes with, how many knives do you have to cut to be able to crit?

This is also the weak point of the thief in the early stage, without the blessing of equipment, only by choosing the necromantic race and using the extra agility talent can you hit more critical hits, but the weak strength talent of the necromantic race makes the thief's defense even worse.

Therefore, thieves are a high-risk profession, equipped to deal incomprehensible damage, and those who are not equipped are pure experience, which is why only those big guilds can afford to raise top assassins (thieves can choose to become assassins or rangers later, that is, archers).

"This 15% crit chance really works. Tang

Dao was in tears, and after fighting all day, he finally saw the crit.

Taking advantage of the good luck, Tang Dao continued to go deeper, killing the rest of the monsters, and the 15% crit rate was not high, but it was enough, which greatly increased the monster farming speed of Tang Dao.

It's just that when Tang Dao killed the headless carrion corpse again and continued to hurry, he realized that something was wrong, because there was a headless carrion lying in the open space in front of him, which was killed, but he didn't kill

it himself! That is to say, in addition to himself, there are people here!

And judging from the scars on the monster's body, it is also an assassin, and even a lonely, and it also has a critical hit, because there are only two scars, even on the chest.

So who will it be? Darkest Starfire or Fengyun Divine Thorn? It is unlikely, these two are top assassins, they must have left the novice village at this time, and even if they don't, then they will participate in the competition for the king of the slime.

"Be careful!" Tang

Dao put away the joy of the critical attack, cheered up, and listened carefully to the movements around him.

The thieves at this point in time are against the thieves, almost fighting for character, depending on who has a good face, and the crit is a second kill.

Farming monsters again, finally, at 10 o'clock in the evening, Tang Dao was promoted again, reaching level 8, which is still a way to add points with 2 forces and 8 sensitives.

It's just that if you add points like this, after counting the equipment bonus, the agility is only 174 points, which is only 8% more than the basic level of 160 points, which means that the current Tang Dao attack speed is 133%, and the critical strike rate is 13%.

The impact is not great, and it can still be played.

Before you know it, you are already in the center of the plain, where the terrain is gradually sinking, and it seems to be a deep pit.

Tang Dao felt the deep pit and found a broken marble altar, several tattered pillars, with iron chains attached to them, leading to the center of the altar, which seemed to be tied to something.

Carefully touching it, I saw the appearance of the thing, it was a decapitated barbarian, the body was two meters high, the muscles were knotted, several iron chains were tied to his limbs and waist, and the bloody wound on his neck was still oozing blood.

Headless Corpse King (F)

Level: 10Attack: 200Defense: 200Health:


: No

Introduction: The Headless Corpse King was originally a powerful barbarian warrior who was poisoned by the witch Kars after straying into a swamp, and then made into a painless monster with a terrifying appearance and strength.

"What a corpse king!" Tang

Dao couldn't help but sigh when he looked at this domineering attribute.

As soon as the words fell, Tang Dao pounced directly sideways, and at some point there was an additional figure behind the original position, and the dagger in his hand was stabbing at the original heart.

"Hmph! It looks like you're a master too! Come on!"

the dagger in Tang Dao's hand turned horizontally and confronted the man.

The other party is also a necromantic assassin, hiding the ID, also level 8, and the weapon in his hand is not basic equipment, but an obsidian dagger.

Tang Dao was able to spot him just now because there was a second heartbeat in the field.

The other party did not answer Tang Dao's question, but waved the dagger in his hand and took the lead in killing.

The dagger struck straight towards Tang Dao's heart, Tang Dao dodged sideways, and the dagger in his hand swiped towards his neck, but it was held with a backhand, and the strength was almost equal.


the same time, Tang Dao also stretched out his left hand to hold the opponent's right wrist, and then raised his leg and kicked towards the side of his knee, a position that can disrupt his standing balance.


other party raised his knee and fought with Tang Dao, and then each retreated.

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