"Is this city building order so important?" Han

Shan was also stunned for a moment, originally thought it was just a top-level prop, but he didn't expect it to be related to the direction of the plot.

"Of course, don't be poor, there is a high probability that it is a lord's order, and a small probability is a city-building order, if it is a lord's order, I will sell it to you."

Tang Dao said with a smile, although he wants to bring down Shenghuang, but he doesn't have the financial resources at present, and the lord's order is just a hot potato, so it is better to give it to a good brother.

"Huh, are you serious?" Han

Shan couldn't believe it, after all, so many guilds hadn't issued a lord order at this stage.

"Of course it's true, why am I lying to you?" Tang

Dao said angrily, is he like a person who doesn't count when he talks?"

"Okay, if it is, I'll pay a million to buy this lord's order!" Han

Shan said solemnly, although he is a good brother, he must not be treated badly.

"I want to buy a lord's order for a million, is it a little stingy if I don't move like a mountain?"

A female voice sounded behind him, and everyone looked over, it was the heart of death and the others.

In addition to her and the Nine Heavenly Palace, there are also two level 21 cold swordsmen, named Luo Yun and Chu Yun respectively, who are extraordinary, and their strength will not be much worse if they think about it.

"It turned out to be the heart of the god of death, I don't have any concept of this lord's order, so the price is not very suitable, but I hope you can open a good price. He

said politely, and then sent a message to the Death Scythe.

Immovable as a mountain: What about you being polite to me Nima? You can pay as much as you want! Anyway, it's my son, and I don't feel distressed.

Death Scythe: I don't know what the hell is meowing, this thing is not sold, can you not be a loser, and your old man's money will be yours in the future

? Motionless as a mountain: It's hard to say

! What if the old man donates it on a whim? Death Scythe: You say a hammer! You think your old man doesn't know who you are, right? If you donate your property, you drink the northwest wind, go to

you! Don't move like a mountain: Roll the calf! I won't talk to you about business.

"At the moment, there is no market, at least four million!"

Death's Heart stretched out four fingers and said indifferently.

"Beauty, isn't this how this business works?"

"Shaking Heaven Wuyue and Eternal Hengtian are not happy, four million is not a small amount of money.

"I said that there is no market, believe it or not, and if you put it on the market, someone will buy it for five million?"

"Eh, don't open the champagne in the middle of the show! You have been sharing the cake here for a long time, what if there is nothing in it?"

Tang Dao saw that the conversation was wrong, and quickly changed the topic.

"Yes, the Death Scythe is right, let's take this Singing Bat City first. Immovable

Rushan also hurriedly said.

With the assurances of the leaders of both sides, there will be no arguments.

"I have 4 sets of singing bat suits in my hand, 5 sets in my hand and 5 sets in my hand, a total of 9 sets, according to the price agreed in advance, 2w set, do you want to buy it?"

Tang Dao looked at the four people in the heart of death.

"Of course you want to buy it, 8w is transferred to you, we want 4 sets. "

The heart of death immediately turned 8w blocks to Tang Dao.

"Okay, give.

Tang Dao was not ambiguous, and gave the suit to the four people of the Heart of Death.

"That's not right, how did you get down? didn't drop the level?" Tang

Dao was a little puzzled, except for the level 20 Nine Heavenly Palace, the other three were all level 21, if they were to be leveled, it would have been level 22, but at this stage, apart from the top masters, where are the level 22 assassins?

" "It's a secret!"

said the heart of death proudly.

"Okay, let's start brushing, there are still a lot of singing bat warriors here, I sent the illustrated book to the team, that insight is a passive skill, that is, the attack will never fail, Xiaotian, you have to pay attention to the position, otherwise it will be easy to be killed.

Tang Dao carefully admonished, ordinary monster attacks can be dodged with an instant, but not with the Singing Bat Warrior, the flashing can only be used to cancel the back and forth swing, reset the normal attack, and preemptively deal damage.

This can be regarded as a relatively delicate operation, Tang Dao was afraid that this young man would not be able to operate it a little, so he deliberately spoke.

"Okay, thank you, Brother Dao.

The Nine Heavenly Palace nodded.

Everyone just formed a group of 10 people, with a full 6 assassins in the set of thundering bats, and they were very easy at killing monsters, almost in the form of a meat grinder.

At twelve o'clock at noon, 20 sets of batting sets were brushed out again, and everyone successfully arrived at the gate of Mingbat City.

"3,000, the city building order is impossible. After

killing a Singing Bat warrior again and nothing came out, Death's Heart shook its head.

"Well, I hope there's a lord's order.

Tang Dao agreed.

"Uh, what 3,000?"

"The number of Singing Bat Warriors,Generally speaking,The number of monsters refreshed on these city maps has an upper limit.,3000、5,000、10,000, etc.,The first kill,,It will be a normal explosion rate.,But after all the kills are in order.,If you want to get the set.,It's no longer possible.,Only experience.。 Otherwise, I got a map, and instead of brushing the boss in the center of the city, I blocked the gate of the city to brush the mobs, and kept bursting the equipment, isn't that a BUG?"

Tang Dao said with a smile, the production of the world is not fine, and it is difficult to rub his cheapness.

"Okay, we have a total of 30 sets here, according to the 5% explosion rate, that is, 3,000 pieces, according to your words, it is the lowest grade batch?"

"Well, at this level, killing the boss is either a job transfer scroll or a lord order, and the possibility of a city building order is too low.

Tang Dao nodded.

"I see, then let's fight the boss directly?"

Wan Gu Hengtian looked at Tang Dao and the others, after all, this was his map.

"Of course, don't move like a mountain, you have the best attributes, go open the city gate, I feel that this boss should be a bat, it may fly, we don't have a remote output, it may be a little difficult to fight.

Tang Dao bowed slightly.

"Good. Immovable

as a mountain stepped forward with a shield and slowly pushed open the city gate.


was a mournful roar from the heavy gates, and then a cold wind struck, and everyone shivered.

"It's coming!"

Tang Dao and the Heart of Death clenched their daggers at the same time, and movement was already heard in the distance, and something was approaching.


black shadow flashed out, grabbed the slowest reaction of the mountains and rivers, spread its wings, flew into the sky, and threw it down, and the blood bar was directly emptied.

Brigadier General (F)

Level: 20Attack: 1500Defense

: 1000Health: 10000Skill

: Sonic Waves, Bleeding



Thunderbolt's right-hand man, there are 4 in total, and they guard Beacon City together with General Ringing.

"Be careful!" Tang

Dao exclaimed, and Luo Yun on the side was also caught, but in the end, he was a master, and his backhand dagger was pierced on the boss's claws, and he was firmly on the dagger.

"There are three more, everyone be careful!"

Reaper's Heart reminded as he looked at the city.

But what everyone didn't expect was that not 3, but 4 came out.

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