Phantom Jungle, Tang Dao once again walked into this map, and the fear of being raided by the Phantom Wolf last time is gone.

-1902 and -1902

hit two critical hits in a row, directly killed the phantom wolf in seconds, picked up the copper coins that exploded, and continued to hurry.

The map of the Phantom Jungle should have not moved, and Tang Dao was also very familiar, killing a lot of monsters along the way, and at the same time came to a place he chose.

Wuxi Cave, level 20~30, one of the mini-maps in the Phantom Jungle, near the poisonous swamp to the west, a stream runs through, named Wuxi, scouring a mountain out of a deep cave, which winds and turns, with very low visibility, very suitable for assassins.

"Huh, Vice President Starfire, he's headed for the poisonous swamp.

A player sent a message to Darkest Starfire.

"No, it's not a poisonous swamp, it's a Wuxi cave, let him in, and you can take someone to surround it. "

Darkest Starfire knew what Tang Dao was thinking at a glance at the map, and for the assassins, the Wuxi Cave was indeed a good PK map.

"Yes!" the

player immediately set about arranging.

In the north of the Phantom Jungle, the Darkest Starfire is coming alone, to be honest, he is very happy to let him come to Sal City, because Feng Qingge is also here, even if he is a top master, it does not mean that there is no emotion.

It's just that he is going to chase and kill an assassin player who has just become famous, he is not very willing in his heart, after all, the other party is just a player, there is no need to chase after him because of a little misunderstanding, and the more important thing is that he knows the ins and outs of this matter, the cause is that the overlord bone did it himself, relying on his identity as a saint Huang patriarch to make a fortune.

To put it mildly, the strength of the overlord bone is just like that, quasi-first-class, not as good as the new Shui Yuexing, you don't have to think about the old love so much when you grow up.


Thousands of thoughts turned into a long sigh, it's all here, just kill him once.

Darkest Starfire thought, speeding up and rushing to the Wuxi Cave.

Tang Dao had already entered the Wuxi Cave, the light around him was extremely dim, and he could barely see within three steps, and the ground was covered with mossy slippery stones, and if he couldn't step on it, he would fall into the stream.

"Huh, sure enough, the monster hasn't changed. After

walking a few steps, Tang Dao reached out and twisted some transparent slime on the stones on the ground, with a fishy smell.


Just as he turned his back to the stream, a behemoth broke through the water and bit at him.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Tang

Dao dodged sideways, and the dagger in his right hand passed through the monster's soft abdomen, bursting out two damages.

The blood volume of the -1712 and -1712

monsters suddenly dropped by more than half, and in the midst of the lightning, Tang Dao also grabbed its attributes.

Stream Giant Salamander

Level: 22Attack

: 1200Defense: 1000Life: 5000Skill

: No

Introduction: A special giant salamander that lives in the stream, is fierce by nature, cruel and murderous, and will lurk at the bottom of the water like a crocodile, preying on various animals that come to drink.

Wow wow -

the monster roared a few times, like a baby crying, it was nothing, after all, the giant salamander is also known as the baby fish, because its cry is similar to the cry of a child, but at this moment, in this dim cave, it looks particularly terrifying.

The monster rushed towards the Tang Dao, its four claws flew over, but its body of more than two meters was fast, and its dense teeth flashed with cold light in the open mouth of the blood basin.


Tang knife stabbed into the cliff, tiptoe a little, and his left hand suddenly pulled, and suddenly half of his body hung up, dodging the monster's attack.

As the figure fell, it slammed on the monster's upper jaw, stomping its mouth shut and slashing the dagger in its right hand again.

-1712, -1712

With the two critical hits flying, the monster fell to the ground, bursting out 5 silver coins, and the experience bar of the Tang knife also rose to level 19 87%, because it was below level 20, so it was calculated according to the basis of 1%, and it was easy to kill back.

Picking up the silver coin, Tang Dao continued to move forward, the place here is too narrow, not suitable for PK, what is really suitable for PK is the depths of Wuxi Cave, there is a karst cave, almost out of sight, there are stones everywhere, it is very convenient to hide.

With the terrain there, Tang Dao was confident that he would defeat a team of hundreds.

However, he didn't expect that it was not a large group of people who came, but a lone monster.

After cleaning up a few stream giant salamanders and resting for a while, Tang Dao heard footsteps from the entrance, very soft, it should be an assassin!

Neither of them spoke, groping for traces of their opponents with their extraordinary perceptual abilities.


Dao's feet slipped and stepped on a small puddle the size of a palm, which was nothing if it was placed in a normal place, but in this silent and surprising cave, it was particularly harsh, like a flare in the night sky.


rush of footsteps sounded, Tang Dao knew that he was coming, and flashed towards the back, and there was a sound of breaking wind from the place where he had just stood, obviously the attack failed.

As soon as he stood firm, Tang Dao reflexively killed back, but he also pounced, his heart froze, and there was a sound of breaking wind behind him.

Tang Dao had to pounce forward to dodge this attack, ignoring the pain, he turned over and rolled away, and sparks splashed where he had just fallen.


picked up a stone and threw it in the direction of the other party, the other party obviously didn't expect that Tang Dao still had such a trick that can be called inferior, and he was smashed out of a damage, although it was not high, but it also exposed the position.

Tang Dao propped his hands on the ground, his feet were forceful, and he pounced towards the other party like a beast.

-17, -15


right wrist is blocked by the opponent's ankle, and the two damage flies up, and since there is no dagger damage, both only have 1% base damage.

"1700 Blood Assassin, who are you?"

Now that the battle has been engaged, Tang Dao does not need to hide his position, and the dagger in his left hand is sent out, and he asked at the same time.

"Darkest Starfire, I'll only kill you once. The

other party's deep voice echoed in the cave, and Tang Dao remembered that during the previous offline meeting, Feng Qingge said that he wanted to let the Darkest Starfire be transferred to Sal City

, and he really came? Bang!

-17 and -15

Tang Dao's left hand was also blocked, and as a last resort, he withdrew his hands and rolled to dodge.


took a kick, picked up another stone, threw it at the other party, and stood up himself.


damage burst out, close at hand, where the sound of breaking wind could be heard, Tang Dao raised his left hand to block, and sure enough, he parried the opponent's wrist, and at the same time stabbed his right hand towards his abdomen.

is also parried, as long as the attribute gap between the two sides is less than 30%, it is still easy to parry, for players of this level.

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