As the largest city in eastern China, Tianhai City has become a prosperous city second only to the imperial capital because of its unique geographical location and economic importance, and its night is undoubtedly extremely beautiful.

Not to mention the natural color of the sea and sky, it is the bright lights of the world, drunk and golden, weaving countless dreams and shattering countless illusions, but even so, the endless prosperity is like an addictive poison, so that countless people are willing to sink into this prosperous world.

But there are also some people who have their own pursuits, even in the world, they have their own world.

In the past, Tang Dao may also be willing to sink into the prosperous party, but now, he has his own plan.

After eating, Tang Dao went downstairs for a walk, and it was dark in the game at 20~24 o'clock, so there was nothing to do online.

When passing by a remote alley, Tang Dao smiled slightly, this is the place where he met Tang Xin that time, but at this time...

It was unusually dark in the alley, but Tang Dao walked in by surprise, because he saw a dark lamp, that is, the one given to him by the other side flower, according to the other side flower, the dark light will guide him.

Click, click—

there was silence in the dark and deep alleys, except for the footsteps of Tang Dao.

Originally, it was only a hundred paces away, but Tang Dao walked out the one hundred and one step in the dark, and then the two hundred and second steps... Until once again they came to the shadows.

The place in front of you is almost exactly the same as where the normal world walks through the alley, except that there are no lights and no people.


Dao stretched out his hands, and the dark blue flames suddenly poured out, and the whole person turned into a skeleton, with chains still hanging around his waist, Judge!

He didn't know what he could do if he was a judge, but he didn't know what he could do if he wasn't a judge, and maybe he could help take revenge,

"What are you thinking?"

The flower ghost on the other side appeared behind Tang Dao in a daze.

"It's just a bit of a distraction, Miss Bianhua, can I use the power of the judge in the human world?" Tang

Dao asked with some curiosity.

"Of course, the power is your power, and the guard is your responsibility, becoming a judge, of course, you have both power and responsibility, but you have to wait until the fifth level before you can use the power of the judge in the human world.

The other side nodded, and then walked in a certain direction with Tang Dao.

"In that case, then you all have human bodies, and what are the levels of the Ten Palaces Yama and Impermanence Meng Po? As a judge, I should be qualified to know, right?"

Tang Dao continued to ask.

"Follow me and you'll know everything.

The other side flower didn't say much, but took Tang Dao to the outside of a house with lanterns, which was also one of the few places of light in the dark world of the entire Tianhai City.

"Hades Temple!"

looked at the two words blazing with blue flames hanging on the plaque, and the two statues standing next to them, which were bull heads and horse faces, each holding a shackle in his hand, and detaining the soul and locking the soul.

"Come in, in the world of light, the name of this teahouse is Qing Ming Xuan, and it is also a place where we often meet, you can come and drink tea if you have nothing to do, but the rule is that you can only knock on the door one by one.

The flower stretched out her slender white fingers and tapped lightly on the door.



The door opens automatically, the outside is ghostly, but the inside is red candles and gold lights, and even a little warm.

Obviously, from the outside, it looks like a palm-sized place, but there are eighteen square tables inside, and there is a lot of space.

At this time, there were only three people inside, but they were all wearing masks on their faces, one in white and one in black, and they couldn't even see their genders.

The person next to him was wearing linen clothes, extremely simple, and silver threads had been seen on his sideburns, which should be Meng Po.

"Black impermanence, eighth grade, white impermanence, ninth grade, Meng Po, ninth grade, judge, third grade. "

The other side flower introduced the two sides.

"In fact, everyone has seen it in the underworld in the dream, but the reality has not been seen, and it happens that we are free tonight, so we all come to get together. Meng

Po politely poured tea for Tang Dao and the other side of the flower, and listened to the voice of a woman.

"Yes, we're still under the Judge.

Bai Wuchang also joked, his voice was crisp, and he turned out to be a woman.

"The previous judge was also a ninth-level powerhouse, when Nai was unlucky, he was killed by Yuanlong, so it was passed to the judge, and the judge has just obtained the inheritance, and of course his strength is not strong.

Hei Wuchang said coldly.

"Let me briefly say it, at present, you are the same generation as the two impermanence and the judge, and Meng Po is a generation older, but because the previous judge fell relatively late, and the previous impermanence fell earlier, the gap between the strength of you and the two impermanence is relatively large.

"But it doesn't matter, the strength can be cultivated, the spirit mantra must have been learned, always consult and cultivate, if you don't understand, just ask, plus the support of the Immortal Crystal, the strength should be improved soon."

The other side explained.

"Then why are you all able to remain human, and I am in the form of this skeleton?"

asked Tang Dao.

"It's very simple, the four of us are actually using the human body now, but because the strength is strong enough, there is no need to transform into the appearance of the dark world, and your strength is too weak, so only the appearance of the dark world can exert strength, if you have the strength of the fifth level, then you can also do this.

Meng Po seemed to be a warm-hearted person, and explained to Tang Dao.

"I see, then since I can enter the dark world from the Forgotten Lands, do I still need to go to the underworld?"

Tang Dao roughly figured out his current situation.

The world of light is the world, the world of darkness is here, and the place where the state is dealt with is the underworld.

"Of course, otherwise, who will deal with the situation? You are too weak now, just go to the Hades every three days to deal with the accumulated forms, and when the strength is strong in the future, you can quickly clean up the abyss beasts at night, and then go to the Hades to cultivate, and you can come here to drink tea." At

the staircase leading to the second floor, a gentle male voice sounded, and a figure slowly walked down, wearing a black gold silk robe, but not wearing a mask, with a handsome face, with a kind smile, but it gave people a feeling of not being angry and arrogant.

"Hall Master!" Black

and White Impermanence, the other side of the flower, and Meng Po saw the coming, and immediately got up and saluted, Tang Dao was a beat slower, but he also saluted.

"Don't be polite, judge, you are a newcomer, if you don't understand anything in the future, you have to ask the rest of the people for advice, of course, including me, although everyone is nominally a superior and subordinate relationship in the Yama Palace, but I don't care about these, everyone will meet because of fate, not only friends, but also comrades in life and death. The

comer's right hand waved slightly, and a soft force lifted Tang Dao and the others, and then said slowly.

At the same time, it also shows its identity, the lord of the Yama Palace, the king of Yama!

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