Tuk Tuk -

A knock on the door sounded, interrupting Tang Dao's thoughts.

"Please come in.

Tang Dao stood up, who could it be

?" "It's me, you also play the world, right?" Go online, add my friends, Nine Heavenly Palace, you can play together if you have nothing to do in the future. "

It's Tang Tian who came, although he still didn't like it, but after all, he was a bodyguard arranged by his father, so he couldn't make the relationship too stiff.

"Well, well, I actually have your friend.

Tang Dao hesitated, anyway, sooner or later, it is better to confess now, so as not to be embarrassed in the future.

"What? What are you kidding? I know all my game friends, how is it possible?"

said the Nine Heavenly Palaces impatiently, how can this be bragging?

"Ahem, my ID is called the Death Scythe.

Tang Dao said slowly.


, deathly silence!"

"What the hell? Say it again

?" Tang Tian couldn't believe his ears, that mysterious necromantic assassin turned out to be the decrepit boy in front of him?"

"Sal City, Priest's Guild, Erica, you've almost figured out everyone's household registration book, you'll always believe it now, right?"

Tang Dao was a little helpless, and many people on the forum contacted him to add the guild, but this guy still didn't believe it.

"You, you, you... Wait, let me take a look!" Tang

Tian directly overloaded the CPU, but the facts were in front of him, only five people knew about the sewers in Sal City, and the remaining three people, Xuan Zhiling was a woman, and goodbye Baihu was much more handsome than him, so only the Death Scythe was left.


"What's wrong?"

Tang Yunshan also walked out of the study and hurriedly went downstairs.

"Nothing, nothing.

Tang Tian hurriedly said, looking at Tang Dao, his expression was very complicated.

"You boy, let's all disperse.

Tang Yunshan said angrily, and then continued to return to the study.

"Let's go online.

Tang Dao pointed at the helmet, and Tang Tian nodded.

In the game, the team channel, Tang Dao explained things and plates, and also lifted the voice changer.

All three remained silent for quite some time.

"So, did you hit me on purpose that day?"

"Sister, is there something wrong with your focus?"

Tang Tian was a little speechless, is this the point?

"Of course not, I didn't expect you to go there, there is usually no one there. Tang

Dao was also speechless, this sister's paper-brain circuit is a bit strange.

"Uh, actually, the CP I've been knocking for so long is fake?"

Tang Tian suddenly thought of something.

"You can die!" Tang

said angrily, eager to hit him with a set of critical hits.

"That's the way it is, by mistake it becomes your bodyguard. "

Tang Dao naturally didn't say anything about the judge and the light and dark world.

"Forget it, it's okay, where are you now?"

The matter has come to this point, and Tang Xin has nothing to say.

"Isn't it on the first floor of your house?" Tang

Dao was a little puzzled.

"I mean the game !!"

Tang Xin always felt that sooner or later he would be angry with these two people.

"Oh, Flame Forest, do the mission.

Tang Dao reacted and said quickly.

"Send a location coordinates, Xiao Tian and I will go to you, the affairs of Snow Peak City are over.

Tang Xin said.

"Good. Tang

Dao shared the location with Tang Xin.

At this time, it was already half past four in the afternoon, and it was already dawn in the game.

It's still killing the flame horned sheep, with the blessing of good equipment, you can kill one with four knives, and there are not many players nearby, or even basically, so you don't have to worry about anything.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Tang Dao's mission progress came to 625/1000, and it was time to eat first.

Tang Yunshan was quite polite, under normal circumstances, the bodyguards would naturally eat their own table, but Tang Yunshan strongly invited Tang Dao to sit at the master's table.

I have to say that the life of a rich person is good, the skills of the home chef are quite exquisite, even the home-cooked food is very attractive, although Tang Dao does not treat himself badly on weekdays, but he is still aroused.

However, for the sake of the boss's face, he naturally can't eat seas.

"Brother Dao, what kind of mission are you doing in the Flame Forest?"

Tang Tian asked curiously while eating, since his identity had already been revealed, he had already admired Tang Dao, so he was not outside.

"Shock and deterre mission, kill 1000 monsters above level 20, the current progress is 625, if you can kill the Tiger King, you can get additional rewards.

Tang Dao replied while cooking.

"What kind of task is it?" Tang

Xin asked coldly.

"Priests' Guild, what happened to Bishop Koster?"

Tang Dao was a little puzzled.

"It's nothing, if it's a mission from the city guards, my sister probably won't come.

Tang Tian smiled.

"What's wrong with the City Guards?"

Tang Dao looked at Tang Tian.

"When we passed through the town of Copperstone, we were just in time for the city guards to escort an NPC through the streets, saying that they had let go of some important criminal, but it seemed that it was unpopular with the people, and the people scolded it.

Tang Tian said casually.

"Hmm, what's that NPC's name?"

Tang Dao sighed in his heart.

"It's called a song... What's going on?"

Tang Tian looked at Tang Xin, he didn't remember.

Qu Xingjian, the people of Tongshi Town all interceded for him, but the generals of the city guards disagreed.

Tang Xin said slowly.

"What?Qu Xingjian?" Tang

Dao secretly said in his heart.

"What's the matter, Brother Dao, do you know?"

Tang Tian was a little puzzled.

"Uh, haven't you seen the wanted list in Copperstone Town?"

asked Tang Dao.

"Look, 1000 gold coins, you're worth a lot of money.

Tang Xin teased.

"He was only wanted after he let me go, when did he ask for beheading

?" Tang Dao was a little helpless, even in the game, are good people not long-lived?"

Don thought for a moment and replied.

"yes, I see. After

Tang Dao finished speaking, he stepped up his work, and when the time came, he would see if he could rob the law field and rescue Qu Xingjian.

"Are you very familiar?"

There were four people on the table, and the three of them chatted hotly, leaving only Tang Yunshan as an outsider.

As a father, he couldn't know the temper of his children, Tang Dao just came to the house, so quickly got acquainted?"

"Well, we and Brother Dao have known each other in the game before, but we didn't expect to see each other offline."

Tang Tian explained.

"I see.

Tang Yunshan nodded, but he had other plans in his heart, online friends, offline meetings, how low is this probability? This Tang Dao, there won't be any ulterior motives, right?

"I'm full, you eat first.

Tang Xin put down the bowl and left.

"That, can you add another bowl?" Tang

Dao looked at the maid Aunt Lin.

"There's no more food, I'll cook it!" Aunt

Lin hurriedly said.

"No, no, I'm almost.

Tang Dao was also a little embarrassed, he seemed to have eaten a little too much.

"Brother Dao, you've eaten five bowls. "

Tang Tian is also shocked, so edible, so thin?

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