The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful

Chapter 227 Tomodo and the Riddler, the God-killing Crossbow and the Solar Furnace

The person coming was none other than Tomodo, who had just sneaked in here while Yassen was not paying attention.

He first looked at Ji Chen, and after finding that he was unharmed, he glanced at Verena, who was wrapped in extremely ill-fitting clothes, and said in surprise: "Good news, how long has it been since you found a concubine? And it looks like He seems to have pretty good strength.”

Ji Chen was quite surprised to see Tomodo, but he almost spit out a mouthful of blood when he heard these words, "Verena is my new subordinate, not a concubine."

"They're all the same. I remember the siren named Alice and the female half-orc named Ilona. Aren't they both your subordinates, and are they all having an affair with you?"


Ji Chen felt that something was wrong with the way Verena looked at him, so he had no choice but to say.

"Your Excellency Tomodo, why are you here? Didn't you say you wanted to find the reason why the dwarves fell apart?"

Tomodo sighed, his face a little sad, "I have found it, and the reason is related to what I will say next."

"Boy, have you heard of any strange people since you came to the Northern Continent? For example, a group of lunatics called fraudsters?"

"Yes, but what happened to them?"

"The Trickster is the culprit who caused the dwarves to fall apart thousands of years ago!"

Ji Chen was stunned, there was such a thing! ?

The deceiver is indeed very insidious, but how can he bring the once powerful dwarves to such an extent?

"Be careful if you meet them. They hate people of your kind."

Tomodo said solemnly.

"But Your Excellency, I have already encountered them and killed many of them."

Ji Chen pursed his lips and pointed at his feet, "This is their secret base in the Maple Forest Principality. It took us two days to get rid of them in one fell swoop. Even their leaders were captured alive by me, except for the one wearing a silver mask. Except for them, I killed all the others."

Tomodo's eyes suddenly widened. Only then did he remember what he had heard along the way, that the elves seemed to be encircling and suppressing some evil organization. It turned out that they were encircling and suppressing the fraudster?

"I see. Then tell me what happened when you met them."

Ji Chen had nothing to hide. He briefly talked about the previous events of killing the swamp dragon, being deceived into a trap by the deceiver, and finally breaking through the base and capturing the silver mask deceiver alive.

Of course, he kept an eye out and directly skipped key matters such as the deal with the elves, the incarnations of Zhao Liangchen and Luo Yang.

After listening, Tomodo said with admiration: "It sounds like those madmen not only failed to kill you, but also suffered a big loss. You even took the blame for the fraudsters of Maplewood Principality?"

"What a good boy, you are indeed a favored person. You really have a lot of brushes!"

Ji Chen smiled slightly and asked curiously.

"I have long heard that deceivers hate those favored by God. I was targeted without provoking them."

"And you also said that I am the so-called favored person. Doesn't that mean that I am the favored one by God?"

This question has been buried in my heart for a long time.

He first realized some clues in the lair of the Black Skull Pirates.

At that time, when Alexei, the evil god who sucked the pirate leader dry, tried to kill him by force, a force appeared and pushed him back into the statue and shattered it.

Then there was the Chris Laboratory in the Skeleton Secret Realm. When he entered his consciousness into the control center but was attempted to invade his body by the insidious Chris, he was also inexplicably killed by an entity.

But this time, in the heart of the northern continent, the deceiver regarded him as a favored person by the gods, and Tomodo also let it slip and said that he was a favored person.

All kinds of information are connected with each other and seem to reveal a result.

He seems to be favored by some god?

Every critical moment when his life is in danger, a certain existence will appear to help him escape.

In addition, he also thought about his plug-in - the military technology tree. Is this also related to this existence?

Facing his question, Tomodo shook his head and showed a mysterious smile, "You need to explore all this by yourself. Sooner or later, the truth will appear in front of you."

Ji Chen's eyes twitched.

Riddler, get out of here!

In fact, Tomodo really didn't know much about Ji Chen, so it was a little embarrassing to say something.

This statement is just to prevent yourself from appearing ignorant.

But he knew that this young human being had unlimited potential, whether from the perspective of being favored or from the performance and achievements along the way.

Perhaps one day when it climbs to the top of the world, it can lift the veil and explore the truth behind it.

Without giving the two more time to talk, there was another movement in the passage, and Yasen appeared with a large group of elves.

After seeing that there was no problem with Ji Chen, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Tomodo with an angry expression.

"The despicable dwarf not only broke into the military camp without permission, but also tried to harm Your Excellency Ji Chen. It is really unforgivable!"

"You can't get out of here today!"

As he said that, he was about to take action, but then Ji Chen stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Your Excellency Yasen, Your Excellency Tomodo is my friend."

Yasen couldn't help but be stunned, friend? Isn't he some enemy seeking revenge?

Tomodo glanced at him, with a trace of disdain flashing in his eyes, "When did I say I was going to hurt this kid? The elf is really going back to life. He kills at will without knowing the situation. Erin, that bitch, disciplined him It’s not that bad either.”

Looking at the two of them, Ji Chen knew that there might be some misunderstanding between them, so he took the initiative to explain to Yasen.

"Your Excellency Tomodo is a strong dwarf I met by chance. This time, he was just afraid that I would be plotted by the fraudsters, so he came all the way to find me. He didn't have any ill intentions."

Then he said to Tomodo: "This is Lord Yasen, the commander of the Fifth Fleet of the Elf Mediterranean, and the commander of this encirclement and attack on the Deceiver Division's base."

"Oh~~~That's it." Tomodo said in a strange tone: "It turns out he is the commander of the fleet. No wonder he has such great official authority."

"You!" Yassen almost got angry again, but he held it back and glared at Tomodo fiercely. ,

If it weren't for Your Excellency Ji Chen, I would have used your elf methods to prevent you from having anything good to eat.

Tomodo carried the war hammer with a calm expression.

Seeing this, Ji Chen felt a little relieved. If the two of them fought, he would feel a little uncomfortable being caught between them.

What's more, the two are not at the same level. Yassen is only level 50, while Tomodo is an epic level 78 powerhouse. If they fight, the latter can kill the former with one hand.

If Yasen was accidentally beaten to death, things would be very serious.

Only then did Yasen realize that there was a strange human woman standing next to Ji Chen.

"Your Excellency Ji Chen, who is this?"

Ji Chen said: "Verena is the person locked up in the cage here by the fraudster. She has become my subordinate."

Yassen looked at Verena, who was silent, with some fear in his eyes.

Although she looked a little weak, he could feel that this human woman contained powerful power in her body, and her strength was gradually recovering. If she were in her prime, she would have been an extremely strong person.

At the same time, he was afraid of Ji Chen and was surprised. How long did it take for him to conquer such a powerful subordinate?

This is too fast.

In his heart, he was not displeased with Ji Chen opening the cage alone, nor did he ask about Verena's identity.

Their relationship with Ji Chen was enough to ignore these things directly.

"In that case, let's go out now."

Ji Chen nodded, followed by Tomodo and Verena, and returned to the camp.

When many elf warriors saw Tomodo, their expressions suddenly changed and they were a little angry. Ji Chen couldn't help but ask when he saw them like this.

"Sir Tomodo, what did you just do to make the elves hate you so much?"

Tomodo said indifferently: "It's just that the tentacles beat hundreds of elves and scolded them a little. It's not a big deal."

Ji Chen: "."

He felt that he could not leave Tomodo here, otherwise something would happen sooner or later.

After thinking for a moment, he immediately said to Yasen:

"Sir Yasen, I will return to Maplewood Port to deal with some matters first, and then I will come to receive the loot."

It would take some time to transport the supplies, and he didn't want to waste time waiting here.

It had been some time since he left Ocean Crown, and Ji Chen planned to finish the matter as soon as possible and return as soon as possible.

Yasen nodded when he heard this. He didn't want to see this annoying dwarf again, so he said goodbye: "I will transport the materials inside as soon as possible and directly deliver the previously agreed part of the loot to your manor. No need. Let you take the trouble to come and go.”

Ji Chen was not polite and came over again to save the time, "Then thank you in advance, Mr. Yasen."

Riding on the carriage prepared by Yasen, the group returned to the manor in Maplewood Port.

The housekeeper and his maid greeted them at the door. They were a little surprised to see a dwarf and a woman in the group.

Not to mention Verena, who was wearing ill-fitting clothes, Tomodo looked sloppy, and his clothes were in tatters, like a beggar.

But following Ji Chen, he did not dare to show any contempt or neglect, and politely saluted the two of them respectively.

Ji Chen said casually: "Butler, prepare rooms, suitable clothes and food for Tomodo and Verena."

The butler immediately nodded and responded: "Yes, I'll go right now."

Soon, Verena and Tomodo changed into intact clothes and came to the hall. At this time, the table was filled with all kinds of food.

Tomodo served the table very skillfully. He picked up a few pastries and stuffed them into his mouth. It seemed that he had not eaten well on the road.

But Verena was a little at a loss.

Hundreds of years of imprisonment seemed to have worn away her communication skills, making her very unfamiliar and confused about the outside world.

Along the way, she was silent most of the time.

Ji Chen didn't force her, and let her go back to the room to continue recovering from her injuries after eating.

Only when her strength is restored to level 30 or above will she be useful.

After eating.

Ji Chen and Tomodo came to a tea room in the manor.

"Sir Tomodo, I am very grateful and relieved that you came from the Western Continent to warn me about the fraudster."

"But have you forgotten something important?"

Not long after he sat down, he said with a half-smile.

Tomodo looked tense and said with a guilty conscience: "Of course I will do what I promised you before."

He would definitely not say that if he had not known the reason for the fall of Black Iron Castle and wanted Ji Chen's help, he would probably not have returned to Ocean Crown.

"Knight, besides reminding you this time, I actually have one more thing I want to ask of you."

"Oh?" Seeing Tomodo's serious look, Ji Chen took a sip of tea slowly, "What is it worth for you to travel all the way across the ocean to find me?"

Hearing the irony in Ji Chen's words, Tomodo just smiled. After all, it was him who was in the wrong, and he felt very guilty at this time.

His attitude was much lowered and he told all the information he learned in Black Iron Castle.

Ji Chen's expression gradually became serious as he listened to this long-dusted history.

Dwarf, Black Iron Keep, Trickster, Balrog, Solar Forge

"You mean to say that the Deceiver sacrificed a Balrog with power above the epic level, killed two epic-level dwarf warriors, and breached the Dwarf Black Iron Castle?"

Tomodo nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, according to the information left behind, this is indeed the case, and he also took away the dwarves' most precious treasure, the 'Solar Furnace'."

Solar furnace.

"No wonder the Deceiver's equipment is almost better than that of the Principality and Kingdom's armies, and is close to the level of the Empire."

"If that's the case, then their God-killing crossbows should also be made by the 'Solar Furnace'?"

Tomodo was stunned, "God-killing crossbow? Can you show it to me?"

Ji Chen nodded and took out the God-killing crossbow bed and crossbow arrows.

Tomodo jumped off the chair and began to explore and study around it.

Soon the swearing started.

"The God-killing Crossbow is a killing weapon developed with painstaking efforts by many generations of dwarves from our Black Iron Castle. However, the data and samples were stolen by a fraudster during that battle."

"However, the God-killing crossbows made by those bastards are not half as powerful as they were designed. The God-killing crossbows with complete form and power are 7-star treasures. They are trying to imitate a cat and imitate a tiger, and waste natural resources!"

Ji Chen's eyes changed.

Only half the power?

With half the power being so lethal, wouldn't the full form have to go to heaven?

It has powerful killing capabilities and the ability to track over long distances, which is enough to make anyone tempted.

asked with a little anticipation.

"Do you know how to make a complete God-killing crossbow?"

Tomodo immediately put his hands on his hips and said proudly: "Of course, I also participated in the entire process of its design, research and development, and manufacturing of samples. The manufacturing seems to be engraved in my mind."

"Then can you make it?"

Tomodo immediately withered, "The God-killing Crossbow requires the 'Solar Furnace' to make it."

What the hell are you talking about?

Where am I to find the Forge of the Sun that the Trickster has robbed for thousands of years?

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