The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful

Chapter 278 One hundred thousand troops were destroyed and Ji Chen reappeared

After watching the soldiers escorting the Khalifa away, Si Fansai looked heavy, "I didn't expect that the fraudsters would occupy such an important position in the Kingdom of Bath. It's hard to imagine that they have made sufficient preparations in advance for this war. Two years."

Ji Chen nodded, "According to what I know about them, they must have made more preparations than this before they showed up, otherwise they would not dare to brazenly launch a war."

Xi Fansai nodded with deep understanding. If it weren't for this unexpected support today, Feiguang City would have already fallen to the bombardment of artillery.

Even he has never seen such a terrifying alchemical cannon, coupled with the weapons and equipment of a hundred thousand troops, it is enough to prove the profound background of these fraudsters.

Ji Chen stayed in Feiguang City for the time being. Feiguang City's external intelligence channels have not yet been restored. For them, the battle situation and information in other places still remain a few days ago.

Without intelligence and information, attacking blindly is not a wise choice.

In addition, the army of the Kingdom of Bath that besieged Feguang City was almost completely wiped out, and the Eighth Fleet was also captured as a trophy and brought back to a nearby military port. The Kingdom of Bath was actually no longer able to maintain a complete blockade.

When the Bath Kingdom annihilation squads scattered among the mountains and forests, responsible for intercepting the messengers sent by Feiguang City, received the news of the destruction of the army, their first reaction was disbelief.

This was an army of almost 100,000 people, with fire support from an entire maritime fleet. How could the entire army be almost annihilated in less than half a day, let alone capture?

Could it be that he was killed by a big rock falling from the sky?

However, when they sent people to secretly conduct reconnaissance, they saw the wreckage of landing ships floating on the sea, the bodies of friendly soldiers, their warships with flags lowered parked in the port, and the Rhine still flying on the city. The flag of the Principality of Hart.

I have to believe this fact, and I have to choose to accept it.

There are various signs that the attack on Feiguang City has failed, and there seems to be no point in continuing the blockade.

And they also had a new mission at this moment. They evacuated one after another to join other front troops and inform friendly forces in other areas of what happened here.

Realizing that the Kingdom of Bass had lifted the information blockade on them, more than a dozen communication teams in Feiguang City were quickly dispersed.

Everything that happened here, including the deceiver's alchemical cannon, including the defense of the city, including the resurrection of the Eighth Fleet of the Kingdom of Bath from the sky by a powerful man from the ocean, and the destruction of nearly 100,000 people in this battle Information about enemy forces spread elsewhere.

This message blew towards the capital city of Trins like a sea breeze.

What happened here was a huge victory, and for the Principality of Reinhardt, which had already fallen into ruthless war with half of its land and was still at a disadvantage, it was good news that was enough to boost the morale and confidence of the entire country.

at the same time.

The air force that chose to evacuate after seeing that the situation was over, in two days of continuous flight, transmitted everything that happened in Feiguang City back to the base camp faster than any other force.

A town on the border between the two countries.

When the war started a few days ago, this border town that originally belonged to the Principality of Reinhard fell immediately and was used as the general command center of the Kingdom of Bath's army.

In the lord's mansion in the center of the city.

There was a roar mixed with doubt and anger.

"The hundred thousand troops who attacked Feiguang City were almost completely wiped out?"

"Damn, how is this possible!?"

Upon hearing the news, Marshal Russell, the commander-in-chief of the war, almost jumped out of his chair, grabbed the officer's collar, and tried to see a trace of falsehood in his eyes.

But he soon felt disappointed, because the officer's eyes were also full of disbelief.

"Reporting to the marshal, this is said by the air force who returned from Feiguang City. It is very credible."

"And according to the news coming back from other places, the army responsible for attacking Feiguang City has indeed been destroyed. Only three thousand-man air troops and a small number of soldiers were able to evacuate."

"What about the Eighth Fleet?"

"Well, the naval command said that the Eighth Fleet did not send back messages and reports on time last night and this morning. I'm afraid..."

After receiving this answer, even Russell was at a loss for a moment and slumped in his chair.

The fear, rage, disbelief and other complex emotions flashed through his eyes, and it was difficult to describe his inner feelings at this time.

That's a full 100,000 people, not 100,000 pigs!

Moreover, even if there were 100,000 pigs, it would take a whole day to kill them, right?

Yesterday afternoon, they said that everything was going well and that the soldiers were about to break through the city wall. Now they suddenly said that almost the entire army was wiped out?

Not only that, the fleet that could destroy a small country was captured. Just the 30,000 defenders of Feiguang City?

Are you kidding me?

Can a ship at sea be captured by people walking on the ground? Are your propellers just for viewing?

Long before the war started, he had completely figured out Feiguang City's troop strength and fortification layout through the intelligence from the Deceiver Division.

It can be said that the entire city is almost transparent to them, and they can fight as they want.

But considering its important position in the overall strategy, for the sake of caution, he sent several times the number of soldiers as the defenders, and asked the Eighth Fleet to provide a destroyer cannon that could easily destroy the city wall.

He had seen the power of that artillery before. No city wall could withstand its bombardment.

The city wall that Feiguang City relies on the most can be destroyed, and Reinhardt's fleet is all involved in the sea hundreds of miles away. He really can't think of any reason to lose this must-win battle. And it was such a disastrous failure.

Shame, simply a shame!

What the hell is that Khalifa guy doing! ?

The officer looked at the silent Marshal Russell, hesitated, and gritted his teeth.

"Marshal, I also learned a piece of news from the air force of the Eighth Fleet that returned from the evacuation. The failure of the Battle of Feiguang City was actually entirely caused by the sudden appearance of a strange army."

Russell's expression perked up, and he narrowed his eyes, exuding a dangerous aura, and spoke slowly.

"Let them come over and talk to me in person."

The officer's throat rolled up and he said in panic.

"Yes! I'll have him come over to see you right away!"

Seeing the slightly flustered figure of the officer leaving the door, Russell calmed down a little, took a deep breath, and sat on a chair, lost in thought.

The impact of this failure in Feiguang City was by no means just the loss of 100,000 people and the Eighth Fleet. It also meant that the blitzkrieg planned and operated by him was half defeated.

If we do not take advantage of the hesitation of Telings City and quickly capture this important military city in front of Telings City when enemy forces in other areas are involved, it will be difficult to match the staged victories achieved in other areas. form a response.

Feguang City was like a nail stuck in their path to Trins City through the coast. As long as the city was defended, Reinhard would always face the attack calmly.

When Tellings City reacts, they will soon be aware of his series of strategic intentions, and this war will be extended indefinitely.

In addition, this also means that the offensive strategy formulated by him has failed, his prestige will be questioned by the nobles of other kingdoms, his status will be shaken, and he will even be held accountable by His Majesty.

Thinking of this, Russel felt itching with hatred and wanted to throw that idiot Khalifa into the sea to feed the fishes. He actually wanted to know what kind of enemy could defeat them in half a day.

Time passed, and the officer quickly walked in with an air combat sergeant wearing rune light armor.

"Marshal, he is the air combat sergeant who evacuated from Feiguang City."

Russell looked at the armor on his body. It was indeed equipped by the air force. However, the light armor on the chest seemed to be concentrated by some lightning. It was smoky and his face was ashen. He had obviously passed through it. A fierce battle ensued.

He frowned slightly.

"Where is your commander?"

The air combat sergeant said in frustration with fear in his eyes.

"Our commander was shot down by the enemy while trying to regain control of the fleet deck."

Take back control of the fleet deck?

Russell's heart moved, he withdrew his gaze and said in a deep voice.

"Tell me everything you saw in Feiguang City."

Hearing this, the air combat sergeant trembled.


"The First Battalion of the Eighth Fleet Air Combat Force to which I belong went into battle as soon as they attacked Feiguang City."

"As we expected before the war, the defenders of Feiguang City were unable to stop our attack with so many troops. Without support, they quickly fell into a disadvantage."

"After our fleet fired an extremely powerful cannonball that blasted away the city wall, the balance of that battle completely tilted towards us.

The ground landing force broke through the defenders' defense line with overwhelming force, firmly controlled the breach in the city wall that was blasted out, and with our cooperation, severely damaged the bipedal flying dragon force. "

Russell nodded when he heard this. This was the strategy he had planned before, using the Destroyer Cannon to break through the city wall, and then using the pre-prepared anti-aircraft weapons to eliminate the only wyvern force that could pose a threat to them.

For now at least, Khalifa has faithfully implemented his strategy.

Speaking of this, the air combat sergeant seemed to recall some bad memory, his voice trembling.

"But at this time, we found that the fleet was suddenly attacked from underwater by a strange and powerful sea army, and the deck of the fleet was quickly occupied."

"A powerful sea army?"

Russell asked.

"Yes, it is a powerful army composed of several types of sea tribes, including snake-tailed ones, catfish, and even knights riding giant lobsters. Its combat power is not inferior to our main army at all, and is even half a point stronger. It was a nightmare for the unarmed crew,

Our air force tried to help the fleet regain control of the deck, but the anti-aircraft firepower of those sea tribes was beyond our imagination and we could not get close. "

"Immediately afterwards, those sea tribes used that huge artillery to attack the ground troops. The entire five thousand-man team turned into smoke on the spot, and thousands of soldiers were blown away. The battlefield where the victory horn was played, instantly It turned into a living hell... The loss of control of the breach in the city wall forced the ground troops to temporarily retreat."

The air combat sergeant swallowed, "At this moment, three terrifying giant waves tens of meters high set off on the calm sea. Even from the sky, I could feel the terror of the giant waves. They instantly swallowed up all the retreating ground landing troops. In the sea.”

"In the end, only our air force and a few soldiers were left to escape. By the way, I seemed to see a person standing behind the huge wave before I left!"

When Russell heard this, he frowned deeply, and the layers of wrinkles were like ravines in the fields.

He narrowed his eyes and said sternly.

"You mean, it seems that a human led a sea army to raid the Eighth Fleet, used our artillery to defeat the attacking soldiers, and then drove huge waves to submerge our army?"

"Yes, Marshal."

The air combat sergeant nodded frantically like beating a drum, "Before the evacuation, we also saw the fleet commander Khalifa and the Holy Envoy lying on the deck, not knowing whether they were alive or dead..."

"Huh, you guys go out first."

The study room that originally belonged to a certain nobleman in Reinhard fell into silence again with the sound of a door closing.

Behind the bookshelf filled with books, a figure walked out, wearing a silver mask on his face, with narrow eyes etched on the mask's forehead.

"Sir Russell, I seem to know who that human being is."

Russell, who was still thinking, was suddenly stunned. Is your intelligence so strong? Do you know the person who just reported it?

asked eagerly.

"Do you know who he is?"

The silver-masked fraudster nodded and said in a hoarse voice like the other fraudsters.

"If the information is correct, his name should be Ji Chen. He is a Glory Lord. He has the power to control water. His subordinates are all Sea Tribe warriors. He was once active in the Maple Forest Principality."

"According to the information provided by your soldiers, 80% should be him. Unexpectedly, he appeared in front of us before we found him."

Hearing the strange tone in the words, Russell's eyes flashed.

"You have a grudge against him?"

"Well, that's right." The Silver Mask Fraudster nodded in disbelief. As one of the culprits who destroyed the entire Maplewood Principality Fraudster Division, the Glory Lord named Ji Chen had already appeared in all branches of the Northern Continent. In front of his eyes, the priority of killing has been greatly improved. If he can be solved here by the way, it will be a credit.

"No matter what, we will seize this opportunity while we have it, and you will help us as we help you."

Russell gritted his teeth and said, and then he seemed to remember something.

"Of course I have to catch him. He killed so many soldiers and made my plan fail."

"Whether he is a human, a ghost, or some kind of Lord of Glory, if he offends the Kingdom of Bath, he will die!"

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