Gu Jianlin was taken aback, and strode over to take a closer look, and there were indeed a series of footprints in the ruins.

With just a quick glance, his face became ugly.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that his expression was wrong, Tang Ling asked, "What did you see?"

"The person who broke in was that clone. I am very familiar with this footprint, a foot of forty-six yards. The depth and step distance of the footprint can be seen. The weight is about 70 kilograms, and the height is 1.82 meters. No Thinking of his learning speed so fast, he actually came here before you. In this way, he has also mastered the use of the third method, and he will be a very difficult opponent in the future." Gu Jianlin stood up and said with a frown.

"I can tell you're upset with him."

Tang Ling glanced at him: "If you can't do it, I can help you."

Although it is a counterfeit product, but with the same face after all, ordinary people may not be able to handle it.

Gu Jianlin waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I think Lao Gu is also very upset, it just happened to come true."

He turned expressionlessly and walked towards the depths of the temple, leaving only the stunned girl standing still.

Gu Jianlin walked along the footprints, obviously that clone also came to this world, and stepped into this ancient temple, with his personality, he can naturally see the secrets recorded in the stone tablet.

That guy is growing at an incredible speed, coupled with his own authority, he will definitely be a great enemy in the future.

Holding her monocle, Tang Ling said thoughtfully, "We should be located in the center of a city. This place is used for religious sacrifices, recording history, and even a glimpse of fate. That clone has the ability to see the past and the future. Then He must be able to find something more useful."

"Catch up and have a look, but be careful... There are two ancient supreme beings here."

Gu Jianlin also agreed with her opinion. He followed the footprints step by step, imagining the expression and movements of the clone when observing the ancestral star, and even able to simulate that curious mood.

At this time, Tang Ling noticed her abnormality, because her body became unreal.

"I can't seem to stay here for too long."

She looked at the boy in front of her: "And you're fine."

Gu Jianlin also noticed this, tried to clenched his palms, frowned and said, "This may have something to do with the third method. You have just mastered the power of the third method, and maybe you can't stay here for too long."

Mastering the third method is equivalent to having the key to enter this world.

Then the proof of staying in this world is of course the third method.

Since time is short, do it as soon as possible.

This ancient city of hundreds of millions of years has been severely damaged, and there is not much archaeological value left. Walking out of the dilapidated temple, flying sand and stones rushed towards the face, and what came into view was the barren ruins.

In front of a destroyed main road of the city, collapsed stone statues and broken beams are piled together, the ground is covered with hideous and terrifying cracks, scorching lava gushes out, and the howling Foehn seems to come from the depths of hell.

The splendor and magnificence of the past can be deduced only by the width of this main road. Those who walk on this road must be majestic gods. They wear scarlet robes and are admired by all people.

At the end of this Shinto path was a huge bronze cross, on which a corpse in a divine robe was nailed to death, as if the holy posture of the martyrdom of Jesus, but it was unspeakably strange.

Under his feet are countless mummy corpses pierced by iron swords, which have been weathered for an unknown number of years.

When the wind blows, fine dust can be blown up.

In theory, this should be something guarded by the sacrificial temple, and the clone left the temple and went straight here.

His footsteps also disappeared in front of that cross.

"What it is?"

Tang Ling said suspiciously.

"have no idea."

Gu Jianlin shook his head, and strode forward: "You can tell at a glance."

Then something weird happened. This Shinto path seemed wide and far away, but it was not endless. However, no matter how fast they walked, they still couldn't get close, and even felt that they were getting farther and farther away.

The black-clothed corpse hanging on the cross became taller and taller, penetrating the sky like a giant god from the ancient times, and even the mummy crawling under his feet were trembling and twitching, as if they were about to be resurrected.

Sure enough, the world of the third method is full of dangers, which is too weird.

Tang Ling put her hands on her face and wanted to turn into an ancient god at any time, but she suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Because Gu Jianlin's pupils trembled violently, and his whole body was hot.

In fact, it wasn't him who was really hot.

It's the wedge of the unicorn!


Gu Jianlin covered his forehead, the unicorn wedge trembled, and it became extremely hot. The humming sound was like an angry roar, releasing the anger that had been suppressed for hundreds of millions of years, and even the colorless jade was trembling crazily. Ming.

Anger, monstrous anger!

Gu Jianlin knew very well that this was not his own anger, but that it came from the black supreme.

He vaguely understood who the majestic black-robed corpse in front of him was.

Venerable Qiongqi!

The problem is that this supreme being is in an extremely strange state, it looks like he has died for endless years, without any rhythm of life, he can only feel a daunting death intent!

This is Venerable Qiongqi. In theory, he should be the first being to complete the third law. Of course, he was the first to come to this world, but he doesn't know why he is in a state of death.


The President showed him a mural at the time.

In the ancient and prehistoric era, the towering jungle covered the sky, the surging river stretched to the end of the world, and a god-like human figure was suspended in mid-air. He was like the suffering Jesus Christ tied to the cross, with open arms Embracing the sky and the earth, his body gradually cracked and blood flowed out.

The blood of the gods flowed into the river, dyeing the whole world red.

When Venerable Qiongqi first came to this world, he changed the ecological chain of this planet by decomposing himself. After hundreds of millions of years, he created a higher life like human beings. He has always hidden For myself, few people even know of His existence, and no one knows what He is planning.

But he must have paid a huge price for doing so.

The next moment, the stalwart black corpse suddenly raised its head. His face looked like a skeleton that had been weathered for thousands of years, but gray mist gushed out from the eyeholes of his eyes, vaguely reflecting a vacant man wearing a god's robe. Under the gorgeous robes, it looks like a scorched corpse burned by a raging fire, which is terrifying.

It's a scam!

"No, I can't move on anymore, this place is weird."

Gu Jianlin stepped away, pulled the girl away without hesitation: "That's Venerable Qiongqi!"

Tang Ling was taken aback, she never imagined that this corpse was also an ancient supreme being.

In an instant, the black corpse exploded with the sound of bones breaking, and hot lava flowed from that horrible face, condescendingly trying to overlook them, stretching out its scorched and haggard arms.

Like the embrace of death.


The ultimate sense of oppression!

Tang Ling seemed to hear the sound of the world collapsing, and felt an unprecedented tremor in her heart.

At this moment, she even lost all senses, as if sinking into the abyss.

The shadows are getting closer.

So close!

Gu Jianlin also felt the coercion that was as vast as the deep space of the universe. In desperation, he quickly hugged the girl beside him into his arms, and with a tentative attitude, he summoned the angry and trembling unicorn wedge, When the wedge fell on his hand, a terrifying trembling sound suddenly sounded, just like the roar of the black supreme!

The colorless jade inlaid on the unicorn wedge flowed with illusory light, suddenly engulfing the sky and the earth.


The pitch-black corpse seemed to be shocked by the thunderous roar, and the fragmented illusory light swept in, engulfing him like a sea tide, and the dreadful breath of death also disappeared.


In the dark, a faint sigh echoed.

The whole world begins to collapse!




Tang Ling suddenly opened her rosy eyes, her charming face was covered with fine sweat, as if waking up from a nightmare, the air conditioner in the room released bursts of cold air, and she felt grateful to have returned to the world from hell.

It was just dawn, and the faint morning light shone in through the curtains, bringing a touch of warmth.

There was already the sound of vehicles honking downstairs in the hotel.

This is the real world, completely different from the dream just now.

She turned around nervously, and only felt relieved when she saw the boy was still sleeping beside her.

Maybe it was because Gu Jianlin was too tired, or it might be because he helped her resist the coercion from the ancient supreme in the world of the third law. The vital signs aren't showing signs of going away either, so don't worry what happened to him.

Tang Ling stared blankly at his sleeping face, and suddenly remembered the ridiculous things they did last night.

They ended up sleeping together.

It was the closest comrade-in-arms at the beginning, but now the relationship has deteriorated.

The girl's mood was a little shy, but more of the sweetness of fulfilling her wish.

After all, he was the one who untied her knot.

Her life was also saved by him desperately.

She is his.

Even if there is no matter of inheriting the third method, as long as it can make him relax, she will do anything.

For this reason, she deliberately took the initiative, and used some special skills that she had accidentally seen before.

Although it has been done at the soul level before, it is still difficult to actually operate it.

Fortunately, the process went smoothly.

Except for that damn dream.

By convention, couples usually snuggle together after the end to promote their relationship.

It turned out that they were lucky, and they directly entered the world of the third law, and it was another thrilling death.

But if you think about it carefully, there is a different kind of romance.

Tang Ling was silent for a moment, her left eye lit up with brilliant gold, while her right eye reflected a hideous and terrifying phantom.

The two supreme laws of Zhuzhao and Youying awakened at the same time, but there was no conflict.

Her delicate skin also glowed with dark spells, and the mist of nothingness filled the air.

third method.

This is the power of the third law.

Tang Ling tried to tighten her palm, this was the first time she had mastered such a great power.

She has never been so powerful either.

Next, only after mastering the transformation of heaven and man and the return of the original, she will also have the confidence to challenge the sanctuary beyond the next level.

It's all because of Gu Jianlin.

"You've really grown up. I almost forgot that you're not yet an adult." Tang Ling stroked his face lightly. She accompanied him all the way here, and she couldn't understand how difficult it was for him.

So many life and death crises.

So many joys and sorrows.

Countless choices, almost paranoid stubbornness.

In the end, this young man's appearance was imprinted in her heart.

Tang Ling is happy because she has mastered the power, not because of how ambitious she is, nor because of how far-reaching her goal is to achieve. She is a person with a light temperament and does not have any big desires.

Just because as long as you become stronger, you can protect him.

No one can hurt him again.

Not even the Ancient Supreme.

Tang Ling covered her chest with the quilt, stood up slightly and stared at the boy on the pillow, her long dark red hair falling down like a waterfall, casting a thick shadow: "Gu Jianlin, what exactly did you experience in the Shenxu? The woman who was supposed to be by your side was the one you really liked, right?"

She is not a fool.

Both the Youying Group and the Ether Association are aware of the relationship between Skylark and Qilin.

No one knows what happened to them in Shenxu.

But the final outcome is that the mysterious woman disappears.

The young man in front of him endured everything alone.

Tang Ling actually knew everything, she just never pointed it out.

"She owes you, and I will make it up to you."

She leaned down, kissed him carefully on the lips, and whispered: "I will not let you be alone again."



When Gu Jianlin opened his eyes, the noon sunlight had filled the room.

It was like having a drowsy nightmare. What happened in the world of the Third Law no longer frightened him, because he slept well and vaguely felt that he was being held by someone, surrounded by abundance and softness. .

He stretched out of habit and suddenly realized that he was not wearing any clothes.

The air was filled with the smell of rose petals, which was the body fragrance of a girl after taking a bath. The door to the bathroom was open, and her underwear, which was still lace, was hanging on the door handle.

He vaguely sensed something was wrong and stood up subconsciously.

The wet feeling on the sheets gave him a bad feeling.

Including the red hair falling off the pillow, the water glass on the bedside table, and the damn box of medicine.

He picked up the box and took a look, his mind roaring.

Damn it.

He felt like he was struck by lightning and couldn't believe what happened last night.

This seems to be a slight deviation from his plan.

Gu Jianlin took out his phone and found the stupid cat avatar in WeChat, but hesitated to speak.

He deleted the words he had just typed, and he didn't know what to say.

At this time, a message suddenly popped up in the chat box.

"Thank you for teaching me the third method. I'll go to the hospital first and come back to stay with you later. Be good."

This damn tone was obviously Hong's mischief.

Gu Jianlin was at a loss as he held the phone.

What a sin...

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