The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 549 Happy Birthday

The Candlelight God Tree was roaring and growing, Gu Jianlin seemed to be poured into the tree, only showing a face that was neither sad nor happy, his pupils were strange golden, with jet-black lotus flowers flowing.

Originally absorbing his power, it is devouring the world.

The vast wilderness is engulfed by tree roots entwined with lotus vines, as if the ancient tree world has descended, rooted in the snow-covered soil, and drilled into the depths of the earth's core.

The ancient tree seems to have extended to the extreme of the sky, the golden crown spread endlessly, when looking up, you can see the scorching foehn gather together, and the red fire clouds are torn apart by the sun. Whether it is heaven or hell.

The boy's eyes were empty, but the golden pupils seemed to be able to reflect the world.

Venerable Candle Dragon stared into His eyes and saw the end of the world.

The old man howled and fled but still could not escape the fate of being treed. The withered bark multiplied on his body, turning him into an old tree in just a moment. His child cried and hugged him. Then he refused to leave, and was forcibly taken away by the servant.

The demon hunters and the night watchmen fought in a scuffle on the campus of the Central Spiritual Pivot Academy, and were suddenly overturned by a huge ancient tree. The moment the thick tree roots touched them, these well-trained fighters were also killed. Tree-like, the expression of despair was fixed on the tree trunk.

Ji Xiaoyu and Fu Chaoyang retreated under the cover of the soldiers. More and more companions were infected by the strange tree phenomenon. Some people realized their abnormality and pulled the trigger on their heads.

Lu Zijin and Chen Bojun, who were covered in bruises, also failed to escape. They also fell into a deep sleep after escorting their wounded comrades to the car, and mutated into towering ancient trees.

Of course, Captain Lu and Deputy Team Chen, including Uncle Mu, were also engulfed by the golden roots.

The little fat man Cheng Youyu yelled at the sky, and in a blink of an eye, he was also invaded by a strange virus, and mutated into a short and fat tree man, with a comic effect.

Xia Zhi also fell asleep and turned into a slim tree.

The freaks at Dusk were also powerless to resist this weird power, and after a brief resistance, they were swallowed up with all their spirituality, and their mortal bodies became part of the Candlelight Divine Tree.

Only the shadow department is still holding on. They are trying their best to destroy the spreading roots and guard the underground hangar where the deep space is located. Fortunately, they still have the assistance of the gods, otherwise the entire army would have been wiped out.

The phenomenon of treeing in Tokyo has caused the city to be engulfed, the desert near Cairo has turned into a terrible oasis, and the glaciers in Oslo are roaring with eucalyptus.


Venerable Zhulong gently stroked the young man's face, looking at the miserable beings.

The situation of the demigods is not easy.

Rhine and Ling Dong were already on the verge of going berserk, their pupils were also strangely golden, the dry bark spread to their necks, and they even cut off the tree's arm with a sword, but it still didn't help.

Platinum laughed wildly and knelt down, twisted branches sprouting from his withered body.

Commander Lu was also entangled by countless vines, almost suffocating.

Only Nether still dodged in the street, dodging the raging tree roots.

The high and mighty demigods are nothing more than that in the face of natural disasters.

This weird tree phenomenon spreads around the world, like a terrible plague. If the communication equipment can still be used, it will immediately appear on the Internet, and it will be reported by major media, and the bomb of public opinion will spread all over the world. Exploded, causing huge turmoil.

The country that reacted quickly has already dispatched the military to investigate and rescue, and will also send the best scholars to investigate this strange tree disease, but unfortunately there is no result.

This is the predicted end of the world. The civilization built by human beings for thousands of years is so fragile and vulnerable to the natural power of the ancient gods.

Venerable Candle Dragon sang, as if hypnotizing the boy in the tree.

Gu Jianlin clearly opened his eyes, but he seemed to be asleep.

His consciousness still stays in the howling wind and snow, the ruins of ancient and wild tribes.

Under the withered ancient tree is a withered lotus, and the black-haired girl stands on the top of the tree condescendingly. There is a vast sea of ​​ice in all directions, and the majestic stone statue roars out of the sea.

Gu Jianlin couldn't move at all because he was hugged.

The charred god wrapped around his back like a ghost, whispering hoarsely in his ears, like a desperate man calling for help before drowning, or like a curse from a devil.

A ferocious face appeared on the scorched black face.

Sometimes it was Mi Luo, sometimes it was Tai Qing, and there were strange faces.

Those are all people who have been eroded by the original, and they are also a collection of unified will.

Now that his heart is like a rock, of course he will not be troubled by this level of hallucinations. He raised his hand and tried to crush that damned face, but at that moment he was suddenly stunned.

Because that face turned out to be Wan Wan, the little girl looked at him with fear in her eyes.

In a blink of an eye, Uncle Mu's face covered with blood emerged, horrifying and hideous like never before.

In just a short moment, he saw many familiar and unfamiliar faces.

Lu Zijin, Lu Zicheng, Chen Bojun, Chen Qing...

The expressions of Lin Lan and Lin Wanqiu's siblings were also sinister like ghosts.

The faces of former comrades-in-arms emerged one after another, with unprecedented viciousness in their eyes.

In the end, the charred faces of the shadows also appeared like hallucinations.

"Go to hell!"

"Go to hell!"

"Go to hell!"

Hysterical roars and hoarse curses echoed in the boy's ears.

Gu Jianlin covered his ears in pain.

"When people are on the verge of death, they always show their ugly face."

The black-haired girl in the snowstorm looked down at him indifferently: "This is the person you want to protect, and they want you to die when they are desperate. You shouldn't be born, and you shouldn't survive. The so-called paradox is true." It's the world's fault. Why, you want to protect them?"

She paused: "Devour them."

Gu Jianlin felt severe pain.

Because the charred god was actually tearing his body.

The sharp nails tore his body to pieces.

He clearly felt the hatred and resentment from his former comrades-in-arms.

Not just them.

And the hatred and malice of the world.

I don't know what kind of painful torture they are going through.

So much so that their faith has been obliterated and turned into evil spirits struggling in hell.

Presumably, it is difficult for the inheritors of the order of the past to resist the erosion of the original.

Not to mention them.

With a bang, the wind and snow dispersed.

That girl in the snowstorm was actually nailed to death on an ancient tree, and there were hundreds of millions of simple-dressed people bowing down on the ice sea, and the majestic stone statue opened its eyes with ferocious eyes.

The old priest stood in front of the statue, holding high the flaming sword of fire.

Gu Jianlin saw his movements clearly in the severe pain.

He's going to burn trees!

No, it is to burn the girl on the tree!

"The time to end the curse has come!"

The old priest shouted: "Kill this girl, and our clan will usher in a great rebirth!"

The cheers of hundreds of millions of people overwhelmed him, and the eyes of the girl crucified on the tree were neither sad nor happy.

Like an insignificant spectator.

It turns out that this is the anger and despair Venerable Candle Dragon experienced. The girl who lost her hometown and family embarked on a journey to try to unravel the curse and tragedy of that planet for hundreds of millions of years, but in the end it was considered all disasters. source, was crucified on the cross.

It's just that she is so powerful, why was she defeated by those ordinary people?

There was no anger or despair in her eyes, but relief like relief.

"What I have experienced, now I want you to experience it again."

The black-haired girl said indifferently: "Tell me, how do you choose?"

Gu Jianlin endured the severe pain of being torn apart. What he recalled in his mind was the bits and pieces of the encounters with those people. There is a saying that people are the collection of all social relationships. It seems that it is because of their existence that they have achieved what they are today. For himself, it is meaningful for him to live.

When he let go of everything, he seemed to finally understand himself.

It turned out that what supported him along the way was not the so-called paranoia.

It was Captain Lu's initial snap of his fingers, it was Sister Chen Qing's bandaged wound, it was Minister Lu's charming smile, it was the kindness of Uncle Mu and his daughter, and the trust and impulsiveness of his comrades.

The last thing she saw was the faces of Yue Ji and Lei Ting.

And a woman's smile.

How long does it take for a person to understand themselves?

Maybe for a split second.

Or maybe forever.

At this moment, Gu Jianlin finally understood what his grandma was trying to tell him.

Living is a matter of one person.

Everyone will grow up, no one can accompany you all the way.

There is no one who cannot live without.

You don't have a father, but you still have a teacher.

You lost her, but you still have them.

Grandmother's voice seemed to echo in my ears again.

"Learn to love yourself."

You have to learn to love yourself before you can love others.

"Actually, I am not powerless to prevent you from pouring the ashes of the candle into my body."

Gu Jianlin said softly, "I just want to know how strong he is."

The girl who was crucified on the ancient tree was slightly taken aback.

"I just witnessed with my own eyes how strong the so-called cage of fate is."

Gu Jianlin stood up strongly, turned around and embraced the charred god.

"I want to know whether he is stronger...or I am stronger!"

Gu Jianlin's pupils were burning with fierce flames, there was no such a heroic hug in the world, and the charred god exploded in his embrace.

The howling and roaring in my ears disappeared.

The hallucinations like hell in front of my eyes disappeared without a trace.

The burning ashes lit up in his body, floating and hovering as if they were blowing in the wind, but they couldn't escape the furnace made of flesh and blood, and the unwilling roar of the gods echoed in the dark.

The original power can no longer corrode him.

What Venerable Qiongqi failed to do, he has now done.

Gu Jianlin forcibly suppressed Yuan Yuan with steely will, because he heard a call from afar, and the most primitive throbbing in his life made him omnipotent.

Because he had to break free and return to the real world.

Go back... and take a look at her.




The scorching Foehn blasted in front of Venerable Candle Dragon, and she dissipated under the tree like a reflection in the water, and stood upright in the sky again in an instant, her red dress fluttering like fire.

The wreckage of a fighter plane was inserted obliquely on the barren snowfield, burning blazingly.

Jiang Yanli leaned on the Tang knife panting, with a sneer in his smile.

The heavenly and earth-piercing candle-lit sacred tree trembled, and someone stepped out from the floating ashes. He was naked from the upper body, and the scorching lava-like lines flowed in the texture of the muscles.

Gu Jianlin seemed unable to control the power in his body, and he staggered when he walked.

Until someone grabbed his shoulders.


Su Youzhu's short platinum hair fluttered in the wind: "Say goodbye to her."

The girl's eyes were no longer cold, but contained infinite tenderness and pampering.

Tang Ling supported the other half of his body, and said softly, "She has been waiting for you for a long time."

As the adaptants of the third method, Yueji and Lei Ting are the few beings who can resist tree transformation, but their current status is not enough to support them to come here. The spirituality of the girls has long been exhausted, and their souls are already on the verge of dying. It shattered, and blood flowed from the seven orifices.

But they still wiped off the blood on their faces and left their best side to him.

Gu Jianlin raised his head and saw the wreckage of the fighter plane.

I also saw the woman who came out of the wreckage.

Shi Jing, her mother.

In the eyes of this poor woman, her husband no longer loved her. Even if he died in a car accident, there was not much sadness, because in her cognition, she still had a son.

In a world where her son exists, there is still love.

Later, her son also disappeared, disappearing without a trace in her world.

The world of order once had the best magician hypnotized her, trying to wash away the memory of her son, but he still couldn't completely erase the boy's shadow.

No one knows why this woman's memory is so tenacious.

Able to resist extraordinary power with a mortal body.

Now everyone understands.

That is the woman who once gave birth to the Supreme.

This is the miracle of life.

Now that she had remembered everything, the truth about her husband and son pierced her heart like a cruel blade, and her hair turned white overnight, like a flower on the verge of withering.

In the burning flames, this woman has never been so beautiful. She stepped on the barren ground, her skirt fluttering in the wind, so holy and far away, as if she stepped into the world from heaven.


Gu Jianlin apologized, walked up to her and hugged her.

"I made you worry, Mom."

The woman's white hair flowed like water in the wind, gently embracing her child.

No blame, no pain.

She just touched the boy's hair: "Thank you."

Gu Jianlin shook his head and said nothing.

"Son, have you learned to say goodbye now?"

the woman asked softly.

Gu Jianlin felt that her life was passing by, so he hummed.

This is the price of giving birth to the Supreme.

Her life was already a candle in the wind, and it was only by thinking about her son that she survived until now. When she finally remembered everything, it was time to say goodbye.

"That's good."

The woman seemed to know what he was thinking, and said softly: "I don't blame your father, let alone you. Your birth is not a paradox, let alone a mistake. Because you were born by me and are my sustenance for life. It is a very proud thing for my mother to be able to give birth to you."

Gu Jianlin vaguely heard the heart-piercing cry from the hospital bed eighteen years ago.

It was as if he could empathize with that woman's pain.

Until a baby's cry woke him up from reality.

"Happy birthday, my boy."

The woman gently kissed his forehead: "Mom loves you."

A faint wind blew, and the woman in Gu Jianlin's arms disappeared.

The flowing wind, the remaining warmth in the embrace, the warm touch on the forehead.

It's all her.

Venerable Zhulong was condescending, and the boy's face was reflected in his bewitching vertical pupils.

This time, Gu Jianlin didn't cry.

He just whispered to himself, "Happy birthday."

The original power was so tame in his body, when he raised his head again, the pupils of his eyes reflected the majestic golden ancient trees and lotus flowers blooming everywhere.

The power of candlelight is so tame in him.

The most primitive and violent force in the universe seems to be smoothed by a force.

This was Gu Jianlin's first gift when he grew up.

Gift from mother.

"Father God?"

Venerable Zhulong stared at him and said softly.

"I am Qilin."

Gu Jianlin said softly: "Of course, you can also call me... the God of Candlelight."



On the desolate and silent ice sea, the black-haired girl's eyes showed a trace of sternness and anger, facing the roaring sword of fire, she uttered a dragon's roar that pierced the sky.

The candle dragon that runs through the world opened its vertical pupils, and is about to roar and destroy the world.

However, at this moment, a trace of confusion and fear flashed in the girl's eyes.

And hopelessness and helplessness.

The scene of the collapse of the world was reflected in her eyes, hundreds of millions of people were swallowed up by the turbulence of time and space, and the old priest was broken inch by inch, like broken porcelain dolls.

The flaming iron sword fell, and the flames illuminated her face.

She seemed to have become that lonely and helpless girl again, falling into endless samsara.

There was a click.

The roar stopped abruptly.

The world is no longer broken.

The candle dragon that penetrated the world also collapsed inch by inch, and the sound of the dragon's chant was drowned in nothingness.

A flirtatious knife pierced through her heart.

The black-haired girl didn't feel the pain, but felt the overwhelming darkness descending, engulfing her like a dark cloud, but the sun was shining in the clouds.

It's like reaching heaven in the darkest place.

Countless reincarnations were finally broken, and this time the desperate girl did not destroy her world, because someone hugged him gently and gave her endless burning love and hatred.

"you win."

She said softly: "You have surpassed the destiny of my family."

A faint tear fell on her face.

Because a tear fell from the corner of Gu Jianlin's eye.

"Why are you crying?"

The black-haired girl pressed against his chest weakly, hot blood spilled from her lips: "Now you are the greatest life in the universe, you have defeated fate, and you have also defeated me."

Gu Jianlin didn't know how to answer, so he hugged her without saying a word.

Sadness is lingering, but the soul seems to be released.

"I'm not a skylark."

The black-haired girl sneered and said, "Even if it's her, it's not worth your sorrow."

The ice sea is collapsing, the ancient stone statues are collapsing, and the world seems to be dissipated in the wind.

Gu Jianlin hugged the girl in his arms. He had already lost too much in his life, and he didn't know whether he loved or hated him. He learned to say goodbye, but he was still sad.

"Yeah, the first encounter was wrong, everything was wrong."

At last it was time to part.

His heart seemed to be buried in a lonely wilderness.

It's so sad, so sad that it's suffocating.

He had finally returned the knife that pierced him from behind.

The cause and effect between him and her was also broken.

Just why are you unhappy?

When parting, what else is there to say?

His silent heart throbbed slightly, but he blurted out, and said softly: "If I had been born at that time, I would not have left you alone."

I thought this sentence would be laughed at again, but the girl just raised her head and glanced at him.

Suddenly a wind blows and blows his forehead hair at the extreme end of the world.

Thousands of strands of morning light penetrated the clouds and mist, illuminating the broken sea of ​​ice.

The girl gently raised her hand and touched his face.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have done this to you."

A violent storm swept through Gu Jianlin's mind, and he was overwhelmed by sudden palpitations.

Because the girl in front of her eyes seemed to be no longer that powerful supreme being.

It was the woman he was most familiar with... Skylark.

"Happy birthday, little one."

She said softly, "It would be nice if I could meet you sooner."

The girl closed her eyes, as if she had returned to that raging snowstorm again.

Only this time, there was always a boy holding her hand.

Take her to the end of the world.

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