The fragile paper, which had become incomparably tough, shimmered with a pale golden luster, and the paper seemed to come alive, rolled into a strip, and a golden ribbon tied it up, forming a small flower where it was knotted.

Chen Hao looked at the letter paper in his hand that had changed its appearance in a daze, as if grasping for a life-saving straw, and asked urgently: “Tianyue, does this mean that I can resurrect Meng Yueyao?” ”

“No.” Tianyue’s cold tone directly plunged him into the abyss. “Meng Yueyao is dead, his soul has dissipated, even if he reverses the rules of heaven and earth, it is impossible to be reborn, don’t be delusional.”

“But…” Tianyue’s voice paused.

“But what?” Chen Hao’s originally frustrated face suddenly lifted up, he knew that things would definitely take a turn, the system could not define an ordinary item at will, this was definitely of any effect.

“This item has a special effect, it’s a quest item, and if you complete that quest, you’ll get what you want. Of course, Meng Yueyao cannot be resurrected, this is the premise. “

“What do you mean?” Chen Hao pressed urgently, but Tianyue was already silent, obviously not intending to tell him more.

“Bondage Mission: The Flower of Reincarnation.” Mission Difficulty: EX + Content: To be opened. Mission Reward: Unknown. ”

“Bondage Message: Beyond the bondage of samsara, it is the person in front of you, expectation is satisfaction, the heart is not distracted, cut the line of destiny, you will get what you want.”

“Warning, the Bondage Quest is the highest level, this quest will drastically change the worldline, each step will cause the main line to change, please be careful with the host.” Cost of failure: The spirit is dusted, the base attribute points are weakened by 80%, and the power of Meng Yueyao’s existence in all worlds is permanently eliminated, erasing all the host’s memories of Meng Yueyao. ”

“The task has been received by default and cannot be denied.”

EX+’s super difficult missions, without the slightest disclosure, the mission content and mission rewards are all hidden, only the punishment for failure is extremely serious.

But Chen Hao not only did not get angry and dissatisfied, but instead showed a happy smile. “There is salvation! Can be saved! He said happily. The failure punishment of the mission is so directed, the task must be related to Meng Yueyao, and it is likely to be the task of resurrecting Meng Yueyao!

It is very difficult to reverse yin and yang, which is contrary to the Heavenly Dao, and it is understandable that the punishment for mission failure is so severe. But as Tianyue said, Meng Yueyao could not be resurrected, so what was this mission for?

“Get what I want? I want the moon to come back, not resurrected, how to come back? Chen Hao couldn’t think straight, he simply didn’t want to.

In fact, he now had an even more troublesome thing rushing into his mind.

If Meng Yueyao was really resurrected, what would Lin Shuang do?

Meng Yueyao is a former girlfriend, and Lin Shuang is a current girlfriend. Meng Yueyao’s influence on Chen Hao was extremely great, and it had surpassed the general couple relationship, and Lin Shuang also accompanied Chen Hao through a difficult time, although it was not as profound as Meng Yueyao, but it was impossible for Chen Hao to give up.

It is reasonable to say that Meng Yueyao accompanied Chen Hao. Lin Shuang had only been in this year, how could he catch up with her status? There’s a reason for that.

Chen Hao had just been resurrected, and with a skeptical and vigilant attitude toward the newspaper around him, he maintained a highly vigilant attitude, especially in the high-intensity training of the troops and the dry plot, Chen Hao’s spirit was hit by all the unprecedented impacts.

At this time, only Lin Zheng walked into Chen Hao’s heart, breaking his defenses, like a clear spring, nourishing his heart that had long since dried up.

Fate is always such a magical thing, wonderful.

“, it’s a big deal to get married.” Chen Hao broke the jar and thought about it, without the slightest consideration of whether the two women would agree in the end, and whether he could persuade them.

Besides, whether Meng Yueyao can be resurrected now is a question, why do you want to do so much?

Where there is a task, there is hope! Chen Hao was obviously much better than the frustrated dying and living instigation just now, and his heart was full of hope now.

So what conditions are needed to ensure the completion of the task?


“Strength…” Chen Hao shook his fist and looked at the system interface, the number of gold coins he had left, and he had a plan in mind.


Chen Hao walked downstairs, his face had returned to normal, and his eyes were not red, as if it was not he who had just cried and wept upstairs.

“Is it all right?” Meng Tianpeng asked. “It’s all right, uncle.” Chen Hao nodded slightly, revealing a smile. In the eyes of others, Chen Hao was a forced smile of extreme grief.

Although there is nothing wrong with that.

“Life must go on, and people must look forward.” Meng Tianpeng said in a serious tone. “Thank you uncle, I understand.” Chen Hao nodded, he behaved just right, so as not to show his abnormality.

His heart was now immersed in the hope of Meng Yueyao’s resurrection, if he was seen, who knew what Meng Tianpeng would think. He can’t talk about the system, so let’s be honest.

“Come on, let’s eat.” Zhuge Qin brought the food to the table and motioned for Chen Hao to sit down.

“Brother, what’s wrong?” Ling Ling took Chen Hao’s hand and asked, her perception is far beyond ordinary people, and she can naturally see a hint of tiredness on Chen Hao’s face.

Emotions rise and fall, anyone will be mentally tired.

“It’s all right.” Chen Hao smiled lightly and rubbed her head, pulling her to sit down. Meng Tianpeng showed a satisfied look on his face, Chen Hao could get along with Ling Ling so well, he was relieved.

But Zhuge Qin looked at the two strangely, how could it be so intimate in one day? With her normal thinking, she naturally couldn’t understand Lingling’s thoughts, nor could she understand Chen Hao’s thoughts about Lingling.

The meal was sumptuous, but several people did not speak much, and the atmosphere was somewhat silent. No way, today’s topic is not a good thing, can not be active.

After eating, Meng Tianpeng gave a few instructions and left, after all, he was a major general, and even if he had so much time to delay outside, it was already the limit to be able to come out and have lunch.

Chen Hao took a leave of absence today, and Lingling did not have classes in the afternoon. The little girl obviously did not like to go to school, and Chen Hao accompanied her, so naturally she had no intention of going to school.

Zhuge Qin had classes in the afternoon, and she left early. As for the instructions? Chen Hao can be much more reliable than her, under various identities, Chen Hao is simply a first-class concern for Lingling, as for someone who dares to take a shot at her?

Then wait to be unloaded in eight pieces.

Zhuge Qin had never felt such a strong killing qi, Chen Hao’s killing qi was even more terrifying than some veterans who survived the war years, and she had no doubt about Chen Hao’s strength.

Therefore, Zhuge Qin walked away lightly. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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