There is a difference between the use of the sword and the sword, and the subconscious moves are also different, if you use the sword method to test the sword, you may not be able to cut yourself. For example, there is a trick in the knife method called “wrapping the head around the brain”, that is because the back of the knife does not open the blade, so it can be “wrapped around the head”

If this is replaced by a sword, let alone cut off people, first cut off your own head.

Chen Hao could clearly feel that the system seemed to be deliberately taking him on the path of swordplay, this time the task was almost difficult, but the reward was very good.

The feeling was just a transition for him to switch his sword skills to his sword skills.

Thinking about the “Sword Book” that he had changed before, which he couldn’t understand at all, Chen Hao probably had a number in his mind. He thought about it for a moment and began to inquire about the mastery of knife skills.

Proficiency class passive skills, divided into low, intermediate, advanced, top, master, grandmaster, saint, god. However, the system only provides redemptions to the top level, including the master level, and the subsequent levels need to be obtained through missions or lotteries.

Then, if you directly redeem the top level, after completing the task, the skill is forced to increase by one level, won’t you become a master? Chen Hao thought and clicked on the panel of the skill bar.

“Top Sword Mastery, Level 2 Cultivation Enhancement Class, Passive Skill Class.” Increases melee weapon damage by 24% and increases proficiency in knife weapons. Rating: S+ Exchange Requirements: Gold 10000.


“Order confirmation.”

A large amount of data entered Chen Hao’s mind and body, forming an instinct in his body and disappearing into his body.

Chen Hao’s eyes flashed a trace of essence, and he glanced at the Yu Ling Chopper in his hand, and a smile appeared on his face. His fighting style has always been rapid and capable, so the knife skills used are also fast-tracked.

The so-called proficient skills are not all proficient, but specialize in a certain style of weapons. To some extent, the Yu Ling Slash was more suitable for Chen Hao, because it itself had a very high sword speed, far exceeding the original Polar Shadow Double Blade.

The use of swords is much the same, but the style is different. The knife is the courage of a hundred soldiers, brave, wide opening and closing, large range of action, and extremely strong attack. The sword is the king of a hundred soldiers, compared to the sword, the sword method is more light and elegant, the rules are clear, and the body and sword are coordinated.

In fact, the use of swords is almost the same, the sword can be used as a sword, and the sword can also be used as a knife, except for the details.

“Now, just wait until the task is completed, and the sword proficiency is changed to the sword proficiency.” Chen Hao sheathed the sword, for the weapon used Chen Hao’s bias is not high, the sword can be, the reason why the knife is used, is only because it is just drawn.

Now that the sword had been replaced by a sword, he should naturally change his style, just because the task was useful, he would also save the gold coins of exchanging swordsmanship proficiency. After taking a look at the remaining 8036 gold coins, Chen Hao thought about it for a moment, bought some spare bandages and wound medicine, and then left.

Now Chen Hao’s system space seems to have a lot of good like an SSS ability extraction volume, a chant heart with a very high name but does not know its usefulness, and a piece of unknown source stone.

Unfortunately, the few words marked on the extracted scroll and the heart of the aria are “not available”. The system’s explanation for this is that the system space becomes unstable after some of the system space is lost, and these two things cannot be removed temporarily.

Chen Hao shook his head, the ghost knew when these two would be taken out, and a delicate small porcelain bottle appeared in his hand, opening the stopper, and the smell was fragrant, revealing more than a dozen of the small and delicate pills.

Expanding the pulse Dan, something that Chen Hao drew out of the lottery a long time ago. Speaking of the lottery, Chen Hao found that he had not received the daily task for a long time, probably that was the novice benefit, he was not a novice now, so he cancelled.

“Expanded pulse Dan, secondary special class, Dan medicine class.” The intermediate elixir can expand the meridians in the body and slightly increase the cultivation speed of cultivators. ”

A simple and clear elixir, a elixir that can widen one’s meridians after eating it. The meridians are like transportation pipes, the wider the real qi, the smoother the true qi, and the more disposable the more it is.

A pill is only half a centimeter in diameter, very small.

“I thought that a Dan medicine like the ten complete pills in the TV series was half the size of a palm, and I was still curious about how to swallow such a big Dan medicine, and I couldn’t imagine that the real Dan medicine was so big.” Chen Hao disdainfully satirized the modern strange martial arts TV series, Dan Yao made it so big, he was not afraid of choking to death.

He picked one up and threw it in his mouth. This elixir did not melt in the mouth of the legend, but on the contrary, it was hard and strong, Chen Hao’s teeth moved, and he bit it with a loud crush, chewed it, and swallowed it.

“Sweet?” Chen Hao couldn’t help but lick his tongue, this taste was good, there was a sweet aroma of herbs.

The Dan medicine turned into a powder, turning into a clear stream down Chen Hao’s throat into the esophagus, and then into his stomach, and the feeling of coolness spread throughout his body.

It feels like chewing on a powerful mint.

Then, Chen Hao felt a burst of sensations coming from his meridians, and the flow of True Qi seemed to be much more relaxed. His physique was a pure innate holy body, the meridians were originally quite wide, and the effect of eating this thing was not obvious.

“It’s better than nothing.” Chen Hao chewed another Dan medicine, just like chewing jelly beans.

If the warriors knew that Chen Hao took the legendary “Wash Medullary Dan” as a jelly bean to chew, I was afraid that not all of them would have to crash into the wall and die.

Expanding the pulse of Dan, also known as washing the pulp of Dan, the effect is not as anti-heavenly as imagined, but it does have the use of expanding the madness of the meridian, and it can also make a mortal have the qualification to practice martial arts, which is something that many martial artists dream of.

The production method of this thing has been lost for a long time, and the basic existence now is basically handed down from ancient times, even if the elixir that has long lost its effect has been treasured by those martial arts sects.

That is to say, Chen Hao can eat it as a jelly bean so unceremoniously, of course, he does not know the value of this “ordinary elixir”.

“Sleep.” Chen Hao fell asleep with his head upside down.

After a night without words, Chen Hao got up early the next morning and went to the class teacher Wu Lin first to get a long-term leave, which had been prepared long ago. The police chief of the Modu Police Department personally called over, and Chen Hao directly became an “out-of-office internship”.

Chen Hao said hello to Ling Ling again, this girl has been very sticky to him recently, he has to make it clear.

After solving the matter, Chen Hao went to the Mocheng Police Department and took the special car there to the Mocheng SWAT station.

“Hello, Major Chen.” Chen Hao was greeted by a lieutenant colonel, who was Wang Yinghua’s old friend, an old soldier with countless military merits, and if it were not for the fact that his right arm was broken, he would definitely be of the same rank as Wang Yinghua.

“Hello.” Chen Hao gave a military salute, and the two shook hands.

“Let’s talk as we go.” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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