“Except for the whole box, inventory the things, and then seal them and transport them away.” Chen Hao said. “Yes!” The others said solemnly. When it came time to carry out the task, they were not ambiguous at all.

Boxes and boxes of bullets were removed, firearms were collected, and one by one they were sent to trucks outside. This work was not completed until the police reinforcements arrived, and it took four hours before the initial removal of the arms inside.

“Sigh, M99, good stuff, it’s still modified, it’s tough enough!” Chen Pai was carrying the only heavy sniper in the entire armory, and his face showed a look of amazement.

“This thing is not common even in the wolf’s teeth, right?” he asked.

“Thanks to the fact that the boy with the big tail wolf is not there, if he were here, he would have to howl.” The boy is still using the 88, and he has long wanted to change the M99, but he has not yet approved it. Motor laughed from the side.

“Then leave it to him, and his marksmanship is the best.” Chen Hao said casually.

“Silver Wolf, this is captured arms.” Old Gao reminded. “What am I afraid of, am I going to make it so hard to get a sniper rifle?” Chen Hao joked. Let’s not say that this batch of arms was captured by Chen Hao, and with Chen Hao’s current power, there is no problem in taking away an M99 sniper rifle.

“It’s not that it’s difficult, M99 we don’t have many wolf teeth, but it’s not nothing.” Do you know why you don’t give the big-tailed wolf an M99? Mada asked with a smile.

“Huh? Why? Chen Hao asked.

“It’s not because of the ostrich he’s too stinky fart.” The hygienist said on the side.

“That kid can’t hang out all day, that is, the 88 he is a baby can’t do, all day long go out and compare marksmanship with others.” 88 Fortunately, the power of this M99 is not small, this is an oversight, but it is a big accident. Motor said.

“That’s right.” Chen Haoguan said helplessly, “Forget it, I’ll talk about him later.” Give him a M99, or you may not know how he will sprinkle it. ”

“Haha, that’s what it said. Of all of you, he listens to you. Mada laughed.

“Okay, let’s go.” Chen Hao waved his hand.

Walking out of the armory, the bodies on the road had been almost disposed of. Most of these people did not die, but they had lost too much blood and were taken away by ambulance.

As for the dead bodies, they have long been disposed of.

In the Xuanyuan Valley authorization incident, Chen Hao did not need to do the transcript, so the matter was basically done at this point. “Since that’s the case, let’s go back.” Old Gao said.

“By the way, Silver Wolf, go back and shave your hair.” Although you look very handsome now, you still have to change back to the board inch. Lao Gao pointed to Chen Hao’s dark and thick hair and said.

“Rest assured, I’m very disciplined.” Chen Hao laughed.

“Oh, what a beautiful hair.” Sorry. The hygienist pretended to touch his own board and sighed regretfully. Come on, if the ostrich is not there, don’t play it,” Chen Hao said without anger.

Several other people laughed.

“All right, go back!” At the order of the old high, the person quickly got on the plane, the propeller turned, and the helicopter disappeared into the night.

Wolf’s Tooth Special Brigade, 026 Logistics Warehouse.

“It’s not changed here.” Chen Hao looked at the familiar environment and couldn’t help but smile. “Do the same training every day, what do you expect to change?” Chen Pai laughed.

“We can help you clean up your bed, how’s it going, is that interesting?”

“My bed is bare, what’s there?” You’re so funny. Chen Hao hammered Chen Pai with a punch and laughed without anger. Hahahahaha! Several brothers laughed unscrupulously.

“Okay, I’ll go get the quilt.” Chen Hao smiled and said that he had not felt such a good atmosphere for several months. “Why do you want to move, Major Chen, Chief Chen.” We have made your bed. The old cannon squeezed his eyebrows and said.

“Hey, you old cannon!” Chen Hao was “annoyed” and punched the old cannon. Several people giggled and played, without the slightest sense of strangeness. This is friendship in the military, simple and desirable things.

After taking a bath, Chen Hao restored his hair to a flat inch. The reason why Chen Hao did not cut his hair before was only because he was too lazy to get it, and his hair quality was very good, plus his temperament, what kind of hairstyle is very suitable.

“How do I feel that you are much whiter than before?” The hygienist couldn’t help but marvel at Chen Hao’s pale creamy little face. “One look knows you’re out there enjoying your blessings.”

“Lean, do you want to draw twice?” Chen Hao waved his fist, and the hygienist immediately instigated. However, he knew how perverted Chen Hao was, and looking at Chen Hao’s current aura, it was obviously much stronger than before, and he didn’t want to find abuse.

“Speaking of which, what strength do you have now?” The old cannon asked.

“I don’t know, it’s not enough that I haven’t stopped training, and I haven’t tested the specific level.” Chen Hao said. “Come, we have all the equipment here, do you want to try it?” Hadron asked, pointing to a barbell on the side.

“Okay.” Chen Hao nodded and walked over.

He reached out and casually lifted a two-handed barbell on the ground, which he lifted with one hand, easily. “It’s a little bit lighter.” Chen Hao said, putting down the barbell.

“I’ll go, old Geng, is that your barbell?” The old cannon asked stunned.

“Oh, it seems to be…” Geng Jihui said helplessly.

Chen Hao looked at it, this two-handed barbell is 150 kilograms on both sides, and the two sides add up to 300 kilograms! He had just lifted 300 kilograms with one hand!

“Such an exaggeration?” Chen Hao was a little frightened, he didn’t expect that he could have such a great strength, and he only used fifty percent of his strength.

“This barbell can’t be fake, can it?” The old cannon’s eyes were wide-eyed, 300 kilograms even he had to work hard to lift up, how could Chen Hao lift it up with one hand?

It looks very easy!

“It’s so perverted!”


“It’s a loss.”

Listening to the complaints of several brothers, Chen Hao’s face was full of black lines: “Don’t you, is there such an exaggeration?” ”

“Exaggeration, of course!” The paratroopers shouted. “I remember the world’s weightlifting record is 300 kilograms with both hands! Your hand is raised, and it is still unchanged! ”

“I’m a warrior.” Chen Hao said helplessly. “If you were to practice martial arts, it would be very easy to do so.” “The tuna you taught us, we practice every day, and we lift 300 kilograms, like you lift it up with one hand?” Chen Pai said.

“Your tuna is only the most basic, and there is no systematic exercise method.” Chen Hao said. “Just right, I’ll teach you something again, and I’ll send you something by the way.” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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