“Then everything is back to square one, and we don’t get anything, but we may lose one, or even many good special forces soldiers.”

“Do you think it’s worth it?”

It is not Chen Hao’s alarmist words, this situation is real in the original work. After Xiaozhuang successfully penetrated into the Majia Group, he cooperated with the outside world and successfully arrested Ma Shichang and Ma Yunfei.

Success is success, but the follow-up is not as good as they thought. Ma Yunfei suddenly self-harmed, and when Xiaoying checked him, he was directly blackmailed, because of this accidental killing of Xiaoying, and even released Ma Yunfei.

I don’t know why this paragraph in the TV series was deleted, but this does not affect the facts. The fact is that Ma Yunfei is safe and sound, and continues to return to Yuanshan Town, while Huaxia has lost many manpower, and Xiaozhuang has lost Xiaoying.

Even if the TV series ends up with a happy ending, Xiaoying is dead and can never be resurrected. Out of a little shadow looks like a, just want to replace the little shadow?

Which is so easy.

After listening to Chen Hao’s words, Miao Lian broke out in a cold sweat!

In fact, he had thought about these things, but he didn’t think as thoroughly as Chen Hao. In some cases, Miao Lian is also a more extreme person.

But he wasn’t stupid, Chen Hao said this, and he immediately realized the loophole in his plan.

“Sizzle… It’s just too simple for me to think. Miao Lian said sincerely. The laws of China, in some cases, are too soft. Chen Hao said.

“What do you mean?” Miao Lian asked in amazement. “That’s what you think.” Chen Hao did not point it out, because Xiao Zhuang was next to him, and he said it, not good.

But how could Miao Lian not understand what he meant? Chen Hao’s meaning is very simple, Ma Yunfei and Ma Shichang must die! Only in this way can these drug dealers be exterminated to the greatest extent possible.

“Do you know how dangerous your ideas are?” Miao Lian’s brow frowned, and he helplessly found that this Chen Hao was even more extreme than himself.

“What kind of person am I?” Chen Hao said with a smile. Miao Lian was stunned and randomly understood immediately.

“They agree?”

“Of course.”

Where is Chen Hao now? The culmination of the Chinese violent organ, Xuanyuan Valley!

Xuanyuangu’s decision can to some extent ignore some of the Chinese laws, especially in this aspect of dealing with the enemy, and the management is extremely loose.

The laws of China are mostly gentle and humane.

But, sometimes, in some places, it is cold and cold.

The people of Xuanyuan Valley are all warriors above them, and to put it bluntly, they look at ordinary people as if they were ants. To the people of their own country, they are naturally warm, but to the enemy and the foreign countries they are the embodiment of all extremes and nightmares.

Extreme generosity to one’s own side, cruelty and coldness to the enemy to the extreme. Xuanyuan Valley is such a place. It was precisely because he saw the essence of Xuanyuan Valley that Chen Hao would agree to join.

In some cases, Chen Hao was also such a person. So, this place gives him a great sense of belonging. And Wang Yinghua and Zhang Qing naturally understood Chen Hao’s psychology before giving him a lot of power.

What does Chen Hao have?

Energetic age! Mighty and powerful! Amazing talent! Extreme self-personality! Unquestionably patriotic!

19-year-old innate peak, what is this concept? If nothing else, Chen Hao will step into the Martial Immortal Realm before he is 25 years old! The 25-year-old Wu Xian, placed in the world, is definitely the top and most terrifying figure!

Martial Immortal-level strong and the strongest combat unit in the country except for weapons of mass destruction! Even if Huaxia is one of the oldest countries, there are no more than ten Wu Immortals left now!

And Chen Hao was likely to take another step forward, reach above the Martial Immortals, and truly transcend the human existence. At that time, Chen Hao was the patron saint of China, and one sentence could affect international trends!

Chen Hao, who has such a future, Huaxia’s attitude is to make friends at all costs!

At a certain height, the strong are strong enough to override the country! This is the essence of this world, the four-level world.

Miao Lian didn’t know what kind of horrible background Chen Hao had, but he knew that Chen Hao now had the ability to influence a war, the anti-drug war.

“Please be sure to help me!” Miao Lian said sincerely. “You’re my company commander, and of course I’m going to help you.” Chen Hao laughed. “Removing pests for the motherland is also our responsibility as soldiers.”

“Oh, that… Do I still have to go undercover? Xiao Zhuang stood to the side scratching his head, he didn’t understand what the two people were saying.

“Okay, it’s none of your business, you don’t have to do it undercover.” Chen Hao said without anger. “If your boy were to go undercover, I’m afraid he wouldn’t have softened his heart and run away with that big lady.”

“Well, no. Hey hey, thank you Hao Brother! Xiao Zhuang scratched his head and smiled. He knew that it was Chen Hao who helped him in this matter. “By the way, this matter should be kept secret, understand?” Chen Hao instructed.

“Rest assured, I don’t know anything.” Xiao Zhuang smiled.

“That’s how things are decided, and we’ll decide on specific things later.” Chen Hao said. “Okay.” Miao Lian nodded.

The three people quickly left the room, and before Chen Hao left, he glanced at a wall, his eyes flashed, and he left without moving.

On the other side of the wall, an eavesdropping soldier leaned softly against his chair and passed out, all the things he had heard, mercilessly erased, without the slightest memory.

“Mind manipulation is more skilled, erasing memories will not cause too much damage to others, not bad.” Chen Hao was satisfied in his heart, but on the surface he did not move.

In the afternoon, Chen Hao took Xiaozhuang and left the Night Tiger Reconnaissance Company. Miao Lian did not stay there, he is now an anti-drug policeman, the purpose has been achieved, and naturally he will go away comfortably.

When he returned to the wolf’s tooth it was almost three o’clock, Chen Hao left the wolf’s tooth station without stopping, not caring about the roar of the old man at all. “Why is this boy going?” Old Gao asked strangely. “Wolf, you don’t understand that, do you?” The motor stood to the side, a bad smile on his face.

“People who have girlfriends, what else can they do?” Definitely went to see his girlfriend go. ”

“…… This kid. Old Gao shook his head helplessly. Speaking of wild wolves, you are not too old to consider starting a family? Mada asked. Suddenly asked what does this do? The old man’s face turned red.

“Oh, I can’t believe it, the wolf also has spring now…”

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