Chen Hao took a car to Shennongjia, and then reached Xuanyuan Valley by helicopter. There seemed to be a lot fewer people in Xuanyuan Valley, and they were all sent out, and recently because of the matter of the Witch God Sect, Xuanyuan Valley had been in a state of high tension.

“You’re back, exactly, is there anything about the Witch Cult?” Wang Yinghua personally took Chen Hao in. “Yes, I’m here to explain some things and then hand over a technology to the state.” Chen Hao said.

“Oh? What technology? As soon as he heard that Chen Hao had technology to hand over to the state, Wang Yinghua immediately became interested. According to the information he knew, Chen Hao was a high-achieving student, and the technology that could make him hand over was definitely something that was incredible.

“The technology that keeps soldiers alive.” Chen Hao laughed.


“Sizzle! Chen Hao, do you really want to hand over this technology to the state? Zhang Qing’s eyes widened and asked. Zhang Qing, who had just seen body armor, naturally saw the great value of this thing, which surprised him very much.

“Well, because it’s very difficult to make, and I’m not using it very much now, just give it to the state and let it play a bigger role.” Chen Hao said.

Although Zhang Qing was a master of pharmacy in Xuanyuan Valley, he was not only strong in the field of pharmacy. Several of his other knowledge are also absolutely at the top of the world.

Chen Hao’s body armor has a terrifying effect that completely surpasses current science and technology. How amazing is it to be able to defend against bullets with ultra-thin tights, which was something that was completely unimaginable before, and now it is placed in front of his eyes?

“This body armor, the production method is taken from the ancient protective inner armor, I have transformed and strengthened it, the effect is no problem, that is, the production method is very troublesome, the material is also very difficult.” Chen Hao did not hesitate to attribute the creativity of the system to himself, and then handed Zhang Qing a thick document.

Zhang Qing took a look at it, his eyes were straight, and he was immediately immersed in the brand-new smelting method. “The full version is difficult to mass produce, and can only be used by a few people, but the proportion and production method of this metal blend should be used in body armor technology, as long as some requirements are lowered, mass production is not a problem.” Chen Hao explained.

“It’s simply unheard of, unheard of!” Zhang Qing grabbed Chen Hao’s shoulder and shouted excitedly. “With it, our body armor technology, and even the protection technology of armored vehicles, is enough to lead foreign countries by ten years, no, twenty years!”

“It can not only be used in body armor, as long as it is metal protection, it can be used!” Just think, if our tanks, our armored vehicles, our airplanes, are all made of such metal, how strong is its defense? ”

“Chen Hao, you are simply a genius!” How did you come up with that? ”

“Found from a fragment of an ancient alchemical book.” Chen Hao made an excuse.

“Do you know that if you make this technology public, there will be countless forces recruiting you!” Zhang Qing looked into Chen Hao’s eyes and asked. “They’re going to offer a lot more than we give you.”

“Who made me a Chinese?” Chen Hao shrugged his shoulders and smiled, “Do you think I’m short of money?” ”

“Oh…” Zhang Qing thought of Chen Hao’s nod. Indeed, your boy is too rich. ”

“Chen Hao, you are simply Hua!” Wang Yinghua’s face was full of joy, and he was more and more glad that he valued Chen Hao, and he couldn’t imagine that in less than a year, Chen Hao had actually brought such a return!

“As the general manager of Xuanyuan Valley, I officially invite you to become the highest decision-making member of Xuanyuan Valley!”

“Oh, Brother Wang, you know that I am a person who prefers freedom.” Chen Hao couldn’t help but say. “It’s okay, you’re different!” Wang Yinghua said immediately.

“The rules of our Xuanyuan Valley are very strict, but when we say relaxed, they are actually very loose. For a genius like you, we will not restrain you. You just need to hang a name, and the real power is given to you! ”

Chen Hao was dumbfounded: “Is this okay?” ”

“Of course! In fact, this thing is that we have taken advantage. Wang Yinghua smiled and asked, “I won’t bend over backwards, you shouldn’t be born before, right?” ”

“What?” Zhang Qing’s face stiffened, and he looked at Chen Hao in horror. Sure enough, he couldn’t feel Chen Hao’s breath at all, not that he had disappeared, but that he couldn’t see through Chen Hao anymore!

“You… Have you broken through the innate bottleneck? Zhang Qing asked in shock.

Chen Hao was helpless, he could only nod, and then released a trace of spiritual power pressure into the spirit realm. Wang Yinghua and Zhang Qing only felt a huge pressure soar from Chen Hao’s body, forcing them to take three steps back in a row.

“Sure enough, it is a martial immortal strongman!” Wang Yinghua’s face showed a look of ecstasy. “Oh my God…. Wu Xian, who is less than 20 years old…” Zhang Qing only felt that his eyes were black, and his speech was not good.

“In this way, it is true that we have taken advantage of the heavens…”

Wang Yinghua said with a straight face, “I’ll just tell the truth.” Wu Xian, the status in China is far beyond your imagination, in China, as long as you admit that you are a Chinese martial immortal, even if they do nothing, the country will meet all their requirements. If you hand in your information now, you will have a house of your own in the capital, and the state will send you a responsible person, who will be responsible for all your expenses. ”

“There are not many martial immortals in our Huaxia, but none of them accept the benefits of the state. They all chose seclusion and did not want to have anything to do with the government. So they’re more often just a deterrent. ”

“But if you accept the position, it means you’re working for your country, and if necessary, you’re going to shoot.” Wang Yinghua took a deep breath and said, “That is to say, as long as you accept this position, you are tied to the country’s warship.” ”

“I sincerely beg you and hope you accept it. Huaxia needs a martial immortal as a positive deterrent. ”

After speaking, Wang Yinghua and Zhang Qing looked at Chen Hao nervously, waiting for his reply. They were ready for Chen Hao to refuse, because they met many martial immortals and politely rejected them, for the simple reason that they did not want to be tied to the government.

“That’s it?” Chen Hao asked strangely. “Then I said yes.”

“Huh?” Wang Yinghua and Zhang Qing were stunned.

“What, I’m supposed to be a member of the military, right?” Chen Hao said. “I am a member of the Wolf’s Tooth Special Brigade, a Lone Wolf Commando, code-named Silver Wolf.”

“Is it weird?” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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