“I’m in! It’s so hanging! The old cannon hammered the ground fiercely and screamed, “Haozi, you are really a god and immortal!” “I really saw the gods, and it turns out that there are really gods and immortals in this world.” Hadron said as he ran.

“I’m afraid of a hair!” Beat! Chen Pai did not hesitate to give the order to attack.

“The enemy has less than a hundred men left, destroy them!”



The Lone Wolf Group B side is in a state of war, and the drug trafficking forces have directly collapsed.

What a man!

What kind of immortals have we messed with?

When they came, there were more than four hundred and twenty, and how long had it been? There were less than a hundred people left! If they knew there were such terrible people here, they wouldn’t have come even if they had abandoned this area.

My intestines are really remorseful.

Just when Chen Hao was about to put the rest of the people in a pot, he was suddenly locked by a strong killing qi, making his cold hairs stand up.

This man is strong!

Chen Hao didn’t want to think about it, threw a round medicine into his mouth, swallowed it, and his body exploded with a furious speed and directly left this battlefield.

“Mind you, the rest, you’ll take care of it.” My thing is coming, tomorrow morning Roundup Cottage Collection! ”

The people of Lone Wolf Group B knew that this was Chen Hao’s enemy, they would not be stupid enough to say that they would help Chen Hao together, seeing Chen Hao’s hidden strength, they understood the extent of this circle, and naturally would not send them to death.

“Haozi don’t have to worry about it, he’s so perverted, it’s hard to die.” Take care of these people and go back to the wounds! Chen Pai was shot in the thigh, and he broke into a cold sweat in pain.

“By the way, did Dabao find it?”

“Found it, old cannon, quickly detonate 4 minefields!” Hadron’s voice said in the communication channel.

“Understood.” The old cannon pressed the button, and the remaining area roared like a mountain, and the bandits were blown up into the sky with heavy losses.

“A guy will come in a minute, I was shot, I can’t go.” Chen Pai smiled bitterly.

“I was also shot, it should be no problem to go, I just can’t lift my hand.” Xiao Zhuang’s helpless voice said in the team channel.

“I wipe the bullet, it’s not a big problem.”

“I’m all right, I’ll help you.”

“Gan, come on, I’ve been shot in the ass!” It was the voice of the paratroopers.


Chen Hao’s face was as deep as water, his body was moving rapidly through the woods, and the spiritual power he had expended began to recover rapidly. The strong killing intent was also getting closer and closer.

Only those who had experienced a large number of killings had such a terrible killing qi, this killing qi was huge and mottled, although it was not as pure as Chen Hao’s, but the number far exceeded Chen Hao

This is definitely a very difficult guy.

The pill that Chen Hao had just swallowed was not the same color, it was something he had spent a lot of money to get.

“Lingyuan Dan, a third-level special Dan medicine.” Rating: SS. The third-level elixir elixir Lingyuan Dan, which has the powerful elixir of the superior spiritual source, increases the recovery speed of the body by 1000% within one hour after taking it, and permanently increases the upper limit of spiritual power by 200.Exchange requirements: Gold Coin 30000.”

In order to cope with this Huang Ming, Chen Hao was bleeding heavily, if it were not for the brothers, even if the reward of the task was rich, he would not have accepted it.


With an angry roar, a huge trunk of a tree with two people hugging each other flew violently from the front, with a strong wind sound, even Chen Hao would be injured if he was hit.

“Chop!” Chen Hao waved three sword qis, cut the log directly, kicked and flew the scattered wood, and the speed suddenly weakened.

“Yikes!” A sharp man’s voice exploded, and a fist wrapped in bandages slammed out from behind the log and smashed into Chen Hao’s sword, and a huge force came and smashed Chen Hao’s entire body out.

Such a powerful force!

Chen Hao instantly saw the look of that person.

It was a lean man, his skin was brownish black, his fists were wrapped in bandages, the muscles on his body were not prominent, but his body shimmered with steel under the moonlight.

Obviously, there was no weapon in his hand, but he exuded a very strong sharp breath, followed by a fierce killing qi.

“Encounter mission line character: Huang Ming.” Open the other person’s data panel. ”

Name: Huang Ming

Age: 32

Physique: 35

Strength: 352 (range 200-400)

Speed: 354 (range 200-400)

Endurance: 530/530

Spirit: 25

Critical Hit: 362

Spiritual Power: None

Dodge: 130

Luck: 2

Wearing title: Muay Thai Guru

Personal skills: Ancient Muay Thai Proficiency (EX), Copper-Body Iron Arm (EX), Brute Blood (EX)

Realm of Strength: Enter the first – third layer of the Spirit Realm

“Ancient Muay Thai Proficiency (EX): Huang Ming is a master of ancient Muay Thai skills, proficient in eight-body martial arts. His physical attack will have 10% disregard for defenses! Increases critical hits by 10%! ”

“Copper-Body Iron Arm (EX): Huang Ming’s body strength is comparable to steel after many years of ancient Muay Thai secret medicinal baths, which can withstand the attack of most weapons. 200% increased body defenses! 100% increased Punch and Kick Attack damage! This effect works after the body breaks the defense and reduces physical fitness by 50%! “

“Brute Blood (EX): The stronger the Vietnam War, each 100 stamina loss increases strength, speed, and critical hits by 2.5% each. It will not stop attacking until death, but the mental strength is weak, the resistance to spiritual attacks is extremely weak, and the spiritual attacks will lose a lot of his endurance points. After the endurance value is cleared, it will permanently weaken the constitution, spirit by 2 points, and fall into a one-day period of weakness. ”

“Muay Thai Grandmaster: Huang Ming is a recognized Muay Thai master in the martial arts world, and his Muay Thai skills have a spooky style and are extremely destructive at the same time. Title Effect: Critical Strike 200, 30% increased attack speed, 30% increased physical attack damage! “

“Good extreme data.” Chen Hao’s brow frowned, Huang Ming’s strength, speed, critical strike and endurance were ridiculously high, but his physique and spirit were very low.

This type of extreme specialized physical attack and defense was definitely something that Chen Hao didn’t want to see, because it was really too difficult.

“I finally found it, Chen Hao!” Huang Ming’s body was filled with smoke like steam, and he said viciously, “You killed my nephew, and I want you to pay for your life!” ”


Huang Ming didn’t give a crap, his foot slammed on the ground, and he appeared in front of Chen Hao in an instant, and his elbow slammed into his face door.

“Your nephew is dead, and he deserves it.” Chen Hao said coldly, the alloy long sword in his hand did not hesitate to cut past, and the blade slashed at Huang Ming’s elbow, emitting a sound of gold and iron, leaving a shallow blood mark on his arm.

“Then I will kill you, and you deserve it!” Huang Ming’s knee fiercely went up to the top, kicking Chen Hao away. _

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