Chen Hao turned his guns in his hands, walked back, and smiled, “What? Satisfied, right? ”

Dufifi gave the female soldiers behind him a look and shouted, “One, two, three! ”

The female soldiers shouted, “Satisfied! ”





All the female soldiers applauded madly, looking at Chen Hao’s eyes full of adoration.

Looking at Chen Hao, who was surrounded by female soldiers, the hygienist couldn’t help but sigh: “Hey, bad luck, I’m obviously very handsome.” “Come on, you’re still handsome?” Look at your body of paint, fading. The paratrooper immediately taunted. Cut! Ostrich, aren’t you the same? Or a colored ostrich! The hygienist did not hesitate to sneer.

“Chen Pai, are you all humiliated?” Chen Xiwa couldn’t help but whisper to Chen Pai. “Okay, who let us meet Haozi’s pervert?” Chen Pai smiled bitterly.

Several awkward men looked embarrassed, making the female soldiers laugh.

“You’re also handsome!”

“Yes, you’re also stylish!”

The female soldiers laughed and praised, although several people were very embarrassed, but the capable and standard posture was also very handsome. When several people heard this, they immediately fluttered up, as if it wasn’t them who had just been gray-headed.

Several people took this group of female soldiers to climb the mountain, a few girls were physically weak, and several people volunteered to carry them up, very diligent, and it was also a close contact.

At least, several brothers have to get the girls’ contact information, and it is expected to get off the list.

Looking at this group of elated masters, Chen Hao shook his head helplessly, but he was also happy for them in his heart. The paratroopers did not ask for contact information, after all, he had almost chased Xia Lan into his hands, and naturally he would not go to the extraneous branch again.

Although paratroopers are usually very unfocused, they are still very dedicated in some aspects. Of course, it is also because Xia Lan is more powerful, this boy is a real ostrich in front of her, and he is very instigated.

Several people led the female soldiers down the mountain, and Xiao Zhuang ran alone with Xiao Ying.

“This little village, it’s really unjustified!” The paratrooper shouted at once. “Cut, ostrich, are you jealous?” The hygienist said with a grin. “If this were Xia Lan, it would definitely be pulling your ears and dragging you aside.”

“Hahahahaha.” A car full of people laughed.

“Go for it! I am so macho, Xia Lan must have listened to me. The paratrooper immediately retorted. Well, I see, I’ll tell her what you said when I get back. Chen Hao nodded.

“Don’t brother, whatever, I’ll just talk about it.” Immediately instigated.



The female soldiers were sent away, and a few were still immersed in the joy of being taken off the list. Chen Hao helplessly reminded: “Okay, all back to God, adjust the state, tomorrow I will send to the border.” ”

Several people laughed awkwardly and quickly adjusted their emotions, but the smiles on their faces were always filling. “What, off the list, is it cool?” Xiao Zhuang asked with a grin.

“Cool! It’s so cool! The old cannon sighed. Heck, I’ve been bare-knuckle for years, and it’s like a dream to have a chance to have a girlfriend. ”

“Hahahahaha, I thought the old cannon had been single for so many years because he wasn’t interested in women, and he couldn’t imagine that it was really stuffy! Hey, I read you wrong. Hadron quipped.

“Come on, I’m a normal man, and it’s normal to have thoughts, okay?” The old cannon did not hesitate to go back, skimming his lips: “Besides, don’t you all need contact information?” Still mean to say me? ”

Several people looked at each other and laughed.

“The object belongs to the object, and you can’t drop the chain when you are on a mission.” Chen Pai said.

“Rest assured, Chen Pai, although I am not smart, I also know the importance of the task.” Chen Xiwa scratched her head.

“Well, sleep first, and leave tomorrow for the border.” We are going to disguise ourselves as ordinary people and prepare for it. Chen Pai said.

After a night without a word, the next day, several people changed into the clothes of ordinary people, did not carry guns, and left the Wolf’s Tooth Station in secret. Lone Wolf A and B teams drove in two vans to the border.

“Sigh, don’t say it. This disguise, you really look like a brick mover. The paratrooper pointed at the hygienist and laughed. Also said me, you look like a bad young man, look at your skull-eyed, hey, no help. The hygienist shook his head and commented on the paratroopers.

“You hygienist!” Two people got into a fight.

“Speaking of which, Xiaozhuang is the most normal, looking like a college student.” Chen Pai looked at Xiao Zhuang and said. “What about me?” Chen Hao pointed to his own question.

“Haozi, it’s a bit like a bodyguard.” Chen Pai said. Chen Hao is now wearing a suit with a pair of sunglasses on his face, and he really looks like a bodyguard.

The main reason for this was to cover up Chen Hao’s appearance. After all, Chen Hao is now a celebrity in the Ma Group, and if he is discovered, it is a very troublesome thing.

At this time, a pair of heavily armed soldiers appeared on the road of the van, and they were lining up to report the number. “What’s going on here?” Xiao Zhuang looked at the group of soldiers with live ammunition and asked.

“What are they doing here?” Get started now? Too early, right? Hadron asked.

“No, it’s pre-preparation.” Chen Pai explained. “The public security border defense troops, in the name of camping and pulling exercises, pull the troops out and bring them back, there is no law, in order to confuse the enemy and create opportunities for us.”

“Brilliant!” Geng Jihui said.

“In the face of cunning criminal gangs, especially drug trafficking gangs with armed forces, it is not prudent to be careful.” Chen Hao shook his head helplessly. “You must know that this group of people is cunning and rabbit three caves, it is difficult to eliminate them all, and if we are not careful, we will lose a lot of people.”

“This time, we must be careful not to cause unnecessary trouble.” Otherwise, we will have lost all our efforts. ”

Several people looked at each other and nodded solemnly.

From the East China Sea to the border, several people at the local public security organ took the relevant equipment, quickly regrouped, and took an ordinary van into the mountain.

“Watch out if anyone is seeing it and make sure the action is hidden.” The goal this time is mainly to investigate, do not do superfluous things. There are ordinary people’s villages here, don’t clash with them. Chen Pai repeated the precautions.

“Remember, it’s all about being careful.”


When it was getting dark, several people entered the mountain, quickly erased their traces, and disappeared into the deep mountain jungle. And the van had already driven away, without the slightest pause.

As if nothing had happened, no one knew that an elite special squad had descended on this place. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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