Near early morning, the sky had brightened slightly, and Xiao Zhuang cautiously lay down on the hillside to observe the situation, and then blew a few breaths. The lone wolf B members who got the signal quickly came out from behind.

“It should be Langde Village.” Xiao Zhuang pointed to a place in the distance. Several people looked through the telescope and sure enough, they saw the appearance of a village.

“But it’s a little weird.” Hadron said. “I didn’t see anyone, and the village felt lifeless. Brother Hao, didn’t you say you had contact with them? ”

“Contact is contact, but only contact with hunters. And not many people in that situation could see what I looked like. This time, several of us came together, and it is estimated that we have already been discovered. Chen Hao said.

“Nothing, right? We are special forces, and our covert techniques are specially trained. The paratrooper couldn’t help but say. This is the mountain, and the wisdom of the mountain people is not what you can imagine. The old cannon said.

“So, we change our hats and bring the flag.” Chen Hao said. “Someone has seen me, I’ll go see it first, and there’s no problem getting you out.”

“Okay, be careful.” Chen Pai nodded.

After several people changed their hats and put on the national flag, Chen Hao put on the Heavenly Driving Windbreaker and went down. “Sigh, even if you go out, don’t forget to wear this wind-pulling dress.” The paratrooper couldn’t help but say.

“Are you stupid? That dress is bulletproof. The hygienist said.

Chen Hao did not bring a backpack, his outfit was similar to yesterday’s night, the combat suit was covered with a SkyDrive windbreaker, and the back was inserted with ebony and white ivory, so he walked down so calmly.

Within Chen Hao’s sensing range, several people soon appeared. It was the villagers he had never met, and they were looking at themselves with uneasiness and wariness.

“It’s me.” Chen Hao said.

Brush brush brush ————

A man jumped down from the tree and looked at Chen Hao with excitement. It was the Captain Hunter of the night yesterday. “Here you are. We noticed a group of people approaching and thought they were accomplices of the drug dealers. ”

“They came with me, Huaxia Special Forces.” Chen Hao pointed to the national flag on his chest and smiled.

“That’s fine.” The Captain Hunter nodded, turned his head and shouted, “Come out, it’s the God of War who helped us last night!” ”

As soon as the words fell, many mountain people poked their heads out from various places and gathered.

Chen Hao also waved to the hillside not far away, and several people from Lone Wolf Group B quickly ran over. “Hello everyone, my name is Chen Hao.” Chen Hao shouted in local dialect. Pointing to a few brothers, he said, “We are all special forces in Huaxia, you don’t have to be afraid, we are here to help you.” ”

There was no police on the faces of these mountain people, no simple smiles.

“Haozi, what are you talking to them?” The old cannon poked the way. “I told them that we are the special forces of China, so don’t be afraid.” Chen Hao replied.

“Do you still understand what you are saying here?” Strong! Hadron couldn’t help but erect the big sow.

At this time, Xia Lan walked out of the back room and smiled, “Fortunately it is you, if it is someone else, I will hit him in the head with this shot.” ”

“How did you find us?” The paratrooper couldn’t help asking. “They are all mountain people who have lived here for generations, and they can feel the breath of the mountain, and you people have been discovered far away.” Xia Lan said.

“So mysterious?” The paratrooper scratched his head.

“I want to meet the leaders here, and you take me.” Chen Pai said. “It’s better for you to go than Chen Hao.” Xia Lan said. “Yesterday Chen Hao was very powerful and helped us wipe out all the reactionaries on this side, and they called them the God of War.”

“Well, it’s none of my business.” Chen Pai shrugged. “Haozi, there you go.”

“Okay.” Chen Hao nodded.

Xia Lan took Chen Hao away, and the remaining few people looked at each other. Xiaozhuang looked at a little boy holding a puppy, crouched down and began to set up, and several other people looked at it and talked to the villagers.

Some of the mountain people here know Chinese, but not many, and it is not a problem to communicate.

On the mountain road, Xia Lan took Chen Hao to the back of the village. “I remember you weren’t in the hospital before?” When did you come here? Chen Hao asked.

“Half a week ago, I was here for two months and I know the people here.” Xia Lan said. “You guys are also coyote reconnaissance operations?” I think you alone can wipe out all the drug dealers here. ”

“Fool me, I have that ability.” I’m not a god, and I’m tired. Chen Hao said without anger. I don’t think so. Xia Lan said with deep meaning.

Chen Hao shook his head and said nothing, only to say that the woman’s intuition was really sensitive.

“Here.” Xia Lan pointed to a small road and introduced: “This road is the only way for the 239 boundary monument to enter, and this secret corridor of the drug trafficking horse gang has lasted for more than ten years.” “

“Rounder is more than a hundred kilometers away from the nearest county seat, and even the road is more than seventy kilometers, and it is unlikely that it will be transferred.” Xia Lan said.

“It’s all a virgin forest, and motorized vehicles can’t get in, so they have to go to the horse gang.” Chen Hao took over the conversation. He looked at a place in the distance where the black sheep was furry and asked, “Is this burning opium?” Captured yesterday night? ”

“Hmm.” Xia Lan nodded, “The mountain people here are deeply affected by opium, and they hate opium, so yesterday night they ambushed a drug trafficking horse gang.” ”

“You’re too bold.” Chen Hao shook his head helplessly. “Those hundred or so people, if I were not there, you would have suffered heavy casualties if you could intercept them.” And some of them have run back to report the news, and they will definitely come to take revenge. ”

“Now that the large-scale encirclement and suppression operation has not yet begun, it is impossible to rush into action for this village, which will disrupt the whole plan.” You can think of a way to get these mountain people to move immediately, otherwise it is dangerous to stay. Chen Hao said.

“I have persuaded, but they have not listened.” Xia Lan answered helplessly. “They’ve all lived here for generations, especially the elderly, and they’re not going to leave here.”

“The troops can’t go up the hill, and they don’t go down the hill. This situation is death. Chen Hao’s brow frowned. Although we can protect them, we are only a squad after all, and we will not stay long. ”

“This kind of thing, let’s talk about it later.” Xia Lan led Chen Hao to a clearing, at this time, an old man was holding a bowl of water, praying to the two dead bodies.

“That’s the patriarch?” Chen Hao asked. “Yes, he is the patriarch and the most prestigious old man here.” Xia Lan nodded. “Let’s go, let’s talk.” Chen Hao raised his leg and walked over.

The old man is very enthusiastic about Chen Hao, and his speech is very knowledgeable, like a wise man, compared to the somewhat strange old man in the TV series, this is the real patriarch image. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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