“There’s water! There’s water! Come and see! There’s water! The mountain people in the village saw the clear water in the well and cheered.

Langde village is very short of water, and the mountain people have to go to a long distance to get water back, which is time-consuming and laborious. Chen Xiwa had drilled a well when she was in her hometown, and with experience, she simply led the mountain people to dig a well in the village.

The mountain people crowded around the wells and cheered, and even the old people who had been avoiding them could not help but come out of the house to celebrate. Water, for Roundwood, is really important.

And this also means that Roundzhai has completely accepted the existence of Lone Wolf Group B.

“One! Two! Xiao Zhuang clutched his gun in his hand and demonstrated the standard assassination action to the militia.

“One! Two! The militia studied earnestly and followed suit. There was a twinkle in their eyes, it was fighting spirit and hope. Langdezhai has an absolute hatred for opium, so they treat drug traffickers mercilessly, have the opportunity to become stronger, and naturally will not let go of it at all.

On the other side, the old cannon went out with a group of militiamen, and a part of the people went to collect medicine, and the rest planted mines and set explosives in different locations under the guidance of the old gun.

“Remember the mark, don’t look at this thing as small, if you step on it.” bong! You are in heaven and dead!” The old cannon repeatedly told them to remember the marks and the location to avoid stepping on them themselves.

“Those drug traffickers will definitely come again, and then you will follow me and see how I can do it.”


Chen Hao returned to the village with his long sword, and at this time the Langde village had changed its appearance, with sandbags set up fortifications, roadblocks blocking action, and some houses that had been renovated.

Although it doesn’t look like a different kind, it is much better than the previous broken village.

Chen Hao was called back, and some of the old people in the village had more complicated diseases, and it was difficult for the hygienist to handle it alone, and he needed to come back to see.

Regarding Chinese medicine, Chen Hao is still more professional. The hygienist understood this, so he called Chen Hao back.

“If it’s in the hospital, I’m sure I won’t bother you.” But there is no condition here, I am not sure about the prescription of Chinese medicine, you help me see. The hygienist told the sick of several elderly people.

“Ah, simple.” Chen Hao thought about it a little and wrote a few squares. These cases are all diseases with vague definitions in traditional Chinese medicine, and it is naturally easy to treat them with Western medicine, but it is more difficult to test experience and insights with traditional Chinese medicine, which is not as good as Chen Hao.

“Remember what I said, avoid the mouth, don’t need anything else.”

“Okay.” The hygienist nodded.

Walking out of the temporary infirmary, Chen Hao saw Xia Lan coming over.

“I’m looking for you, and that’s just right.” As soon as Xia Lan saw Chen Hao, his face showed joy. “What’s wrong?” Chen Hao asked. “We’re intelligence officers outside the country, and I’m going to go to the streets right now, and I want you to come with me to prevent any accidents.” Xia Lan said directly.

“This is easy to do, I’ll call another person.” Chen Hao said.

“Okay, we’ll go in a minute.”

After a while, Xia Lan looked at the fully armed, smiling paratroopers behind Hao, and couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “What did you tell him to do?”

“I don’t care about you to protect you.” The paratrooper said with a grin. “Who wants your protection?” Xia Lan skimmed his lips.

“The paratroopers are the best snipers in our wolf teeth, and with him there, it is much more reliable than I am.” Chen Hao laughed. He patted the paratrooper on the shoulder and said, “Am I right?” ”

“Yes! That’s right! I’ll protect you! The paratrooper nodded immediately. When Chen Hao found him, he was still training the militia, and as soon as he said this, he immediately came to his senses, and the farts ran over.

“Then let’s go.” Xia Lan looked at the paratrooper in disgust and nodded.

The joint location between Xia Lan and the intelligence personnel is far away from Langde Village, on the one hand, for concealment, and on the other hand, not to involve Langde Village.

The paratrooper involved in the serious matter was very serious, and he quickly found a suitable place for distant sniping according to the position given by Xia Lan, and directly lurked in that place, looking outside and not seeing anyone here.

“I don’t see you still have such a hand.” Xia Lan said in surprise. “That’s more, you don’t know.” The paratroopers showed their abilities in front of Xia Lan for the first time and were very happy.

“My safety is up to you.” Xia Lan patted the paratrooper’s shoulder.

“Leave it to me, I won’t let them hurt you by a single hair.” The paratrooper said solemnly.

“Okay, don’t be numb. Let’s go. Chen Hao couldn’t help but interrupt the wonderful atmosphere between the two of them. Xia Lan’s face turned red, and his head did not turn back.

“Brother, what a great opportunity…” The paratrooper looked at Chen Hao bitterly.

“What are you afraid of, with me as a matchmaker for you, are you still afraid that you won’t be able to catch up?” Chen Hao said. “Well, too.” The paratrooper nodded and lurked down again.

Chen Hao looked at Xia Lan’s distant figure, turned around and disappeared in the other direction, he turned on the invisibility ability, and quietly followed Xia Lan.

Chen Hao and Xia Lan had said before that paratroopers were sniping support from a distance, while they were lurking nearby. So Xia Lan wasn’t worried at all.

Xia Lan made a few more turns to make sure there was no one else around, and then walked into a wood. At this time, a man dressed as a mountain man was standing behind a bush with a clear wary look on his face.

Seeing Xia Lan come over, the man’s face relaxed.

“What intelligence?” Xia Lan looked left and right and asked softly. “They’re going to take revenge.” The intelligence officer said.


“It’s on the night today.”

“So fast? How many people? Xia Lan asked.

“Two hundred and thirty.” The man wiped his face and said a staggering number.

“How come there are so many? How many of them are there? Xia Lan asked in surprise.

“Several armed factions have banded together and are going to slaughter Langde Village this evening. If they don’t do it this night, the remaining villages will follow suit, and they will kill a hundred people. ”

“Thank you for the information, it came in time.” Xia Lan nodded.

“Also, you should withdraw quickly.” The man hesitated and reminded. “What’s wrong?” Xia Lan asked. “They knew you were in Langde Village and thought you had organized it.” The man said.

“Plus, they raised your price tag, bid a million, buy your head.” When the man said this, his face obviously showed a little more of a struggling look, and Chen Hao, who was standing invisibly on the side, saw everything clearly.

He knew that this man was mostly moved. _

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