Huang Ming’s whole body sprang up white neatly, his teeth clenched, his right foot violently stepped on the ground, and the deformed bullet popped out from the wound on his calf, at the same time, he exploded with extreme speed, approaching Chen Hao in an instant.

Chen Hao did not show any weakness, the heavy sword blade slashed from top to bottom, slashing at Huang Ming’s elbows, and the ground around him was forced to lower a little.

Huang Ming’s body obviously hesitated for a moment, obviously he underestimated Chen Hao’s strength, and for a moment he was suppressed. “Roar!” Huang Ming roared angrily, his arms were raised, and Chen Hao took off into the air.

In mid-air, Chen Hao’s long sword slashed obliquely, slashing at the back of Huang Ming’s neck, and the sword blade flashed with flames and spiritual power, if this sword hit, even if Huang Ming would not be beheaded, he would be seriously injured.


Huang Ming’s body was short, and his bandaged hands retreated, blocking Chen Hao’s sword, and the price was that he left two deep bone wounds on his hands, and black and red blood splashed all over his body.

“Yikes!” Huang Ming’s left leg was raised high, and his body was like a tight bowstring, and he kicked at Chen Hao’s crotch fiercely. Chen Hao was startled, and the sword blade in his right hand struck, turning over to avoid this foot.

“Lean!” Chen Hao’s goosebumps were all up, and he only felt that he had blocked a burst of coolness, and if he had hit that kick just now, this taste would have been absolutely unforgettable.

Chen Hao shot out with hatred, the sword blade and fist exchanged, and Mars splashed, making a clicking friction sound.

“I’m *%@#!” Chen Hao scolded loudly in his mouth and kicked out, which actually kicked Huang Mingdu out. This Huang Ming is not only a perverted power, but also does everything when fighting the other side!

The furious Chen Hao did not hesitate to catch up, and the long sword in his hand slashed wildly.

Although Huang Ming’s basic data was very high, he was also defeated by Chen Hao’s training, and a lot of wounds were added to his body. The steam on his body gradually turned a faint blood color, and the violent breath on his body was a little heavier.

Name: Huang Ming

Strength: 550

Speed: 554

Critical Hit: 565

Endurance: 285/530

“Aaa Die! To Die! Huang Ming’s voice was extremely sharp, and he frantically rushed towards Chen Hao. The two completely abandoned their defenses and fiercely attacked.

Chen Hao’s sword blade slashed at Huang Ming’s body, leaving a shallow wound on his body. And Huang Ming’s attack hit Chen Hao’s body, even after the weakening of the counterattack shield and the weakening of the Heavenly Drive, it also made Chen Hao miserable.


A counterattack shield was directly shattered, and the fist hit Chen Hao’s chest directly, sending him flying fiercely. Chen Hao’s chest heard a clear and audible sound of broken ribs, and the intense pain came to his mind, making Chen Hao’s teeth clench.

And Huang Ming’s fist finally made an unbearable sound, and his finger bone was broken. But he seemed to completely ignore the pain and attacked Chen Hao even more violently.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Chen Hao glanced at the energy value of the counterattack shield: 742/1050.

“Come again!” Chen Hao spat out a mouthful of bloody phlegm and greeted it.

Boom, boom, boom!

The sound of dense confrontation sounded, Chen Hao’s attack became heavier and heavier, and his style became more and more arbitrary. Huang Ming looked thin, but the strength of his body was amazing, this fist hit the sword blade, and the force of the recoil almost knocked the sword away.

If it weren’t for the strength of the alloy longsword, the curl blade would have broken by now!

Huang Ming was also uncomfortable, he had forgotten how many punches and how many legs he had thrown at Chen Hao. Obviously, Chen Hao’s strength was not as good as his, but he had been carrying his attack hard to counterattack, which was simply a monster.

Huang Ming was a strong person who specialized in the Elite Body Technique, and his physical attack was enough to crush any martial immortal, but he suffered a big loss here in Chen Hao, and every punch that went out would recoil back a lot of strength, making his internal organs tremble.

Chen Hao’s power attribute itself was the main attribute, not to mention the extremely high number of his physique points, which made him have a very high combat talent, under the double buffer of the counterattack shield and the Heavenly Driver, even if Huang Ming’s current data was nearly twice that of his, he would not be able to help him!

Huang Ming’s left hand violently swung open Chen Hao’s long sword, and a hook fist in his right hand smashed directly on Chen Hao’s chin.


The powerful force hit Chen Hao’s face, causing his nose to bleed, and he staggered backwards for a few steps, but he did not fall, and his backhand stabbed a sword again.

“Ahem!” Huang Ming allowed the long sword to stab at his body, his body was full of wounds, and the long sword directly pierced his right rib without hindrance, and blood spurted wildly. But Huang Ming also seized this opportunity, grabbed Chen Hao’s hand fiercely, turned around and beat him, and threw Chen Hao to the ground fiercely, the long sword stirred in his body, and more blood spurted out.

“Aaaah!” Huang Ming roared, stomped on Chen Hao’s chest, and smashed the two remaining counterattack shields again, causing Chen Hao to spurt out a mouthful of blood.

With a roar, Chen Hao’s whole body sank into the dirt, and the blood stained the ground red.

The blood qi on Huang Ming’s body rose, but his face was ugly a lot. His body was full of wounds, and the hard blow just now made him lose some strength.


A hand tightly grasped his ankle, and he looked down in amazement, and saw that Chen Hao’s face was full of blood, and his eyes flashed with a thick blood light.

“Roll me!” Chen Hao’s sword flashed with terrifying blood light, and it slashed at Huang Ming’s ankles, and the blade cut into the muscle, erupting with unprecedented lethality, smashing his leg bone into a large piece!

Huang Ming’s body instantly lost its balance, and Chen Hao kicked out, kicking Huang Ming to a stumble!


Huang Ming fell to the ground!

Chen Hao stood up shakily, his body rising with furious killing intent and flesh. His sword was covered with blood, both Huang Ming’s and his own.

Huang Ming slapped the ground and jumped up. One of his ankles was shattered, but that didn’t affect his fighting, his sanity had almost worn out, and now even if he cut off his leg, he would definitely get up.

Name: Huang Ming

Strength: 688

Speed: 693

Critical Hit: 706

Endurance: 85/530

Status: Brute Blood BUFF.EX, Increases Strength, Critical Hits, 75% Speed, Reduces Pain by 60%, Loss of Sanity.

Huang Ming’s face was crazy, his injured foot slammed into the ground, blood spurted out from the shattered wound, a lot of broken bones flew out, and his body shook in front of Chen Hao, and his elbow slammed into Chen Hao’s head.


The whole ground shook for it, and the violent shock wave made the ground crack a lot of cracks. A punch of 688 points of strength smashed Chen Hao’s last counterattack shield and smashed it Chen Hao’s sword.

“Aa Huang Ming roared madly, rushed nearly a hundred meters against Chen Hao’s hard forward, and then was blocked. _

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