When Chen Hao and the others arrived at the training camp, all the rookies were caught, and they squatted on the ground with their heads down, withering, and it seemed that one by one they were all cleaned up honestly.

Seeing that several of Chen Hao’s recruits had been brought back, they were all helpless in their hearts, and they all thought that the brothers and sisters had been arrested.

Chen Hao and a few people stood aside after getting out of the car, because they were not caught, so they did not need to hold their heads and crouch.

“What to see? Don’t you understand why they’re standing and you have to hold your head and crouch here? Lao Gao looked at this group of rookies and all looked at Chen Hao in confusion and shouted loudly.

No one spoke, but the old high didn’t stop.

“Because you are prisoners, and they are victors, I will not say anything more, and then I will tell you what the losers will get, you!” You! …… And you! Lao Gao nodded at ten people in a row and said, “The first ten people to be arrested, you have been eliminated, put your helmets over there, and there will be a car to send you back in a moment.” ”

Old Gao pointed to the flagpole not far away and said calmly.

“Why, I don’t believe it!” A soldier cried out, excitedly looking at the old high, all the projects pulled out to practice, he is definitely not the worst! , but just came and was sent away! Eliminate! He couldn’t accept it!

“It’s not bad to be able to stand here, it’s not bad for you.” Old Gao said calmly.

“Don’t say bad luck, war won’t give you any reason or fluke. Failure is failure, and sophistry is meaningless. The old man said solemnly.

“You’ll get new helmets in the company… Don’t be discouraged, and next time. ”

When ten people heard this, all of them had a bitter face and struggled for a long time, so they put their helmets under the flagpole with difficulty, and then saluted the national flag, one soldier directly cried out, tears wet his cheeks, he was so unwilling, for the special forces selection, prepared for three or four years, but so inexplicably eliminated! How could they be willing!

Chen Hao looked at these people, silently, and sighed softly.

The crowd saluted the ten men neatly, and for a moment, the atmosphere was a little dull.

“What a face, give me a spiritual point!” What are you here for? Old Gao stood high and roared.

“Report! To become an Army Special Forces! A soldier shouted.

“That’s right, everyone at the station is here for this. But the Special Forces are the devils who have risen from hell! A warrior who transcends everything! Look at you guys! So weak, it is better to go back and wear back the crotch pants with a nipple! “The old man’s mouth is much more poisonous than the old cannon, and the words spoken are particularly ugly.”

“All of them! Heavyweight ten kilometers off-road! What are you doing? Execute the command! ”

“Gray Wolf!” Old Gao shouted. “To!” The motor responds.

“You manage these people, from now on, if I see them comfortable for a second, I will make you uncomfortable for three months, hear no?”

“Yes!” The gray wolf straightened up and shouted.

Ten kilometers of off-road is simply a common thing for Chen Hao and others, but there are many rookies who are breathless after running.

“Isn’t it? So vain? How was it chosen? Zhuang Yan couldn’t help but mutter.

“Why don’t you do so much, anyway, we don’t drop the chain ourselves.” Lao Cannon said, but in his heart, he understood that all this was due to Chen Hao’s special training.

“Hell Week is no easier than Haozi’s training, you guys are ready.” Chen Pai instructed in front

“Cut, I don’t care what I train, it’s just that old Gao’s poisonous tongue we have to endure for a while.”

After a day of running, everyone was arranged into a warehouse to transform the dormitory, the environment is unimaginably simple, many rookies complained. Chen Hao didn’t say anything more, and led a few people to find a place to settle down first.

The hygienist Shi Dafan chatted with the paratroopers very speculatively, chatting non-stop, making Chen Hao shake his head continuously.

“I would like to warn you beforehand, don’t sleep too hard. There will definitely be an emergency assembly in the middle of the night, and then instead of blowing the whistle, throwing things in. After Chen Hao reminded several people, he directly sat cross-legged on the bed to cultivate.

Tuna is faster than sleeping, and it can also maintain the awareness of consciousness, and many times Chen Hao will use this method instead of sleep, which is very useful.

In fact, he really wanted to engage in a great cultivation method to practice, but unfortunately, the Science Mall was this one, the cultivation mall was not opened at all, and the lottery could not be drawn, so he could only give up.

“Heavenly Moon, with my current spiritual strength, how long does it take to certify the Heavenly Driver?” “Based on the current 52-point mental value, it takes 30 hours, 35 minutes and 42 seconds to complete the certification.”

“Sure enough, after the value breaks through 50, there will be a lot of improvement, and the time will be cut in half.” Chen Hao nodded, but 30 hours is still too long, and the certification thing has to wait a little longer.

At this time, Chen Hao’s ears moved, and he seemed to hear something.

“The rookies are asleep?” It’s the old high voice. “Well, almost all asleep.” It was the voice of the gray wolf. “Very well, wake them up for me.”

Chen Hao shook his head helplessly, jumped off the bed violently, and kicked out the smoke belt that had just been thrown in. “All got up! Gather! Chen Hao shouted loudly, and instantly woke up many people, and Zhuang Yan and the others directly began to quickly get dressed.

“Well, I lost it back, interesting, throw me a few more!” Old Gao shouted and threw in a few smoke bombs, and without exception was kicked out by Chen Hao.

At this time, almost everyone was woken up, and they quickly got dressed and walked out in a daze.

“We, the Wolf’s Tooth Brigade, are just hospitable! This day to get along, I believe everyone has experienced our enthusiasm! So now there is something that can’t stand it and I can bring it up, and I’ll send you back. The old man smiled and squinted, making people want to step on his face twice, and then crush it again.

In an instant, a few soldiers could not stand such stimulation and withdrew from the selection.

Looking at the figures of these people leaving, Chen Hao couldn’t help but shake his head.

“Is there anything else to quit?!” The old man roared, and everyone responded neatly: “Loyalty to the motherland!” Be loyal to the people! “Very well, since you are all so conscious, I declare that it is now 0 a.m., and Hell Week has officially begun!”

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