“How did you remember coming to Huaxia?” Ma Yunfei narrowed his eyes, the blood in his impression was not very fond of Huaxia, which made him a little wary, and all around him were his people, looking at Chen Hao vigilantly.

“After offending people in the Ying country, come to China to hide for a while.” You said that if I came to Huaxia, I would come looking for you. Chen Hao’s disguised bloody indifference said.

“Who did you kill in the Ying Kingdom?” No one can force you to come to China, right? Ma Yunfei asked strangely. The head of the Doyle family. Chen Hao said a few words and then shut up.

“Sizzle! You’re too bold! Even Ma Yunfei couldn’t help but inhale a cool breath. The Doyle family is a big family in the Ying country, not only with strong funds, but also with a large number of underworld forces.

According to the Tourer family, there is a sword saint who has lived from two hundred years ago to the present, and has great strength. I thought that the blood was also because I was afraid of that sword saint, so I would run to Huaxia.

Ma Yunfei knew some of Huaxia’s secrets, so he understood why Bloody Ran ran to Huaxia to hide. This made him breathe a sigh of relief, and there was a hint of joy in his heart.

Although Bloody is the eighth most killer in the world, it is only because he is too lazy. Ma Yunfei deeply understood the horror of blood, and the strength of Bloody was enough to rank in the top three.

If there is such a powerful killer doing things for him, even if it is only a relationship of interests, it is also an invincible blade!

“Yes, I did say that if you come to China, you can come to me.” Ma Yunfei nodded, and then said, “However, in my place, you can’t eat and drink in vain.” ”

The words “bloody” are concise and direct: “Who to kill?” ”

“Boom! Worthy of bloodshed! Welcome to my Far Mountain Town, where you will not be disappointed. Ma Yunfei said with a smile.

“I didn’t say be your subordinate.” Chen Hao said coldly.

“Of course, of course, you’re bloody, so why would I take you under me?” We are the old rules, the employment relationship. Ma Yunfei said. OK. Chen Hao nodded, and his words were like gold.

“Explain in advance, too simple not to kill, too cheap not to kill.” Killing or not killing depends on my mood, and whether I pick up or not depends on my mood. Of course, you can raise it to a price tag that I can’t refuse. Chen Hao held out a finger and said lightly.

“Deal!” Ma Yunfei immediately agreed.

“In this way, Sixth Son, you arrange the top room for Blood, Tong Tong, you are familiar with this place, you take him to see, he is your savior.” Ma Yunfei patted Ma Qitong and said.

“Brother….. I…” Ma Qitong reluctantly muttered twice, but when he thought that Chen Hao had saved himself, he reluctantly agreed. “Let’s go.” Chen Hao said plainly. The fat man Xiao Liu nodded and walked away with Chen Hao and Ma Qitong.

Ma Yunfei stood where he was, twisted, showed a thoughtful look, and turned away from the place.

Although Yuanshan Town is a remote town, it has a hotel, decorated with golden and grandeur, which is the property of the Ma Group, and the foundation is very clean

Chen Hao chose a presidential suite, casually threw the box of banknotes on the ground, looked at it, and nodded: “Not bad.” “Grandpa, if you’re satisfied.” Little Six laughed continuously.

“Okay, you don’t need it here. Come on. Chen Hao waved his hand, and the fat man left quickly as if he had been granted amnesty. Chen Hao put too much pressure on him, although he knew that Chen Hao and Ma Yunfei were now cooperative partners, but he was still very afraid.

Chen Hao looked at Ma Qitong, who was a little restrained on the side, and asked, “Afraid of me?” Ma Qitong’s face was tight, of course she was afraid, Chen Hao was more terrible than her father and brother.

Although Ma Shichang and Ma Yunfei are fierce, most of the time they let their men kill. The chances of them doing it themselves are very small, and the blood is not the same. There were thousands of bloody killings, and the killing spirit was very strong.

In fact, Chen Hao’s killing qi was even greater than that of the bloody blood, because Chen Hao himself had killed countless enemies in the training space.

“I don’t kill innocent ordinary people, I rarely kill women. You don’t have to worry, I’m not going to kill you. Chen Hao said calmly. I know. Ma Qitong said.

“I know you know, just say it for you to hear.”

Seeing that Ma Qitong was still nervous, Chen Hao was helpless, he thought for a moment and said, “Let’s go, take a look around this place.” Ma Qitong hesitated for a moment and nodded: “Good.” ”

Chen Hao and Ma Qitong walked out of the hotel and began to wander around Yuanshan Town.

On the other side, Ma Yunfei found his father, Ma Shichang.

“Daddy.” Ma Yunfei handed over a photo, which was a photo of “Bloodburn” shooting with a gun, and the bloodshot expression in the photo was indifferent, and a terrifying and dangerous atmosphere came to his face.

“This man saved Tong Tong?” Ma Shichang asked. “Yes.” Ma Yunfei nodded. “Did you check it out?”

“I’ve worked with him, and the information is here.” Ma Yunfei handed over a piece of information.

“Bloody, name unknown, twenty-nine, international S-class wanted man, eighth on the international killer list.” Seven years old became a killer, fifteen years old into the killer list, during the period in the United States, ying country, because of its moody, cruel means, murderous hemp, known as bloody killing gods…”

“Bloody? I’ve heard his name, and he’s a very dangerous killer. How did he get to us? Ma Shichang said in surprise.

“Dad, that’s right. He assassinated the head of the Doyle family in the Ying kingdom and was hunted down to Huaxia. I had worked with him before, so he came to me. This man kills people at will, but with great integrity. His integrity is internationally renowned, and he has promised not to assassinate the people of my Ma family. Ma Yunfei said.

“This person, it’s not easy to control.” Ma Shichang said.

“It’s all right, Dad. Bloodshed is only about profit. He is now temporarily hired by me, as long as he uses it well, it is definitely a big help. Ma Yunfei said.

“Although you know people, you can’t let your guard down. No one can believe it at will, observe him well, let him kill a few policemen, this is the old rule. Ma Shichang said.

“It’s all right, Dad. The number of military personnel and police officers who died at the hands of the bloody dead was countless. At least three lieutenant generals died at his hands. Ma Yunfei said.

“Despite this, we stand by our principles. He has to kill a cop in front of you, didn’t we just catch one recently? Just use him. Ma Shichang said.

“Father, ordinary people don’t shoot blood.” Ma Yunfei said hesitantly.

“No problem, doesn’t he want money?” Give him ten million and let him kill the policeman. That’s the rule, we don’t have bad money. Ma Shichang waved his hand.

“Okay, I’ll arrange it.” Ma Yunfei nodded. _

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