“Speaking of which, I always get weird things out of the system. This is the first time I’ve seen a scroll. Chen Hao looked at the palm-sized scroll in his hand and said.

The scroll is not large, but it has a very large quality, has a little frosted texture to the touch, and is printed with dense incantations, which looks very high-end.

“Supreme Power Scroll, EX Level Item.” You can be exempted from one mission failure penalty or one circumvention world punishment once. ”

“Huh? Deathless Gold Medal? Chen Hao blurted out.

“This can be had!” Chen Hao kissed the scroll fiercely and smiled. “This used to be worried every time I did a task, even if I overturned the ship in the gutter, with this, I am not afraid, haha.”

“EX level items, supreme privilege scrolls.” Even in the EX Diamond Chest, it may not appear, but you got it from the Gold Chest, which is really lucky. Tianyue said in surprise.

“Earn earned, one treasure chest three EX. Chen Hao carefully put the scroll into the space, this is his life-saving supplies, naturally he should collect it well.

“Congratulations.” Tianyue patted Chen Hao and said. “Thank you.” Chen Hao touched Tianyue’s head and smiled. Although Tianyue was not an ordinary little girl, her appearance was so cute, Chen Hao still couldn’t help but touch her soft black hair.

“Did you want to touch my head a long time ago?” Tianyue asked. “Of course, you’ve always been in my head before. It’s still so cute, I definitely want to touch your head. Besides, I’m your master, and there’s nothing wrong with touching your head, right? Chen Hao said boldly.

“Well, no problem.” Tianyue nodded.

“Tianyue, now that you’re out, can you go back?” Chen Hao asked. “Are you asking, can I go back to you?” Tianyue tilted her head and said.

“Well, yes.” Chen Hao nodded.

“Yes, all you need is to silently retract the World Tree Ring.” Tianyue pointed to the World Tree Ring around his neck. “If you just take it down, it doesn’t work, you have to recycle it through the system.”

“I asked this because of your identity problem, you know I’m now pretending to be a killer, and suddenly there is a little girl who is difficult to explain.” Chen Hao said.

“I understand.” Tianyue nodded, she knew everything Chen Hao thought.

“But since you can already have an entity, you don’t have to stay in my body all the time.” After all, if you are always in the system, you should be very lonely, right? Chen Hao laughed.

“Is it lonely…..? Probably. Tianyue blinked, and Chen Hao did not feel any emotion from her. But because of this, Chen Hao felt a strong sense of pity in his heart.

Because it’s AI, is it so empty?

It was difficult for Chen Hao to simply treat Tianyue as a machine AI, because her status in his heart was very high. After all, Tianyue had been accompanying Chen Hao since he was reborn, saying that Tianyue had no feelings, and Chen Hao did not believe it.

If Tianyue didn’t have feelings, then why did Tianyue risk being deleted to save him before?

“Do you care about me?” Tianyue calmed down, she gently touched Chen Hao’s face and smiled lightly, “Maybe this is the emotion?” ”

“Heaven and moon?”


“Why did you touch me before?” What did you think at that time? Chen Hao couldn’t help but ask before he thought back. I don’t know. Tianyue naturally lay in Chen Hao’s arms and said plainly.

“Because I thought so, I did it.”

“Yes.” Chen Hao looked at the ceiling and was stunned.



Chen Hao slept soundly on this night, probably because there was a day and moon as a pillow. Tianyue kept her eyes open all night and lay calmly in Chen Hao’s arms, after all, she was not human and did not need to sleep.

“It’s so cunning.” In Tianyue’s mind, the mature Tianyue said playfully. “Obviously, the right to love is added by your own request, but it is very unfair to insist that it is the right of the host.”

“I’m satisfied now, so I don’t bother to pay attention to you.” Tianyue said calmly.

“…… Are you really easy to satisfy, have you become a child in your body and a child in your heart? ”

“Actually, you envy me, don’t you?”

“……. Yeah, I envy you. ”



After sleeping for about four hours, Chen Hao woke up, and for him now, four hours was enough for him to recover all his energy. If it is deep sleep, two hours is enough.

“Good morning.” Tianyue conveyed to him the morning greetings and a hint of joy. “Good morning.” Chen Hao gently took her aside and asked, “What is so happy?” ”

“Things in the system, procedural problems.” Tianyue said.

“Oh, that’s right.” Chen Hao nodded. “By the way, I communicate with you in this function, just feel the idea in person, if the heart shields words I can’t feel.” 」 Tianyue said.

“Well, okay.” Chen Hao nodded.

“It’s almost dawn and I’m ready to go out. You grievance, come back first? Chen Hao asked. Good. Tianyue nodded.

“Instruction: World Tree Ring Recycling.”

“Order confirmation.”

The World Tree Ring hanging around Tianyue’s neck flashed with colored light and slowly drifted into Chen Hao’s hand, while Tianyue’s body slowly faded into nothingness.

“Sure enough, it’s better to be outside.” Tianyue’s voice sounded in Chen Hao’s consciousness.

“You’re going to take a look, it’s not convenient yet.” Chen Hao said helplessly. “By the way, you have taken it back, so where are you equipped?” “Gear recovery system that I wear automatically the next time I show up.” Tianyue said.

“That’s right, it’s very convenient.” Chen Hao nodded.

Chen Hao walked out the door with a bloody face and threw a few bills to the waiter, and he immediately ran to prepare breakfast for Chen Hao. It is now five o’clock in the morning, and it is already normal business time for Yuanshan Town.

These people have figured out the “bloody” character and demand the best of everything. They also knew that the blood was a big sum, and soon brought Chen Hao a high-class and excessively high breakfast.

After breakfast, Chen Hao walked out of the hotel and walked around Yuanshan Town.

He had no purpose, just simply wandered around Yuanshan Town, saw what shops he would go in and see, spend money if he was interested, and spend money when he was not interested.

It’s about spending money anyway.

Chen Hao had lived like this for two days in a row, and Yuanshan Town also knew that there was such a strange man who liked to spend money. But when someone spends money, they are naturally willing. _

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