Yuanshan Town is a long way from the tea plantations, and it is a dirt road, which is very bumpy, this is wild, the shrubs are high, and the trees are next to it.

Lone Wolf Groups A and B are hidden here.

Special forces act as sharp knives, one step ahead of others to enter the battlefield and ambush. Their task is to behead, as well as to spy. And this time, due to Chen Hao’s presence, they were given very detailed information, so their operation was very smooth, and no one knew that they were here.

Ma Yunfei sat in the car, looking around, and there was always an ominous premonition in his heart. The afterglow of the corner of his eye swept twice, and suddenly he found that somewhere seemed to reflect a little, as if it were a broken piece of glass.

His heart clattered.


“Be careful!” Ma Yunfei just shouted out this sentence, only to hear a gunshot, the tire of the jeep driving in the front exploded, the driver was unexpected, subconsciously pressed the brakes, the back was not too late to stop, the three cars crashed together, and everyone inside turned over.

“Ambush!” Someone yelled and pushed the car door.


He was instantly shot in the chest and fell to the ground.

“Don’t move!”

“Don’t move! Stop resisting! ”

In the surrounding woods appeared in an instant a dozen heavily armed, camouflage soldiers, holding their guns high in their hands and drinking heavily.


One of his men who tried to resist was shot and killed.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Lone Wolf A has extremely high combat strength and execution, instantly killing the enemy who is blocking the front corner, and quickly replenishing the gun and approaching the second car.

“Bastard!” Ma Yunfei was furious and reached out his pistol.


The window of the car could not resist the bullet, Ma Yunfei’s hand was directly shot through, and the pistol fell on the seat.

“Don’t move!” With a loud sigh, some warm muzzles of the gun were pressed against Ma Yunfei’s head, making his face look vicious, but he honestly put down the gun.

“Get off!” The old cannon dragged Ma Yunfei out of the car and held them against the door with a gun.

“Control is complete.”

Ma Yunfei obviously did not expect that there would be an ambush in the middle of this trip, he only took eight subordinates, these subordinates are very loyal, but obviously the enemy can not defeat the well-trained special forces, they were instantly put down, A and B groups converged, more than a dozen guns were aimed at Ma Yunfei at the same time, so that they honestly stood well.

“Hiss…” Ma Yunfei’s right hand was pierced, and blood remained on the ground, making his face more and more ugly. How do you know? I don’t understand! He said.

“Skynet is restored, neglect without leakage!” Ma Yunfei, you sell drugs, the people, should know that there will be such an end! Chen Pai Yizheng said with a straight face.

“Cut…” Ma Yunfei gritted his teeth.

“Who told you the news?” Fei asked in a low voice. “Knowing my whereabouts so accurately is definitely undercover. Who is it? ”

“It’s me.”

A man in a black trench coat walked over with a little girl with a cold face, and it was Chen Hao and Tianyue, disguised as bloody.

Ma Yunfei’s face was shocked, he really did not expect that such a “business partner” would betray him.


“Why?! Bloody? Why would you give your life to the government? Ma Yunfei roared.

“Am I not giving enough money?” Or did I mistreat you?! ”

“Of course, blood will not give the government its life.” Chen Hao’s tone was no longer cold, and he restored his original calm and playful voice.

“But who told you I was bloodied?”

Chen Hao stretched out his hand, slightly buckled on his chin, and lifted it. In an instant, a human skin mask was removed, exposing his true face.

“You’re not bloody!” Ma Yunfei gritted his teeth and said.

“Yes, I’m not bloody.” Chen Hao naturally nodded and said, “I am the Heavenly Dynasty Army, the Wolf’s Tooth Special Brigade, the Special Soldier, Chen Hao.” ”

“It’s impossible, you’re not bloody, why would you know…” The second elder of the Ma family asked in amazement.

“That’s the way it is.” Chen Hao shrugged.

“Ma Yunfei, in fact, I appreciate you. Unfortunately, the Tao is different and does not conspire with each other. You have done unforgivable things and committed grave sins. ”


Chen Hao tilted his head and dodged a shot that Ma Yunfei had hidden in his sleeve. The bullet whistled past the side of his cheek and into the woods next to him.

“Don’t do anything meaningless, you know in your own heart that you can’t hit me.”

Chen Hao looked at Ma Yunfei, who was forcibly pressed to the ground by several special soldiers, and said calmly. “Be honest, settle your sins, and wait for the trial.”

“Take them away.”

Ma Yunfei and the three people were escorted away, Lone Wolf A’s people quickly withdrew, and the people of Group B quickly assembled.

“All right, Silver Wolf. You just appeared really handsome, so can pretend? The old cannon hammered Chen Hao and laughed. It’s technical, you know what? Chen Hao retorted without anger.

“This is your sister?” Chen Pai looked at Tianyue beside Chen Hao and asked.

“Well, my sister, Tianyue. She is my classmate and is now a member of Xuanyuan Valley. Chen Hao conveniently draped Tianyue with a layer of Xuanyuan Valley identity, anyway, he is now also the core figure of Xuanyuan Valley, an identity, naturally there is no problem.

“Don’t look at her as young, she’s only a year younger than me.” Chen Hao patted Tianyue’s head and smiled.

“That’s right, hello, I’m Chen Guotao.” Chen Pai gave Tianyue a military salute, because Tianyue was a member of Xuanyuan Valley, and the rank was major by default, which was higher than him.

“Hello sister, my name is Deng Zhenhua, and they all call me paratrooper.” The paratrooper said with a hippie smile. “Paratrooper, he’s an ostrich.” The hygienist was giggling on the side.

“Can you make a good impression on me?” The paratrooper rolled his eyes.

“Come on, what good impression can you have?” The old cannon looked at the paratrooper in disgust and said to Tianyue, “I am Zheng San Cannon, and I can call the old cannon or the cannon brother.” ”

“Brother Cannon, well, this cheap can be taken.” Xiao Geng nodded and said, “I am Geng Jihui.” ”

“My name is Chen Xiwa, and my sister is good.” Chen Xiwa said shyly.

“Hello brothers.” Tianyue was well-behaved, she had known Chen Hao’s brothers for a long time, so her attitude was very friendly.

“Be well, rest assured, you are our sister. Whoever dares to bully you, we will surely teach him a lesson! The old cannon immediately patted his chest and said. Right, right, we protect you! The paratroopers kept nodding.

“Come on, stop it.” Hadron said without anger. “We still have a task, don’t let it go. Besides, people are Hao Brother’s sister, don’t you have no points in your heart? “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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